Part One: The Homelessness of Man
Part Two: Imperialism, or The Mistake About Man
II Wisdom And The Weather
III The Common Vision
Part Three: Feminism, or The Mistake About Woman
I The Unmilitary Suffragette
II. The Universal Stick
III. The Emancipation of Domesticity
IV. The Romance of Thrift
V. The Coldness of Chloe
VI. The Pedant and the Savage
VII. The Modern Surrender of Woman
VIII. The Brand of the Fleur-de-lis
IX. Sincerity and the Gallows
X. The Higher Anarchy
XI. The Queen and the Suffragettes
XII. The Modern Slave
Part Four: Education: Or, the Mistake About the Child
V. An Evil Cry
XIV. Folly and Female Education
Three Notes
I. On Female Suffrage