The problem with a whore is she takes the obnoxious high risk behavior women engage in to ridiculous extremes. Even with all the crap women do, few are having sexual contacts into the hundreds per year with complete lack of restrictions. However, all whores do this. And a whore that will have sex with you for money will happily have sex with a high risk man, without a condom….for more money. Anyplace (like the United States, for example) where being whore is all about letting men beat you in exchange for speedy drugs, you are almost guaranteed to be exposed to AIDS, many other diseases almost as deadly/nasty, not to mention the criminal element. Just say NO to any westernized woman who has ever worked in the sex for money industry in any capacity. Although every woman has a screw loose, these women have 90% of their screws loose. Quite frankly, your chances of being exposed to AIDS is close to nil, unless you specifically go looking for it by screwing prostitutes or specifically seek out the IV drug user crowd or if you have sex with men.
I cannot comment on the sex for money scene outside the US but I think it’s asking for trouble. Definitely, not something you should even consider unless you spend a significant amount of time investigating the real risks involved. The problem though is there are people with an agenda who don’t want you to have access to that scene, who lie about the risks (which, of course makes people doubt the risk is real). But, there are also people involved in the scene who lie the other way about the risks because denial is a big part of how they handle those risks. The truth is there is significant risk…..of catching AIDS (I actually know a guy who died of AIDS this way), of catching something else just as bad, of being robbed etc., and lots of other stuff. Anyone who tells you different is LYING. What you need is truthful information that allows you to plan behaviors that minimize your risk. If you can’t or simply won’t do that, then the price in terms of risk is probably unacceptably high.
Personally, I wouldn’t consider an American prostitute under any circumstances. They are the worst women on the planet and I’d enter a monastery before I let one of those sick bitches even touch me. I might consider a woman from one of the eastern countries like this but only if she was of such high quality that I would never see a woman like that here, let alone screw her. And I would only do that if I spent a hell of a lot of time minimizing my risk and networking with guys who frequent that specific scene and know what they are doing.
Previous Bonecrcker Index Next
Bonecrcker #79 - Prostitution
Bonecrcker #108 – Feminism Pushes the Whore/Customer Model
Bonecrcker #117 – Would You Strip Down In A Room With A Crack Addict?
Wednesday, March 31, 2004
Tuesday, March 30, 2004
Bonecrcker #91 - Could She Just Walk Out Of Your Life?
Could? Will is more like it. She WILL walk out of your life without remorse. This is a concept you absolutely must understand when dealing with western women. She WILL walk out of your life without remorse AND, depending on how embedded she was in your life, cause varying levels of problems WHEN she leaves AND, depending on how fucked up she is, try to harm you and/or any children you have together, up to the limit you allow her to.
You cannot ignore the implications of this when you decide what type of relationship to have with a woman. Choose wisely and in such a way that it limits the mischief she causes. Or else…..
Also, when she is with you, she is in no way limiting herself just to you. Another thing to know about before deciding if monogamy (a scam) is for you. You never know about it, but she is actively looking for other men the entire time she is with you and goes through a string of men (whether you are married, living together or just dating), the entire time you know her. You can’t let her know you know because she will just deny it and step up her search for your replacement. The moment she finds one, you’re gone.
Lastly, the moment a woman “has you”, she no longer wants you and will stop trying. The moment you accept the monogamous relationship, the bad behavior starts and she will soon be gone. You can’t keep her. But, you can make her stay around longer by making her compete.
So, should you cheat on her? No, that’s something a pussy whipped man, who is unworthy of respect, does. The only thing that will earn bad behavior more than monogamy is lying about monogamy. Do you lay down the law and say, look bitch; I just want pussy from you? Maybe. That works, but only with the most fucked up women. These women are into finding new and interesting ways to make themselves and you suffer…..avoid them. The best way to do this is to never allow the monogamous relationship to form in the first place. You must rigidly control how fast and how deep the relationship develops. You must set limits. You must say no to everything she asks for. And you must severely limit the time you spend with any particular woman (once every two weeks is a good rule of thumb). Make the time you spend with her, intense, but limited (ie valuable). She will inevitably ask why. The answer should always be vague, never defensive, and always some version of, I’m a busy man with a limited amount of time. Never allow her to think you are monogamous with her or that the relationship is getting serious but don’t rub her face in the fact that you see other women (nobody’s business but yours). Don’t allow her to make you accountable for time you spend away from her. Don’t let her leave shit at your apartment. And, whatever you do, don’t stop your behaviors designed to meet new women. In fact, since you have a woman, it’s a good time to step up those behaviors because this magically makes you much more attractive to women in general (and the effect is cumulative).
Previous Bonecrcker Index Next
Bonecrcker #47 – Living in La-La-Land
Bonecrcker #86 – It’s Very Difficult To Come To Terms With How Fast An Important Relationship Vanishes
Bonecrcker #152 – The Predatory Female
Monday, March 29, 2004
Bonecrcker #90 - There is No Point in Approaching Any Woman Who Doesn't Look At You And Go "Yum"
There is absolutely no point in approaching any woman who doesn’t look at you physically and go…yum. So, your picture should be upfront, probably several, showing you in great detail, as a screening device to get rid of women you have no chance with. Even that isn’t good enough because the picture is a poor representation of you in person and can’t convey body language, speech, smell, mannerisms, whatever (one of the reasons I think online personals are a waste of time). Somewhere between 1 and 10% of women will look at you and go yum. However, very few of them will be open to you for one reason or another, mostly for reasons that have absolutely nothing to do with you.
The number one reason a woman might not be open is because women choose men the way that bulimics choose food……they binge. A bulimic will deny her normal urge to eat and starve herself for long periods of time and then lose control and gorge herself on food that is bad for her, then shame herself afterward. As the disease progresses, the shame becomes addicting and she engages in this behavior for masochistic reasons, to feel the shame (ick). Women look at you and go, yum, but (unless you are very good at enticing them) they will deny their normal need for sex, love, companionship and intimacy, because they are holding out for Fabio. Of course the average woman never meets Fabio or Donald Trump or James Bond or whatever her wacko fantasy of perfect is, and after awhile her unmet needs overwhelm her. Then she grabs just anybody, usually the scum of the earth because they are easy to get. She feels shame afterward. BUT, she becomes addicted to the shame (identifies herself as being a bad person) and seeks out that type of partner more and more. You absolutely don’t want one of these freaks in the advanced stages of the illness.
Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to learn ways to know which women are looking at you and going yum, focus exclusively on those women, with the main goal of finding out if they are currently restricting themselves or not. THAT behavior is the one that pays dividends with women. That and learning how to entice women. Trying to approach and convince women to like you is COMPLETELY ineffective, except for the rare case where a guy gets a live one, by pure luck.
Or you could do it the hard and painful way and approach two or three hundred women at random and see who bites.
Previous Bonecrcker Index Next
Bonecrcker #34 – Online Dating – Not!
Bonecrcker #53 – Online Dating is a Scam
Bonecrcker #89 - Identifying Women Who Are Wasting Your Time
Bonecrcker #124 – Women on Online Personals Are Just Wasting Your Time
The number one reason a woman might not be open is because women choose men the way that bulimics choose food……they binge. A bulimic will deny her normal urge to eat and starve herself for long periods of time and then lose control and gorge herself on food that is bad for her, then shame herself afterward. As the disease progresses, the shame becomes addicting and she engages in this behavior for masochistic reasons, to feel the shame (ick). Women look at you and go, yum, but (unless you are very good at enticing them) they will deny their normal need for sex, love, companionship and intimacy, because they are holding out for Fabio. Of course the average woman never meets Fabio or Donald Trump or James Bond or whatever her wacko fantasy of perfect is, and after awhile her unmet needs overwhelm her. Then she grabs just anybody, usually the scum of the earth because they are easy to get. She feels shame afterward. BUT, she becomes addicted to the shame (identifies herself as being a bad person) and seeks out that type of partner more and more. You absolutely don’t want one of these freaks in the advanced stages of the illness.
Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to learn ways to know which women are looking at you and going yum, focus exclusively on those women, with the main goal of finding out if they are currently restricting themselves or not. THAT behavior is the one that pays dividends with women. That and learning how to entice women. Trying to approach and convince women to like you is COMPLETELY ineffective, except for the rare case where a guy gets a live one, by pure luck.
Or you could do it the hard and painful way and approach two or three hundred women at random and see who bites.
Previous Bonecrcker Index Next
Bonecrcker #34 – Online Dating – Not!
Bonecrcker #53 – Online Dating is a Scam
Bonecrcker #89 - Identifying Women Who Are Wasting Your Time
Bonecrcker #124 – Women on Online Personals Are Just Wasting Your Time
Sunday, March 28, 2004
Bonecrcker #89 - Identifying Women Who Are Wasting Your Time
Pushy is the difference between a desperate used car salesman and one who is trying to identify high probability sales. The first goes after everybody, cares nothing about their wants and needs and tries to coerce the person into buying something that isn’t in their best interest. The high probability guy is doing the opposite. First, he’s highly selective in who he approaches, only going towards people that seem to be looking for a salesman on the floor. Then, he tries to discover what she wants and needs to see if he has that available. However, if the potential customer doesn’t cooperate with his behaviors designed to establish the fact that he is trustworthy and his behaviors to try an find out what she wants and needs or worse, he finds out she won’t buy from him, even if he identifies something perfect for her, he walks away from the sale, because there is no point and the whole thing is just a waste of both of their time.
Most women are just wasting your time. Even if you are perfect for them, THEY NEVER HAD ANY INTENTION OF MEETING YOU IN THE FIRST PLACE. How do you know? They resist your attempts to establish trust. They are vague and elusive when you try to find out if you are a good match for them. They waste your time incessantly even after it becomes clear they don’t want you. But most of all, after you have established trust and found out you are what they want and need, they won’t meet you in person (arrrrgh). When you try to convince them that they should meet you, they react the same way as if you were trying to pressure them into meeting you when they aren’t attracted to you at all. They call you pushy. If you try to get them to contact you without establishing trust and/or they aren’t attracted to you, then you actually are pushy. However, most men don’t do this. What’s going on is they have established trust and identified themselves as a good match. The problem is the woman just isn’t really looking at all. Calling you pushy in this case is a manipulative attempt to deny responsibility for her own behavior. The only way to handle both of these situations is to just walk away.
Previous Bonecrcker Index Next
Bonecrcker #34 – Online Dating – Not!
Bonecrcker #53 – Online Dating is a Scam
Bonecrcker #90 – There Is No Point In Approaching Any Woman Who Doesn’t Look At You And Go “Yum”
Bonecrcker #124 – Women on Online Personals Are Just Wasting Your Time
Most women are just wasting your time. Even if you are perfect for them, THEY NEVER HAD ANY INTENTION OF MEETING YOU IN THE FIRST PLACE. How do you know? They resist your attempts to establish trust. They are vague and elusive when you try to find out if you are a good match for them. They waste your time incessantly even after it becomes clear they don’t want you. But most of all, after you have established trust and found out you are what they want and need, they won’t meet you in person (arrrrgh). When you try to convince them that they should meet you, they react the same way as if you were trying to pressure them into meeting you when they aren’t attracted to you at all. They call you pushy. If you try to get them to contact you without establishing trust and/or they aren’t attracted to you, then you actually are pushy. However, most men don’t do this. What’s going on is they have established trust and identified themselves as a good match. The problem is the woman just isn’t really looking at all. Calling you pushy in this case is a manipulative attempt to deny responsibility for her own behavior. The only way to handle both of these situations is to just walk away.
Previous Bonecrcker Index Next
Bonecrcker #34 – Online Dating – Not!
Bonecrcker #53 – Online Dating is a Scam
Bonecrcker #90 – There Is No Point In Approaching Any Woman Who Doesn’t Look At You And Go “Yum”
Bonecrcker #124 – Women on Online Personals Are Just Wasting Your Time
Saturday, March 27, 2004
Bonecrkcer #88 - The Moment You Ask A Woman For Something, Your Value Pummets
I will go so far as to say you cannot ask a woman out (or for anything else, for that matter). The very minute you ask for something, anything, your value plummets. It has nothing to do with you and everything to do with the fact that the woman is insane. The incredible irony of this is, the woman was probably interested in you, if she’s hanging out with you, but the moment you show interest or ask for something, or try to impress her, you become worthless in her eyes.
This is why it is so important that your initial approach is oblique, feigning disinterest and focussing on attracting her rather than pursuing her. It’s also why you should never, EVER approach a woman who doesn’t show clear signs of interest. And, you are probably wasting your time with anyone but one percenters (the 1% of women who will show strong signs of interest if you elicit them). Identifying the right woman is far more important than the approach (although the wrong approach will also lead to failure).
It sucks. But what can you do. Women are nuts.
Previous Bonecrcker Index Next
Bonecrcker #127 – Timing is Important
This is why it is so important that your initial approach is oblique, feigning disinterest and focussing on attracting her rather than pursuing her. It’s also why you should never, EVER approach a woman who doesn’t show clear signs of interest. And, you are probably wasting your time with anyone but one percenters (the 1% of women who will show strong signs of interest if you elicit them). Identifying the right woman is far more important than the approach (although the wrong approach will also lead to failure).
It sucks. But what can you do. Women are nuts.
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Bonecrcker #127 – Timing is Important
Friday, March 26, 2004
Bonecrcker #87 - Abuse Is A Game You Can't Win
Abuse is a game you can’t win. As a matter of fact, the main purpose of abuse is to get you to abuse her. Once a relationship has devolved into abuse it becomes very unstable and feeds off the abuse. This often involves slow but steady escalation. The only way to handle this is to terminate the relationship, quickly and permanently. Having other options (ie other women) is an excellent technique to absolutely prevent abuse. Women whine incessantly that men are abusers but that’s a lie. The truth is that, mysteriously, abuse is completely absent when a man reserves options (forbids monogamy and living together). Quite literally, physical and verbal abuse is a cycle that women start, women maintain, and women escalate. Making it clear that the relationship is over at the very FIRST sign of this, is 100% effective in preventing all abuse. Don’t ever put up with the slightest bad behavior. You don’t have to play that game. Doing so makes you a loser.
Previous Bonecrcker Index Next
Bonecrcker #1 - Abuse
Bonecrcker #68 – Two Things That Men Need To Know About Domestic Violence
Bonecrcker #105 - Stalkers
Bonecrcker #180 - Sarcasm
Previous Bonecrcker Index Next
Bonecrcker #1 - Abuse
Bonecrcker #68 – Two Things That Men Need To Know About Domestic Violence
Bonecrcker #105 - Stalkers
Bonecrcker #180 - Sarcasm
Thursday, March 25, 2004
Bonecrcker #86 - It's Very Difficult To Come To Terms With How Fast An Important Relationship Evaporates
(Re: A man with a psychotic wife)
It’s very difficult to come to terms with how quickly an important relationship (important to you, not to her) evaporates. It’s happened to me. It’s happened to a lot of guys here. All I can say is there is a hell of a lot more going on with women, particularly women like this, than meets the eye. Much of it is intentional deception on their part, much of it is psychotic behavior (literally in this case, with a diagnosis like bipolar). Because of this, and because of certain patterns of behavior that go along with this, it just isn’t safe for you to still have her in your life. You need to train yourself to discount what women say and watch for patterns in what they do. In this case, she is telling you certain things but I think you should protect yourself from certain behaviours she is likely to engage in. What she says and what she does probably won’t match up. I think you should divorce her as quickly and cleanly as possible, take extreme measures to make sure she never again darkens your doorstep (and she probably will try to) and examine the many warning signs this one showed you to prevent all the others (and there will be others) just like her from coming into your life.
The point I’m trying to make is there are several major patterns you see again and again with women, relationships and divorce. The patterns are repeating and pretty reliable from relationship to relationship. Yours is one of them… of the more extreme and disturbing ones. Unfortunately, there are some dangerous behaviours that go along with this particular pattern that I think you should look out for.
One thing I am a BIG advocate of is men identifying women like this as early as possible and getting rid of them. There is no hope of making things work because the other person is just broken and can’t be fixed. If you try, you will be hurt, maybe even killed (I’m not exaggerating with that). Marrying them is one of the worst mistakes a man can make in life and if a man wakes up one day and finds himself in such a bad situation, he needs to be aware of what could happen (hell, what is likely to happen) and extricate himself carefully and in a protected way.
The first step is knowing what is going on. Groups like this can help, but what you really need is a support group of divorced men (men only!) to compare notes with and talk about these issues. I think you will be shocked at the similarity you would have with other guys going through the same thing. Similarity in behaviours from the women, similarity in ways of thinking, and similarity in what happens. But, there is also similarity in ways you can deal with these things too.
Previous Bonecrcker Index Next
Bonecrcker #47 – Living in La-La-Land
Bonecrcker #91 – Could She Just Walk Out Of Your Life?
Bonecrcker #152 – The Predatory Female
Men Harmed by Relationships More Than Women
It’s very difficult to come to terms with how quickly an important relationship (important to you, not to her) evaporates. It’s happened to me. It’s happened to a lot of guys here. All I can say is there is a hell of a lot more going on with women, particularly women like this, than meets the eye. Much of it is intentional deception on their part, much of it is psychotic behavior (literally in this case, with a diagnosis like bipolar). Because of this, and because of certain patterns of behavior that go along with this, it just isn’t safe for you to still have her in your life. You need to train yourself to discount what women say and watch for patterns in what they do. In this case, she is telling you certain things but I think you should protect yourself from certain behaviours she is likely to engage in. What she says and what she does probably won’t match up. I think you should divorce her as quickly and cleanly as possible, take extreme measures to make sure she never again darkens your doorstep (and she probably will try to) and examine the many warning signs this one showed you to prevent all the others (and there will be others) just like her from coming into your life.
The point I’m trying to make is there are several major patterns you see again and again with women, relationships and divorce. The patterns are repeating and pretty reliable from relationship to relationship. Yours is one of them… of the more extreme and disturbing ones. Unfortunately, there are some dangerous behaviours that go along with this particular pattern that I think you should look out for.
One thing I am a BIG advocate of is men identifying women like this as early as possible and getting rid of them. There is no hope of making things work because the other person is just broken and can’t be fixed. If you try, you will be hurt, maybe even killed (I’m not exaggerating with that). Marrying them is one of the worst mistakes a man can make in life and if a man wakes up one day and finds himself in such a bad situation, he needs to be aware of what could happen (hell, what is likely to happen) and extricate himself carefully and in a protected way.
The first step is knowing what is going on. Groups like this can help, but what you really need is a support group of divorced men (men only!) to compare notes with and talk about these issues. I think you will be shocked at the similarity you would have with other guys going through the same thing. Similarity in behaviours from the women, similarity in ways of thinking, and similarity in what happens. But, there is also similarity in ways you can deal with these things too.
Previous Bonecrcker Index Next
Bonecrcker #47 – Living in La-La-Land
Bonecrcker #91 – Could She Just Walk Out Of Your Life?
Bonecrcker #152 – The Predatory Female
Men Harmed by Relationships More Than Women
Wednesday, March 24, 2004
Bonecrkcer #85 - The Bible is Anti-Woman?

Feminists would have you believe the bible is anti-woman and a tool men use to oppress women. Many people swallow that crap and abandon the bible as a source of wisdom and abandon religion and belief in God as being made up to enslave people. They never stop to ask three things. One, is what the bible saying true? Two, does the point seem to be mean spirited, oppressive or hateful toward women? And three, being simply an arbitrary collection of other books the early Christians used, is everything in it of equal value or is some of it correct and some of it wrong?
For the most part, the bible isn’t anti-woman and much of what’s in there about women and how to deal with them is correct. Further, those who say different seem to have an agenda of separating people from their faith as a means of controlling them (ironic that they should claim the faith controls them, lol). It’s important to examine these ideas and try to see if you can verify if they are true or not by observing their application in everyday life. Because it is only that process that can sort out the truth from the crap.
There is great danger in not doing that process. Because you can easily accept attitudes, philosophies and beliefs as true, even though they support behaviours that don’t work. People get attached to these and then start selectively attending to (or even making up) “evidence” that supports their position while desperately denying whatever contradicts it. That makes you powerless and usually results in intense suffering. Instead, what people should do is something almost like the scientific method. Treat the beliefs as a theory. Then try to hypothesize what will happen in specific situations when you choose behavior based on the theory. When the hypothesis is correct, it adds evidence that the theory is strong. Replace weak theories with strong ones, making your behavior more and more effective.
My point is the bible isn’t misogynistic. It’s warning of the problems inherent in women that have been with us from the beginning. Specifically it’s warning us not to be tolerant of them or we end up with the type of problems we are starting to see today. But there are people who actually DO hate women. They use the problems that men are starting to wake up to as a chance to sneak a bunch of stuff in there that isn’t true, particularly in regard to how to deal with women. They advocate punishing women and causing them pain. Those men are fools but tough to distinguish from the real information that is becoming available (after all, there was a time for each of us that we would never have believed the things we know about women today). Hence, the warning to always test ideas about women and techniques to deal with them. Only retain what you can observe for yourself and keep those techniques that work. Why? Because, if you don’t, the crap will prevent you from seeing things as they really are and will disempower you.
A "misogynistic" quote from the Bible is a good example of people throwing bullshit at you in an attempt to get you to dismiss ideas that might illuminate the truth and lead to powerful ways of dealing with things. If you never questioned the idea that what the Bible says about women is motivated by hatred, it would slide right by you. There are ALOT of people walking around that absolutely hate Christianity because they accept little tidbits without examination. They have been skilfully and purposefully separated from their faith by people who want to manipulate them. Feminists are only one of these types of people.

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Tuesday, March 23, 2004
Bonecrcker #83 - Women Go to Clubs to be Seen and Cause Trouble
Women go to clubs to be seen and cause trouble. The last thing on their minds is meeting men. There is no point. However, in many clubs that trouble takes the form of doing drugs so the criminal element, of course, moves in. With no chance of getting laid, do you really want to be in that environment? The whole scene is pathetic.
Previous Bonecrcker Index Next
Bonecrcker #66 – Singles Events
Bonecrcker #115 – Women Go To Singles Events To Be Seen, Not To Pick Up Men
Bonecrcker #146 – No Cover Charge For The Ladies
Previous Bonecrcker Index Next
Bonecrcker #66 – Singles Events
Bonecrcker #115 – Women Go To Singles Events To Be Seen, Not To Pick Up Men
Bonecrcker #146 – No Cover Charge For The Ladies
Boncecrcker #84 - Women Going for Evil Losers
...Women don’t go for the Olympic gymnast who dresses like a model….no, no, no. That would make sense. They go after the guy who looks like he might be a loser. Specifically, they go after the guy who looks like he might be an EVIL loser. Although a significant number go after the over-weight janitor of the local high school, most want the over-weight drug dealer with rotting teeth. The whole thing is sick.
Imagine, if you will, men ignoring Pamela Anderson or the girls from the Victoria Secret catalogue…..indeed, treating them like pathetic losers. All the while, chasing after crack addicts, combat boot wearing lesbians, and other women with bad BO and a bullet hole or two. And then, after reaching age 60 or so, doing Pamela Anderson a favour by going out on a date with her, but only because you know she has money. That’s the situation we have with American women in this country with regard to men here. Something is wrong with THEM.
Previous Bonecrcker Index Next
Bonecrcker #5 – Women Choosing Losers
Bonecrcker #6 – Women Choosing Extinction
Bonecrcker #10 – Women Choosing Scum
Bonecrcker #25 – On Asshole “Game”
Bonecrcker #94 – Evil, Not Power, Is The Defining Attribute Of Women’s Attraction Toward Evil Men
Bonecrcker #118 – Women Who Marry Scumbags
Imagine, if you will, men ignoring Pamela Anderson or the girls from the Victoria Secret catalogue…..indeed, treating them like pathetic losers. All the while, chasing after crack addicts, combat boot wearing lesbians, and other women with bad BO and a bullet hole or two. And then, after reaching age 60 or so, doing Pamela Anderson a favour by going out on a date with her, but only because you know she has money. That’s the situation we have with American women in this country with regard to men here. Something is wrong with THEM.
Previous Bonecrcker Index Next
Bonecrcker #5 – Women Choosing Losers
Bonecrcker #6 – Women Choosing Extinction
Bonecrcker #10 – Women Choosing Scum
Bonecrcker #25 – On Asshole “Game”
Bonecrcker #94 – Evil, Not Power, Is The Defining Attribute Of Women’s Attraction Toward Evil Men
Bonecrcker #118 – Women Who Marry Scumbags
Monday, March 22, 2004
Bonecrcker #82 - Women in Power
I used to work the night shift as part of the zombie squad for the inpatient mental health hospital for Cook County (Chicago). One night I walked in, went over the charts, got the patients settled and started to create the next day’s treatment plans, when I notice a black cane in the corner. Now, having knowledge of various things like weapons and knowing that many of our patients are criminal scum, I was immediately suspicious. I pick it up thinking it’s probably a zip gun smuggled on the unit by some dangerous psycho and start fiddling with it. Eventually, I discover it is actually a hidden storage device and extract four or five vials filled with brandy of all things. Of course, I write it up in the duty log and secure the cane in a locked cabinet. By morning, the next shift shows up and I explain what happened to one of the women who is taking over for me. I find out…’s HER cane! She turns as white as a ghost as I explain what I found and then goes into this long bullshit explanation about how she bought it at a garage sale and had no idea what was inside (boy is she a lousy liar). I’m like……alcoholic. Anyway, over the next week, I notice that several of the patients are using the cane (note, neither the patients, nor the female staffers need a cane to walk with….all being young and relatively healthy). So, I start to lean on the patients and discover that this wacko staffer is trading the alcohol in the cane to male patients in exchange for sex and drugs. I immediately reported this to my superior (another woman) and the head of the clinic system (still another woman). A month later, I left that job to work on my doctorate. But a year or so later, what do I find, but the female staffer who was doing this sick shit was promoted to the head of that individual clinic while my old superior was made head of the entire system. That system crashed less than a year later leaving no services for the severely mentally ill in all of Cook County (at least those who don’t have money) for quite some time.
This is a clear and specific example of just how big a mistake it is to promote women into positions of power and what happens when you do.
Previous Bonecrcker Index Next
Bonecrcker #18 – Three Rules To Follow
Bonecrcker #63 – Most People Who Work in Community Mental Health are Insane
This is a clear and specific example of just how big a mistake it is to promote women into positions of power and what happens when you do.
Previous Bonecrcker Index Next
Bonecrcker #18 – Three Rules To Follow
Bonecrcker #63 – Most People Who Work in Community Mental Health are Insane
Sunday, March 21, 2004
Bonecrcker #81 - You Cannot Change Women
There are three things you need if you want a lot of women to be attracted to you. The first is you need to be in shape. Not being fat is good but being muscular is better. The second thing you need is the right clothes. What are the right clothes? The clothes that women react positively to you in (as opposed to the clothes you want to be wearing). Want to learn more about the right clothes than you ever wanted to know? Go sign up for one of R Don Steele’s workshops on this. Be polite. Steele isn’t known for tolerating bad behavior….at all. The third thing you need is the right attitude. Whole books can and have been written about this. But, the crux of the issue is you must be completely assertive with a woman, have options and be willing to dump women who engage in bad behavior. Steele is a good source and I highly recommend his books.
However, that being said, you cannot change women, you cannot change women, you CANNOT change women. Your relationship is time limited. There is no way around that. You cannot make decisions about women that contradict that fact. If you do you most certainly will suffer. Your ability to enjoy that time with the woman is strictly dependent on how vigilant you are and how much power you cultivate in relationships. Once your power is gone, it’s gone, and you can’t get it back. If you allow a woman to stay when you have no power over her, she will destroy you (dump any woman you don’t have power over, immediately). How do you know you have no power over her? She feels free to engage in bad behavior. Now all women do this a little bit to test you. The difference is when you call her on it, she laughs in your face instead of stopping. Most men give up their power a few weeks into a relationship. Big mistake.
My point here is: don’t spend too much time worrying about theories with regard to women. Stay focussed on behaviours…..learning and refining what works from what doesn’t. There is a hell of a lot out there that sounds good but is worthless. Pull little bits and pieces and test them out. Keep what works and discard the rest.
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Bonecrcker #102 – What Matters is the Amount of Power and Choice You Have in a Relationship
However, that being said, you cannot change women, you cannot change women, you CANNOT change women. Your relationship is time limited. There is no way around that. You cannot make decisions about women that contradict that fact. If you do you most certainly will suffer. Your ability to enjoy that time with the woman is strictly dependent on how vigilant you are and how much power you cultivate in relationships. Once your power is gone, it’s gone, and you can’t get it back. If you allow a woman to stay when you have no power over her, she will destroy you (dump any woman you don’t have power over, immediately). How do you know you have no power over her? She feels free to engage in bad behavior. Now all women do this a little bit to test you. The difference is when you call her on it, she laughs in your face instead of stopping. Most men give up their power a few weeks into a relationship. Big mistake.
My point here is: don’t spend too much time worrying about theories with regard to women. Stay focussed on behaviours…..learning and refining what works from what doesn’t. There is a hell of a lot out there that sounds good but is worthless. Pull little bits and pieces and test them out. Keep what works and discard the rest.
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Bonecrcker #102 – What Matters is the Amount of Power and Choice You Have in a Relationship
Bonecrcker #80 - Binge and Purge
99%……99% is the percentage of women who will say no if you approach them at random. They use the binge and purge method of dating. They have a fantasy in their head. The fantasy is different for every girl but isn’t too much in line with what men are typically like. No man who doesn’t match the fantasy is welcome. Time passes and a woman gets desperate for a man and “binges”, taking anyone. Being unhappy with just anyone, she eventually “purges” him, and goes back waiting for her fantasy (which doesn’t exist).
Your chances of catching a woman who is binging is maybe one in ten. If you woo her correctly, she will go for you. The chances of meeting a woman who you match her fantasy is about 1 in a hundred (completely random).
Previous Bonecrcker Index Next
Bonecrcker #41 – Finding the Small Pool of Interested Women
Bonecrcker #61 – There Is Not Pattern To Women’s Attraction
Bonecrcker #103 – Raising Your Sexual Status
Bonecrcker #122 – The Advantage The Big City Has Over The Small Town
Your chances of catching a woman who is binging is maybe one in ten. If you woo her correctly, she will go for you. The chances of meeting a woman who you match her fantasy is about 1 in a hundred (completely random).
Previous Bonecrcker Index Next
Bonecrcker #41 – Finding the Small Pool of Interested Women
Bonecrcker #61 – There Is Not Pattern To Women’s Attraction
Bonecrcker #103 – Raising Your Sexual Status
Bonecrcker #122 – The Advantage The Big City Has Over The Small Town
Saturday, March 20, 2004
Bonecrcker #79 - Prostitution
I think the only way prostitution could ever work would be to use price fixing and extremely rigid controls to make sure that AIDS isn’t spread everywhere and that the criminal element wouldn’t dare run the show. Basically, what we have now is that the criminal element in the US runs prostitution, which is heavily entwined with drugs. It’s also the only way a normal man (i.e. a non-intravenous drug using heterosexual) can reasonably expect to catch AIDS.
If they can’t solve those two problems, they can’t legalize it. If they want to try, they should start small, like what they have in Nevada.
If you don’t fix the price, you will have most women abandoning all pretence of family and respectable living to make thousands of dollars a night as a prostitute. Of course, once they reach age 30 and can’t work anymore, society will pick up the tab for taking care of them. I mean, we already have a huge problem in this country where too large a percentage of our best looking women choose to strip instead of becoming normal decent folk. Most of these get hooked on drugs and become the absolute worst of the worst when it comes to women. How would you like that to become most women? Women are bad but most aren’t that bad. Uncontrolled, legalized prostitution would make most women as bad as the average crack whore.
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Bonecrcker #92 – The Problem with Whores
Bonecrcker #108 – Feminism Pushes the Whore/Customer Model
Bonecrcker #117 – Would You Strip Down In A Room With A Crack Addict?
If they can’t solve those two problems, they can’t legalize it. If they want to try, they should start small, like what they have in Nevada.
If you don’t fix the price, you will have most women abandoning all pretence of family and respectable living to make thousands of dollars a night as a prostitute. Of course, once they reach age 30 and can’t work anymore, society will pick up the tab for taking care of them. I mean, we already have a huge problem in this country where too large a percentage of our best looking women choose to strip instead of becoming normal decent folk. Most of these get hooked on drugs and become the absolute worst of the worst when it comes to women. How would you like that to become most women? Women are bad but most aren’t that bad. Uncontrolled, legalized prostitution would make most women as bad as the average crack whore.
Previous Bonecrcker Index Next
Bonecrcker #92 – The Problem with Whores
Bonecrcker #108 – Feminism Pushes the Whore/Customer Model
Bonecrcker #117 – Would You Strip Down In A Room With A Crack Addict?
Friday, March 19, 2004
Bonecrcker #78 - Women Are Lying About Wanting to be Empowered
The problem here is women are totally lying about wanting to be empowered. To have power, one must have independence and be self-reliant. This is the exact opposite of what women and children have been for most of human history. Instead of being independent and self-reliant (ie having power) they have been dependent and relied on men for everything. In return, there is a bunch of stuff they are expected to give men…..certain roles they must perform for the system to work.
Now, a handful of women have always been an exception. I can totally see how more women would want to have power by becoming self-reliant and independent. BUT THAT’S NOT WHAT THEY ARE DOING! Instead, they want to be empowered but still rely and depend on men for everything. They think they can do this by creating various ways and means to force us to take care of them, both as individuals and a society, without giving anything in return. They don’t want marriage but they still want money from men via alimony and child support. They want to vote but don’t exercise wisdom in what they vote for. They want jobs but are pathetic as employees, but God forbid you fire them, you’ll get sued (plus they will trade sex for promotions).
The cure of course is to refuse to give them anything they haven’t earned. Right now they are completely full of shit when it comes to empowerment. Force them to not be full of shit. Give them jobs but fire them if they perform poorly. Don’t marry them under conditions where they bail from marriage in large numbers but force men to continue paying.
In other words, say NO to them. They want things from men. Tell them no. They want to be empowered. That means getting things for themselves. It most certainly doesn’t mean getting things from men but not giving anything for them in return.
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...That woman is by nature intended to obey is shown by the fact that every woman who is placed in the unnatural position of absolute independence at once attaches herself to some kind of man, by whom she is controlled and governed; this is because she requires a master. If she, is young, the man is a lover; if she is old, a priest. -- Arthur Schopenhauer - On Women (1851)
Now, a handful of women have always been an exception. I can totally see how more women would want to have power by becoming self-reliant and independent. BUT THAT’S NOT WHAT THEY ARE DOING! Instead, they want to be empowered but still rely and depend on men for everything. They think they can do this by creating various ways and means to force us to take care of them, both as individuals and a society, without giving anything in return. They don’t want marriage but they still want money from men via alimony and child support. They want to vote but don’t exercise wisdom in what they vote for. They want jobs but are pathetic as employees, but God forbid you fire them, you’ll get sued (plus they will trade sex for promotions).
The cure of course is to refuse to give them anything they haven’t earned. Right now they are completely full of shit when it comes to empowerment. Force them to not be full of shit. Give them jobs but fire them if they perform poorly. Don’t marry them under conditions where they bail from marriage in large numbers but force men to continue paying.
In other words, say NO to them. They want things from men. Tell them no. They want to be empowered. That means getting things for themselves. It most certainly doesn’t mean getting things from men but not giving anything for them in return.
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...That woman is by nature intended to obey is shown by the fact that every woman who is placed in the unnatural position of absolute independence at once attaches herself to some kind of man, by whom she is controlled and governed; this is because she requires a master. If she, is young, the man is a lover; if she is old, a priest. -- Arthur Schopenhauer - On Women (1851)
Thursday, March 18, 2004
Bonecrcker #77 - Just Say No to Women With Kids
Some things people should know about women with kids. The obvious one is that a woman with a kid (especially if out of wedlock) is a huge warning sign that something is wrong with the woman. She goes out of her way to create bad situations with men and that will include you.
But, not so obvious is the fact that you will be expected to support the kid eventually. That’s the woman’s goal for having a relationship with you in the first place. That is not an appropriate reason. She’s not looking at you as a friend, a lover, a man. She is looking at you as a source of money. But, understand that you are absolutely not welcome to be a father to that child. If you try, she will hurt you and will probably have you hauled off by the police for some made up reason (probably child molestation). Additionally, if you stick around, that child is going to grow up to be criminal scum. First will come the drug use (which you won’t be allowed to stop), then the crime and violence. Some of this will be directed toward the mom (I have direct experience with this wonderful situation) and still, you will not be allowed to intervene.
Lastly, women like this are strongly attracted to men who are criminals or otherwise completely fucked in the head. Her attraction to you is zero. The only reason she is sucking your cock is so you will support her and her child or will in the near future. If she ever understands that you won’t, you are finished. Eventually she will replace you with a criminal type, you being a source of funds or not. She’ll probably want to marry you so that, after the divorce, you will be forced to continue to pay while she fucks her criminal scum.
Let me ask you something. Does this sound like something you would want? Of course not. Don’t believe the bullshit lies that try to make men feel guilty for not wanting women with kids. It’s not that they are an inconvenience (although that is a legitimate reason right there for not dating them). It’s not that men don’t want to be responsible for children in our society (although, this responsibility is NOT yours, it’s hers and her child’s father) It’s that it is an extremely reliable warning sign for extremely bad behavior in the future.
Just say no to women with kids.
Previous Bonecrcker Index Next
Bonecrcker #36 – Just Say No to Divorced Women
Bonecrcker #119 – Sleeping With Single Moms and Cohabitating
Bonecrcker #163 – A “Real Man” Wouldn’t Shun a Woman with Kids
But, not so obvious is the fact that you will be expected to support the kid eventually. That’s the woman’s goal for having a relationship with you in the first place. That is not an appropriate reason. She’s not looking at you as a friend, a lover, a man. She is looking at you as a source of money. But, understand that you are absolutely not welcome to be a father to that child. If you try, she will hurt you and will probably have you hauled off by the police for some made up reason (probably child molestation). Additionally, if you stick around, that child is going to grow up to be criminal scum. First will come the drug use (which you won’t be allowed to stop), then the crime and violence. Some of this will be directed toward the mom (I have direct experience with this wonderful situation) and still, you will not be allowed to intervene.
Lastly, women like this are strongly attracted to men who are criminals or otherwise completely fucked in the head. Her attraction to you is zero. The only reason she is sucking your cock is so you will support her and her child or will in the near future. If she ever understands that you won’t, you are finished. Eventually she will replace you with a criminal type, you being a source of funds or not. She’ll probably want to marry you so that, after the divorce, you will be forced to continue to pay while she fucks her criminal scum.
Let me ask you something. Does this sound like something you would want? Of course not. Don’t believe the bullshit lies that try to make men feel guilty for not wanting women with kids. It’s not that they are an inconvenience (although that is a legitimate reason right there for not dating them). It’s not that men don’t want to be responsible for children in our society (although, this responsibility is NOT yours, it’s hers and her child’s father) It’s that it is an extremely reliable warning sign for extremely bad behavior in the future.
Just say no to women with kids.
Previous Bonecrcker Index Next
Bonecrcker #36 – Just Say No to Divorced Women
Bonecrcker #119 – Sleeping With Single Moms and Cohabitating
Bonecrcker #163 – A “Real Man” Wouldn’t Shun a Woman with Kids
Wednesday, March 17, 2004
Bonecrcker #76 - Most Women Are In Relationships That Aren't Fun
Most women right now are in relationships that are decidedly un-fun. Either they are busy being abused by the lowest end of the gene pool or they are busy abusing some man who is her meal ticket. Women are sick, not demanding or spoiled or shallow or interested in pleasure. I have learned this MANY times by trying to be the “fun” women are supposedly seeking….interesting, dynamic, good looking with a nice body, rich, with obvious signs of power and wealth and good in bed. You never realize just how far women have fallen until some girl you previously spent 5 or 6 hour fuck sessions where she is multiply orgasmic the entire time, dumps you for an impotent drug user with no job. This has happened to me more than once.
Women are sick. It’s the explanation that fits their behavior. When I tailor MY behavior to take this into account, my interactions with them work better. Specifically, my behavior is geared toward enjoyment of them while putting severe limits on their destructive behavior. I never lean on them for even the slightest thing. I never become entwined with them (they are sick and will make me sick if I make them part of my life). I never listen to anything they say and instead watch what they do. Also, I have stopped trying to take my quality as a man to extremes (it just doesn’t work). I am still a man, but I’m that way for myself, not for them. I still work out but I no longer try to be Jean Claude Van Damme in a tailored Brooks Brothers suit. When I’m with them, what I want is important. Pleasing them is not important (and not effective). Spending time with them revolves around sex (sex for my pleasure, not theirs) and going out to do things I like to do (not what they like to do). Most of all, I limit myself to only women who already feel a certain way about me (it’s mostly random). And, it’s time limited. It’s ALWAYS time limited. She eventually self-destructs. I can’t do anything about that. But, she wants to take me with her. I most certainly CAN do something about that. This ALWAYS happens. Like I said, women are sick. They don’t choose men. They don’t go after what they want. They don’t tend the garden of their lives. They fall into relationships when they can’t do without anymore (the binge and purge method of relationships). In short, they take absolutely no responsibility for anything in their lives. Since that is a recipe for disaster; I can’t be a part of that except in the most incidental fashion. So I don’t.
All of these things work with women. They don’t work as well as being a scumbag musician like Tommy Lee does, but it works. Providing excitement, thrills, entertainment and trying to please her does not work. Doing what she wants doesn’t work. Understanding her does not work. Talking to her does not work. Neither does accumulating wealth, power or prestige (although infamy does work).
Women are sick. Learn the depths and means of their sickness and plan accordingly.
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Bonecrcker #181 - Women Don’t Hate Men, But They Don’t Love Them Either
Women are sick. It’s the explanation that fits their behavior. When I tailor MY behavior to take this into account, my interactions with them work better. Specifically, my behavior is geared toward enjoyment of them while putting severe limits on their destructive behavior. I never lean on them for even the slightest thing. I never become entwined with them (they are sick and will make me sick if I make them part of my life). I never listen to anything they say and instead watch what they do. Also, I have stopped trying to take my quality as a man to extremes (it just doesn’t work). I am still a man, but I’m that way for myself, not for them. I still work out but I no longer try to be Jean Claude Van Damme in a tailored Brooks Brothers suit. When I’m with them, what I want is important. Pleasing them is not important (and not effective). Spending time with them revolves around sex (sex for my pleasure, not theirs) and going out to do things I like to do (not what they like to do). Most of all, I limit myself to only women who already feel a certain way about me (it’s mostly random). And, it’s time limited. It’s ALWAYS time limited. She eventually self-destructs. I can’t do anything about that. But, she wants to take me with her. I most certainly CAN do something about that. This ALWAYS happens. Like I said, women are sick. They don’t choose men. They don’t go after what they want. They don’t tend the garden of their lives. They fall into relationships when they can’t do without anymore (the binge and purge method of relationships). In short, they take absolutely no responsibility for anything in their lives. Since that is a recipe for disaster; I can’t be a part of that except in the most incidental fashion. So I don’t.
All of these things work with women. They don’t work as well as being a scumbag musician like Tommy Lee does, but it works. Providing excitement, thrills, entertainment and trying to please her does not work. Doing what she wants doesn’t work. Understanding her does not work. Talking to her does not work. Neither does accumulating wealth, power or prestige (although infamy does work).
Women are sick. Learn the depths and means of their sickness and plan accordingly.
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Bonecrcker #181 - Women Don’t Hate Men, But They Don’t Love Them Either
Tuesday, March 16, 2004
Bonecrcker #75 - Most Women Don't Want a Man Who Isn't Choosy

Most women absolutely will not consider a man who isn’t choosy about women. You’re being choosy comes out quite clearly and early in any encounter with her (indeed, she tests for it). Fail the test and she’s gone. Pass the test and advance to the next level. If you aren’t choosy, huge quantities of women discount you within ten seconds of meeting them. The pool increases because, even though you get rid of five, ten more see you doing this and become interested. My point here is women don’t choose you for any particular quality you have. So gaining those qualities is relatively ineffective at getting them (the opposite however isn’t true….women will discount you if you have certain negative qualities….especially being fat or not having basic fashion sense). Women primarily choose you on how far above them you are on the pecking order. They look primarily to how you treat them (nice or nasty, your message must be that they are below you) and how and who you interact with. If you kick a woman to the curb for bad behavior, you automatically become more attractive to all the others. The higher status the woman, the more attractive.
Have I mentioned that women are sick? Their behavior makes much more sense and you become much more effective with them once you accept this simple, horrible, fascinating fact of life. To understand women and what works with them, you must plumb the depths of their sickness. There really isn’t much more to them.
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Monday, March 15, 2004
Bonecrcker #74 - All Married Women Are Available

It would be accurate to say that all married women are available…..much more available than single women. A single woman will snub every man she is attracted to until her lack of sexual fulfillment overwhelms her. Then, she will “binge” on the first readily available man, usually someone inappropriate. But a married woman is completely different. You would think that since she is taken she wouldn’t give other men the time of day. But that isn’t true, nearly 100% of the time. Instead, her marriage means NOTHING to her. However, she is no longer “saving herself for marriage”, so to speak, and goes after any man she is attracted to (unlike with men, this is pretty much random). If that happens to be you, she shows you much attention and is nice to you…..making you attracted to her.
It is far easier to meet, date, and fuck a married woman, than a single woman (except perhaps a young, single, woman in college, who is doing her best to fuck as many men as possible via one night stands). However, a significant percentage of the men these women are married to, will kill you, if they catch you. Is it worth it? Probably not.
Previous Bonecrcker Index Next
Bonecrcker #116 – Can I Ask You A Quick Question? You Married?
Bonecrcker #148 – Women Who Want To Cheat With You
It is far easier to meet, date, and fuck a married woman, than a single woman (except perhaps a young, single, woman in college, who is doing her best to fuck as many men as possible via one night stands). However, a significant percentage of the men these women are married to, will kill you, if they catch you. Is it worth it? Probably not.
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Bonecrcker #116 – Can I Ask You A Quick Question? You Married?
Bonecrcker #148 – Women Who Want To Cheat With You
Sunday, March 14, 2004
Bonecrker #73 - There Really Are Only Two Safe Subjects To Talk About With Women
There really are only two safe, effective topics to talk to women about in a social situation. The first is easy. You talk about her. And by talk I really mean you don’t say anything except leading questions. Women will talk for hours about themselves this way. Afterward, they will think you are the most brilliant conversationalist in the entire world. However, you can’t comment, editorialize, or even share similar experiences with her about anything she says. Her attitude is "who the hell are you to comment on my life?" It doesn’t really matter if the comment is good or bad, lol. It’s fucked up, but it is what it is. The second thing that is effective when talking with women is to bust their balls in a teasing, light-hearted, humorous way. This is very difficult to do (ie, it’s a specialized skill that you learn with practice) without crossing a line and outright insulting them. But, if you do it right, it has the opposite effect of saying something complimentary to her. She assumes her status is lower than yours. Then she feels flattered that someone who is higher status than her is bothering to talk to her. The really screwed up ones will respond positively to rude, degrading and insulting behavior for this reason (must it be said that you want NOTHING to do with any woman like that).
The last thing to know about talking to women in situations like this is your body language. There are several techniques in controlling your own body language that make you look open, non-threatening, and at the same time, being on sexual display. Although you cannot control who becomes attracted to you, when you do this, the odds are that someone, sometimes several someones, will become attracted to you when you do this. Don’t approach any woman at all. Instead, only talk to women who approach you. Usually, one will. The one who does so first will usually be the one who is most desperate (and usually married, ugly, or otherwise inappropriate……low on the pecking order) And all the others will be carefully examining how you act with her. Act appropriately and she will eventually go away and someone higher up on the food chain will approach you.
Men, in these situations, are just hanging out, bonding, gabbing, whatever. But women. Women are engaging in something complicated and specific with unwritten, yet rigid, rules of behavior. Break the rules and you will be ostracized. And common sense doesn’t apply.
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Bonecrcker #58 – Women Are Narcissistic and Self Absorbed
Bonecrcker #126 – A Woman’s Need To Talk Is One Of The Key Methods Of Manipulating Them
The last thing to know about talking to women in situations like this is your body language. There are several techniques in controlling your own body language that make you look open, non-threatening, and at the same time, being on sexual display. Although you cannot control who becomes attracted to you, when you do this, the odds are that someone, sometimes several someones, will become attracted to you when you do this. Don’t approach any woman at all. Instead, only talk to women who approach you. Usually, one will. The one who does so first will usually be the one who is most desperate (and usually married, ugly, or otherwise inappropriate……low on the pecking order) And all the others will be carefully examining how you act with her. Act appropriately and she will eventually go away and someone higher up on the food chain will approach you.
Men, in these situations, are just hanging out, bonding, gabbing, whatever. But women. Women are engaging in something complicated and specific with unwritten, yet rigid, rules of behavior. Break the rules and you will be ostracized. And common sense doesn’t apply.
Previous Bonecrcker Index Next
Bonecrcker #58 – Women Are Narcissistic and Self Absorbed
Bonecrcker #126 – A Woman’s Need To Talk Is One Of The Key Methods Of Manipulating Them
Saturday, March 13, 2004
Bonecrker #72 - The Truth is Harsh

There are problems with women. These problems are specific, identifiable, and universal in western culture. The problems have extremely serious consequences for men who do not take the correct steps to prevent those consequences.
The first step is to let go of denial, prejudice and narcissism as methods of coping and replace them with an attitude of learning, testing, and then skill development. Until you do that, there is no hope of improving the situation. Instead, you will be powerless in the face of the extreme problems with women and will suffer all manner of fucked upness, from crushing lonliness and depression, to rejection, financial ruin, loss of family, or even loss of freedom or loss of life. It’s not a few men who have this happen to them….or even a lot of men. Its most men….pretty close to all men.
The truth is harsh. So harsh that most men can’t deal with it, so they pretend the problem doesn’t exist. They make up excuses and moralisms and offer ignorant, trite, completely ineffective solutions that ignore the reality of the situation. Worse, they openly ridicule any methods that take into account those realities (so what, if they work). Why? Because in any way exploring those solutions, threatens the denial of the problem. They absolutely refuse to see things the way they really are or to test the effectiveness of both their attitudes, philosophies and beliefs, and, more importantly, their specific behavior.
This situation is common as dirt and is the first hurdle any man needs to conquer, in order to make anything of himself in life (in any sphere). But once you do, then the important task of sorting out what works, from what doesn’t can begin.
Want to learn most everything about this problem and, specifically, what to do about it? Read the book, “The Ultimate Secrets of Total Self-Confidence” by Dr. Robert Anthony, and do what he tells you to do. Your effectiveness as a man will sky-rocket.
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Bonecrcker #22 – Choose Confidence
Friday, March 12, 2004
Bonecrcker #71 - Not All Women Are Like That! (NAWALT)

I’ve said this before but I think [it is] necessary for me to bring it up again. And that is a little thing called "the woman who is the exception" phenomena. This is something that most men who have some inkling that something is seriously wrong with American women, will fall prey to, sometimes, more than once.
What happens is, men, knowing that most women are fucked up in a malevolent way, start to think to themselves, hey, they can’t ALL be like that. This is true. There is a certain (extremely small) percentage of westernized women who aren’t like this. So, the man, being more clued in than most men, starts to think to himself, "Well, all I gotta do is figure which women are like this and only go after them." Or, they think, "Well, all I need to do is change my behavior so that only nice, normal women, develop relationships with me." ALOT of us have been there, including myself, more than once, mind you.
The problem with this is the “woman who is the exception” phenomena. What’s going on here is the knowledge that something is seriously wrong with women is starting to become widespread. A great many men are looking at women who display warning signs and avoiding them. More often, they are taking steps to prevent relationships from becoming too deep (ie, they avoid monogamy, avoid living together and avoid marriage like the plague). This causes a problem for the average predatory female. The worst can’t get a man, at all. And most find that all the desirable men are putting severe limits on their power over them. So, to cope with this, they have come up with the “woman who is the exception” phenomena. What they do is present a facade that they aren’t like all the other women. They go out of their way to present themselves as normal, mentally healthy, committed and loving. Unfortunately, it is a lie. As soon as you surrender even the least bit of power to them, they reveal themselves as just like everyone else. Women who actually are the exception are EXTREMELY rare. Women who pretend to be the exception are common as dirt (and you WILL meet one, trust me). You cannot tell the difference. You will find yourself in a bad situation with no power to prevent it.
The lesson to be learned here is you absolutely cannot stop those behaviours you have developed to maintain power and choice in your life and your relationships. Number one in those behaviours is you cannot be married. You can hem and haw and deny and argue, but the evidence is literally all around you. EVERY man who gets married becomes completely powerless in his relationship (as in the police will come to your door and kick your ass, throw you in jail, take everything you own and maybe shoot you in the head if you say boo about it, type of powerless). Most men who get married are abused. You can’t get married. End of story. You also can’t live together. Why? Because you end up being forced to get married. Often this happens by the woman getting pregnant on purpose. If not, she will make it common law, and then you might as well just get married. Lastly, you can’t be monogamous (ALL relationships with American women, married, engaged, living together, dating or just fucking, are ALL 100% disposable from her point of view). Why? Because, if you do, she will systematically manipulate your needs and desires to control you into first living with her and then getting married. At the very least, your ability to tell her to get lost becomes severely compromised. Also, there is absolutely no point. She is absolutely emotionally detached from you at all times and will walk away without a second thought. You will never, ever suspect that this is where she is coming from until she does it, leaving your entire life devastated.
Everything in this life has a cost. This is the cost of dating American women. If you don’t pay it, you’ll pay much more in other ways. Most men want a woman who is not like this. But, realistically, you aren’t going to find her here.
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Further Reading:
Not All Women Are Like That
What happens is, men, knowing that most women are fucked up in a malevolent way, start to think to themselves, hey, they can’t ALL be like that. This is true. There is a certain (extremely small) percentage of westernized women who aren’t like this. So, the man, being more clued in than most men, starts to think to himself, "Well, all I gotta do is figure which women are like this and only go after them." Or, they think, "Well, all I need to do is change my behavior so that only nice, normal women, develop relationships with me." ALOT of us have been there, including myself, more than once, mind you.
The problem with this is the “woman who is the exception” phenomena. What’s going on here is the knowledge that something is seriously wrong with women is starting to become widespread. A great many men are looking at women who display warning signs and avoiding them. More often, they are taking steps to prevent relationships from becoming too deep (ie, they avoid monogamy, avoid living together and avoid marriage like the plague). This causes a problem for the average predatory female. The worst can’t get a man, at all. And most find that all the desirable men are putting severe limits on their power over them. So, to cope with this, they have come up with the “woman who is the exception” phenomena. What they do is present a facade that they aren’t like all the other women. They go out of their way to present themselves as normal, mentally healthy, committed and loving. Unfortunately, it is a lie. As soon as you surrender even the least bit of power to them, they reveal themselves as just like everyone else. Women who actually are the exception are EXTREMELY rare. Women who pretend to be the exception are common as dirt (and you WILL meet one, trust me). You cannot tell the difference. You will find yourself in a bad situation with no power to prevent it.
The lesson to be learned here is you absolutely cannot stop those behaviours you have developed to maintain power and choice in your life and your relationships. Number one in those behaviours is you cannot be married. You can hem and haw and deny and argue, but the evidence is literally all around you. EVERY man who gets married becomes completely powerless in his relationship (as in the police will come to your door and kick your ass, throw you in jail, take everything you own and maybe shoot you in the head if you say boo about it, type of powerless). Most men who get married are abused. You can’t get married. End of story. You also can’t live together. Why? Because you end up being forced to get married. Often this happens by the woman getting pregnant on purpose. If not, she will make it common law, and then you might as well just get married. Lastly, you can’t be monogamous (ALL relationships with American women, married, engaged, living together, dating or just fucking, are ALL 100% disposable from her point of view). Why? Because, if you do, she will systematically manipulate your needs and desires to control you into first living with her and then getting married. At the very least, your ability to tell her to get lost becomes severely compromised. Also, there is absolutely no point. She is absolutely emotionally detached from you at all times and will walk away without a second thought. You will never, ever suspect that this is where she is coming from until she does it, leaving your entire life devastated.
Everything in this life has a cost. This is the cost of dating American women. If you don’t pay it, you’ll pay much more in other ways. Most men want a woman who is not like this. But, realistically, you aren’t going to find her here.
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Further Reading:
Not All Women Are Like That
Thursday, March 11, 2004
Bonecrcker #70 - She Expects It To Be This Way or She Won't Respond To You
The issue isn’t if you want to be a player. I’m no player and I think men who are players are pussies. The issue is what will the woman demand of you. Make no mistake, she expects you to do it this way or she won’t respond to you. Her attitude is you must be ready to go when she wants and not before, and you are to fuck off the other 99% of the time (she will actually say this to you……fuck off). That’s her attitude. I didn’t make things that way. I don’t particularly want things to be that way. I have zero control over her being that way. She Chooses It. Not Me. I have two choices, accommodate her or do without. I choose to accommodate her. Note, that she absolutely won’t say things to this effect. She won’t TELL me these things. She’ll expect me just to know them. Disrespect is what she will give me if I don’t know or if I say no to this way of doing things.
So, what does the woman want me to do? Two things: The first is to read her mind and know when she is ready (and to fuck off if she isn’t). Wonderful. What a fucked up thing to want. This means I need to have ways to know what’s on her mind but I can’t actually ask her. The second thing she wants is she wants me to fish for her, not to hunt for her. What I mean by this, is she wants me to set the stage for her and act enticing, but never to go after her and never be aggressive. So, I must initiate everything but I can’t in any way be pushy. Great. This is also fucked up in now I must set up things so that stuff can happen but it has to seem like an accident and I have to initiate things but constantly monitor her to make sure she is actually the one who chooses when we move from one step to another, even though I am the one actually doing the behavior and God, help me if I get it wrong or miss a cue.
It really is only productive to have dates at your home because only here can you properly set the stage to make things happen. Initial dates are usually outside the home and only have the goal of making her comfortable enough with you so you can have the real date, which is at your home (ie, until that date at your home, any relationship you have with the woman is meaningless to her….it means zero, zip, nada, not a damn thing to her). Actually, until you fuck her for the first time, you don’t have a relationship. You mean nothing to her until then and are barely a step up from some stranger she has met on the street…..even if you’ve known her for 20 years (I have learned this the HARD way….over and over and over again).
Once you have the date alone, at your house, that’s when the building of your relationship can begin, and not before. If she is there, at all, she is there for that reason, and, often, having sex for the first time is on her mind, as the starting point. Will she say that or own up to that if asked? Nope. Will she act that way? You bet your ass she will.
What a woman wants. What she will demand of you and punish you harshly if you refuse to provide it, is a chance to be alone with you, in an intimate, romantic setting, where you can spend time together, preferably doing something together and pretend that things just sort of happened.
Should you be pushing for this to happen? Absolutely not. Should you set the stage and invite her to spend that time with you? You must….or she will get rid of you. When should you do this? After you have established that you are 1) safe, and 2) interesting. What does it mean if you’ve done all that and she says no? It means you have no chance with her, never did, and never will. Be VERY suspicious of any woman who wants you to take her out places and do things for her but isn’t getting intimate sooner rather than later. The whole point of dating is to quickly get to that first date back at your place. If she isn’t doing that, she isn’t with you for the reason you think she is.
Now, if you have a female “friend”, what this usually means is she is romantically interested in you but doesn’t think enough of you to make you a lover, so she keeps you in reserve for years, until she hits a dry spell. This is both a blessing and a curse. It’s a blessing because, often, if you set the stage correctly, she will make the transition from “friend” to lover with very little effort. But, it’s also a curse in that she has very little respect for you. As long as you focus on setting the stage for her and make it seem like it was her idea, she’ll probably have sex with you. But, expect all sorts of wild, wacky behavior afterward, followed by being dumped after maybe 2 or 3 months of wild sex. After this happens a few times, you will realize that these women are not your friends and never were.
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Further Reading:
Bonecrker #69 – That First Date At Your Place
So, what does the woman want me to do? Two things: The first is to read her mind and know when she is ready (and to fuck off if she isn’t). Wonderful. What a fucked up thing to want. This means I need to have ways to know what’s on her mind but I can’t actually ask her. The second thing she wants is she wants me to fish for her, not to hunt for her. What I mean by this, is she wants me to set the stage for her and act enticing, but never to go after her and never be aggressive. So, I must initiate everything but I can’t in any way be pushy. Great. This is also fucked up in now I must set up things so that stuff can happen but it has to seem like an accident and I have to initiate things but constantly monitor her to make sure she is actually the one who chooses when we move from one step to another, even though I am the one actually doing the behavior and God, help me if I get it wrong or miss a cue.
It really is only productive to have dates at your home because only here can you properly set the stage to make things happen. Initial dates are usually outside the home and only have the goal of making her comfortable enough with you so you can have the real date, which is at your home (ie, until that date at your home, any relationship you have with the woman is meaningless to her….it means zero, zip, nada, not a damn thing to her). Actually, until you fuck her for the first time, you don’t have a relationship. You mean nothing to her until then and are barely a step up from some stranger she has met on the street…..even if you’ve known her for 20 years (I have learned this the HARD way….over and over and over again).
Once you have the date alone, at your house, that’s when the building of your relationship can begin, and not before. If she is there, at all, she is there for that reason, and, often, having sex for the first time is on her mind, as the starting point. Will she say that or own up to that if asked? Nope. Will she act that way? You bet your ass she will.
What a woman wants. What she will demand of you and punish you harshly if you refuse to provide it, is a chance to be alone with you, in an intimate, romantic setting, where you can spend time together, preferably doing something together and pretend that things just sort of happened.
Should you be pushing for this to happen? Absolutely not. Should you set the stage and invite her to spend that time with you? You must….or she will get rid of you. When should you do this? After you have established that you are 1) safe, and 2) interesting. What does it mean if you’ve done all that and she says no? It means you have no chance with her, never did, and never will. Be VERY suspicious of any woman who wants you to take her out places and do things for her but isn’t getting intimate sooner rather than later. The whole point of dating is to quickly get to that first date back at your place. If she isn’t doing that, she isn’t with you for the reason you think she is.
Now, if you have a female “friend”, what this usually means is she is romantically interested in you but doesn’t think enough of you to make you a lover, so she keeps you in reserve for years, until she hits a dry spell. This is both a blessing and a curse. It’s a blessing because, often, if you set the stage correctly, she will make the transition from “friend” to lover with very little effort. But, it’s also a curse in that she has very little respect for you. As long as you focus on setting the stage for her and make it seem like it was her idea, she’ll probably have sex with you. But, expect all sorts of wild, wacky behavior afterward, followed by being dumped after maybe 2 or 3 months of wild sex. After this happens a few times, you will realize that these women are not your friends and never were.
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Bonecrker #69 – That First Date At Your Place
Wednesday, March 10, 2004
Bonecrker #69 - That First Date at Your Place

People [sometimes get] a little confused about what I mean by getting a woman over to your place, as if getting her there means you will be having sex. Although that happens a significant portion of the time (i.e. the woman has decided she will sleep with you already if she is coming over to your place), bringing the woman over to your place is only the very opening gambit of the relationship. My point is, until that first date at your place, you aren’t even in the game. And a woman who doesn’t want to come over doesn’t even want to explore the possibility of anything with you…..instead, she is doing something else (that else, usually being something not so nice).
The date at your place is to establish intimacy, not to have sex. But, you don’t in any way have a relationship until you have sex. Some girls will come over to your place, more than once before the first time. That’s just fine. What isn’t just fine is if there is something seriously wacko with them, causing them to go after you and then hold you in contempt once they think they have you (a large number of women who are “damaged goods” do this……history of rape, child abuse, drug use, etc.). They love you until you try to get close to them and then they hate you and then love you again when you are gone. Get rid of those girls. Typically, you will know who they are because you set everything up, bring her over, she shows strong signs of interest the whole time, you spend time laughing and having fun, sitting close together on the couch and then you smile, reach over to touch her hair, and she says, “What the fuck do you think you are doing”. That woman is playing a game called “rape-o”. Leading men on and then making fun of them when they admit feelings of attraction. They are freaks. The other thing that isn’t OK is when they are trying to get you to initiate something (They NEVER initiate anything) and you miss the signals, let time pass and then it’s time for them to go home. She’ll be pissed and you’ll never see her again.
The prime thing she is looking for is for you to touch her in some socially appropriate fashion…..usually while looking her deeply in the eyes, laughing at something or emphasisizing a point. She’ll touch you back and it will escalate from there. Good places to touch are on the arm, the back of the hand, the hair, etc. in a non-sexual way. A woman who needs time to feel comfortable with you might start this touching with you but not escalate things until the 2nd, third or more time she comes over. But, if she is over there, she wants to start the process of becoming intimate (and a large number of women want to go through that whole process the first time). If she doesn’t, something is wrong with her (rare, but it does happen). If she ever freaks on you when you didn’t really try anything aggressive or sexual (never do that), then something is REALLY wrong with her and your goal should switch to getting her away from you as quickly as possible.
The whole point is that things aren’t even close to being the way people are taught in our culture that they are. We are taught that you meet a girl, you talk, get to know her, and then you take her out places to both impress her and give each other a chance to learn more about each other. With time and repeated shared experience, you start to become closer, first friends, and then lovers, and then more. That is absolutely not the way it happens, at all. Instead, what happens is a woman sees you and immediately classifies you into either fuckable or non-fuckable. If you are non-fuckable, she probably doesn’t want to know you at all unless she is forced to for some reason (you belong to the same social group etc.) But, just because you are fuckable doesn’t mean you have any chance with her, no, no, no. About 90% of the time, because of fucked-upness on her part, she is anywhere from completely indifferent to hostile toward you (think about how screwed up that is…..would you ever be indifferent/hostile toward a woman who you found attractive in personality and body). About 10% of the time, she is friendly. With time and effort, you could probably convince her to start the process of becoming intimate, and if successful, you can have a relationship of some sort. About 1% of the time, she needs no convincing, or effort, and is, instead, highly motivated to become intimate with you. This means she will respond favourably every time you initiate each step, not that she will initiate anything herself, BTW. Fuckable vs non-fuckable is a matter of your attractiveness, position and personal power relative to hers. What percentage she is in willingness to be with you, providing you are fuckable, mostly at random.
The whole point is that things aren’t even close to being the way people are taught in our culture that they are. We are taught that you meet a girl, you talk, get to know her, and then you take her out places to both impress her and give each other a chance to learn more about each other. With time and repeated shared experience, you start to become closer, first friends, and then lovers, and then more. That is absolutely not the way it happens, at all. Instead, what happens is a woman sees you and immediately classifies you into either fuckable or non-fuckable. If you are non-fuckable, she probably doesn’t want to know you at all unless she is forced to for some reason (you belong to the same social group etc.) But, just because you are fuckable doesn’t mean you have any chance with her, no, no, no. About 90% of the time, because of fucked-upness on her part, she is anywhere from completely indifferent to hostile toward you (think about how screwed up that is…..would you ever be indifferent/hostile toward a woman who you found attractive in personality and body). About 10% of the time, she is friendly. With time and effort, you could probably convince her to start the process of becoming intimate, and if successful, you can have a relationship of some sort. About 1% of the time, she needs no convincing, or effort, and is, instead, highly motivated to become intimate with you. This means she will respond favourably every time you initiate each step, not that she will initiate anything herself, BTW. Fuckable vs non-fuckable is a matter of your attractiveness, position and personal power relative to hers. What percentage she is in willingness to be with you, providing you are fuckable, mostly at random.
This has some implications for what men should be doing. First, you should try to be fuckable. Don’t be obese. Shower. Have a job. Wear reasonable clothes. The higher up the social scale you want, the higher up the social scale you need to make yourself……wear better clothes, work out at the gym, make money, learn how to wield power, influence and charisma among your peers. Most normal men are perfectly fuckable for most normal women (despite their lies).
This has some implications for what men should be doing. First, you should try to be fuckable. Don’t be obese. Shower. Have a job. Wear reasonable clothes. The higher up the social scale you want, the higher up the social scale you need to make yourself……wear better clothes, work out at the gym, make money, learn how to wield power, influence and charisma among your peers. Most normal men are perfectly fuckable for most normal women (despite their lies).
Next, you need to absolutely refuse to give the time of day to any woman who finds you unfuckable. Seriously, they think you are scum and anyone who thinks you are scum, doesn’t deserve a single thing from you. If you are non-fuckable from some normal woman’s perception, unless you are like, retarded, with bad BO and a wooden leg, something is wrong with her and not you.
Next, you need to absolutely refuse to give the time of day to any woman who finds you unfuckable. Seriously, they think you are scum and anyone who thinks you are scum, doesn’t deserve a single thing from you. If you are non-fuckable from some normal woman’s perception, unless you are like, retarded, with bad BO and a wooden leg, something is wrong with her and not you.
The next thing you do and what is probably the absolute minimum effort is to identify which women are in the ten percent category. Only spend time on these girls. Be nice to them. Spend time getting to know them. Only consider inviting women from this pool over to your place. It is really an invitation to develop a relationship with you and it is OK to say no (again, this is mostly random, having nothing to do with you and everything to do with her). Convincing her to come over is not your goal. Discovering if she is ready to accept your invitation is your goal.
The next thing you do and what is probably the absolute minimum effort is to identify which women are in the ten percent category. Only spend time on these girls. Be nice to them. Spend time getting to know them. Only consider inviting women from this pool over to your place. It is really an invitation to develop a relationship with you and it is OK to say no (again, this is mostly random, having nothing to do with you and everything to do with her). Convincing her to come over is not your goal. Discovering if she is ready to accept your invitation is your goal.
But, my personal opinion is that it is much more fruitful to try and find the 1% of women who are eager to be with you than to try and woo the other 9%. In other words, the the ability to select is the technique that gives you the biggest bang for your buck, so to speak.
But, my personal opinion is that it is much more fruitful to try and find the 1% of women who are eager to be with you than to try and woo the other 9%. In other words, the the ability to select is the technique that gives you the biggest bang for your buck, so to speak.
How you relate to a woman or try to impress her or try to convince her or try to develop your relationship with her, are all completely irrelevant when it comes to the reality of being with women. Instead, they make snap judgements, at random, as to if they want you or not, and how much. If a woman doesn’t want you, so what? Because she is nuts, it has nothing to do with you (but, also, don’t ignore the fact that if she DOES want you it also has nothing to do with you….part of the reason your relationship and you are disposable). Plan accordingly. And don’t be afraid to do things sooner rather than later. From her point of view (despite what she tells you and herself to deny that she is an easy whorish woman….which she most definitely is) the relationship happens all at once, not developed over time. Our culture lies to us about this because it lies to us about the truth of women. They are sick and in deep denial about being sick. It’s important for men to understand specifically about the many facets of that sickness and compensate for it….or it will cause problems for us, not the least of which is failure with women.
How you relate to a woman or try to impress her or try to convince her or try to develop your relationship with her, are all completely irrelevant when it comes to the reality of being with women. Instead, they make snap judgements, at random, as to if they want you or not, and how much. If a woman doesn’t want you, so what? Because she is nuts, it has nothing to do with you (but, also, don’t ignore the fact that if she DOES want you it also has nothing to do with you….part of the reason your relationship and you are disposable). Plan accordingly. And don’t be afraid to do things sooner rather than later. From her point of view (despite what she tells you and herself to deny that she is an easy whorish woman….which she most definitely is) the relationship happens all at once, not developed over time. Our culture lies to us about this because it lies to us about the truth of women. They are sick and in deep denial about being sick. It’s important for men to understand specifically about the many facets of that sickness and compensate for it….or it will cause problems for us, not the least of which is failure with women.
Also, because women are sick they have a particularly obnoxious mode to look out for……..being extremely attracted to evil men who are the scum of the earth. We’ve all seen this. The hotter/younger/more desirable the woman, the more likely she will be in this mode at any one time. While in it, she will only consider bring with the absolute worst men….drug dealers, criminal scum, frat boys, and other people who feel free to exist because society is too deluded to give them the regular, vicious beatings they so richly deserve. When a woman is like this, she has no interest in you and is engaging in completely self-destructive behavior.
There are three reasons I mention this. The first is, of course, women hang out at certain specific places/situations when they are like this (ie all the women there will be like this). This is an excellent reason to avoid clubs and other places gang members hang out, like the plague. None of the women there have any interest in you. The second is that some women are more prone to this mode than others and this is one of the major ways your relationship will end. You will find out she has lost interest in you for Bubba, the 100lb overweight cocaine dealer that just got out of jail. Your response should be to immediately and permanently get rid of her at that point. It has nothing to do with you, everything to do with her and part of that sickness is trying to cause harm to you in one way or another. You can do nothing for her but, for yourself you can get rid of her. The last reason I bring it up is some of us (myself included) have daughters, sisters, nieces, sometimes mothers etc. who WILL enter this mode from time to time. Do everyone a BIG favour and keep your family member locked up during that time and put a bullet in the head of any scum that comes sniffing around. As the men in the family, this is your responsibility, and if you shirk it, you will deeply, deeply regret it. However, society is sick about this issue and will punish you harshly if you get caught…, don’t get caught.
Man, this thing is like a book, but only because there is so much to know and one thing leads to and feeds off another. As they say though, knowledge is power. Wouldn’t it be much simpler if women took responsibility for being normal, healthy, mature individuals and developing sane, enduring, loving relationships?
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Man, this thing is like a book, but only because there is so much to know and one thing leads to and feeds off another. As they say though, knowledge is power. Wouldn’t it be much simpler if women took responsibility for being normal, healthy, mature individuals and developing sane, enduring, loving relationships?
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Tuesday, March 09, 2004
Bonecrker #68 - Two Things That Men Need To Know About Domestic Violence

There are two things that all men need to know about domestic violence that very few men actually know. The first is that women usually initiate domestic violence. Sure, there are a handful of wacko men who like to beat women and women flock to these men so they have no lack of victims. But, for the most part women will engage in specific behaviours (including but not limited to hitting the man) to try and initiate a physically abusive relationship. Most of these behaviours involve shame and humiliation of some sort. The second thing men need to know is that violence against women is the normal, instinctual defence mechanism to prevent insane behavior on the part of women, from threatening survival. Quite literally, the woman is ripping apart the relationship and violence is the last ditch effort to prevent that from happening. It should be rare, but it’s not.
The solution is the same for both cases and involves self-awareness, clarity and the willingness to act. That solution is to immediately and permanently get rid of the woman with no chance of her coming back into your life. If a woman ever hits you or ever does anything shameful or humiliating to you, just dump her, with no explanation and no further contact. If she shows up at your place (and she will), call the cops against her. Refuse to talk to her and refuse any contact with her. She will try to sneak in and suck your dick (I’m not being facetious here) to make things all better until the next time. And she will try to initiate contact for purposes of revenge. Don’t allow either. Your relationship is always, always, always time limited. When this shit starts to happen it means that timer ran out some time ago. You have no recourse and there is no point in further contact with her, let alone trying to make anything work or trying to fix anything.
This is one of the most important reasons to not allow a woman to live with you. It is almost impossible to get rid of a woman before she causes you significant harm, if she is living with you. If she isn’t living with you, all you need to do is change the locks. If, for some reason, you allowed a woman to fool you into living with her, the solution is to leave without warning and with no forwarding address. Get a U-haul, wait until she is not home, load all your stuff up and drive off, even if its just to the YMCA you are driving to and you have to place your crap in storage. Talk to a lawyer and explain the situation with the lease. Have him contact the landlord and make arrangements to deal with this with absolutely no contact info of yours being given out. If you own property together, you will probably have to abandon it to her (might as well, as the court will just give it to her anyway)….although a lawyer could help that situation also. The goal here is to leave quickly, permanently, without explanation and without your abusive partner being able to ever have contact with you again. Often, men who don’t do this, will have something bad happen to them. They will be accused and convicted (really the same thing) of some crime, or some criminal will try to murder them (happened to a friend of mine). And, it will happen to you so don’t kid yourself. If you are REALLY unlucky, some criminal will try to murder you and you will fight back, killing him. Then, you will spend the rest of your life being gang raped by his friends in prison.
Further Reading:
Monday, March 08, 2004
Bonecrker #67 - No Woman is "Out of Your League"

What I mean by leagues is who is the woman hanging around. There are certain groups of people who only mingle among themselves and don’t allow outsiders to join them. Many women lie, and say they are out of your league. What they mean by this is they have confused their ideal of looks with an ideal that everyone has. They aren’t attracted to you, so you must be ugly (the biggest, most common lie women tell us). Unless she is going to parties over at Bill Gates house, or is the CEO of a company, she is most definitely in your league. You could line 100 of her up (not that difficult to do) and one of them would go, “Oh yeah, baby, you’re the guy for me”. The exact same number that you would get if you lined up 100 truck stop waitresses, etc. We all pretend there are stratifications among the 90% of everyone who is average. But, there aren’t. Not in our culture. Instead, people pair up in a semi-random way, controlled mostly by whomever happens to be hanging around. But, who says you have to limit yourself to who is hanging around? Once you know about this situation, you can go looking for it. You’ll be shocked by what you find.
The problem is that one doesn’t whistle at you as you walk down the street. You need to do things to get her to reveal herself. Meanwhile, she is home alone, wondering why great guys like you never give her the time of day. Hilarious.
Try this experiment on a regular basis. Dress up in a reasonable fashion (ie wear normal clothes that are clean and in reasonable condition…bathe and be groomed). Then go to the mall and walk around. Keep an open posture at all times, relaxed with a open look on your face and a slight smile….and just stroll around. Every time you pass a woman, look her in the eye for a second or two. Do this a hundred times and think about the results. Most women will do some form of avoiding your gaze. An obnoxious minority will make a face at you (stupid bitches). A significant number will be open and friendly toward you. And one or two will look like they want to knock you down, rip your clothes off and fuck you right there. Be sure to smile and nod at any woman who looks like that…..if you want her or not. Why, because it shows very clearly the next step. Your smile and nod are the first step of talking to her and getting her as a part of your life. Notice the dramatic difference in her behavior vs every other freaking woman you ever have contact with. Only women who are like this are really worth any significant amount of your time. Only women in the “friendly” category are worth being nice to. Everyone else can go fuck themselves. Why? Because it has nothing to do with you. Only with them.
But, most importantly, note the randomness of the whole damn thing. Ugly girls laugh in your face, moms with kids being open and friendly, nuns and teenage sex goddesses looking at you with lust…..all at random. All hidden until you went looking for it.
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Sunday, March 07, 2004
Bonecrker #66 - Singles Events

You have to be really careful at any “singles” event. Just like the women at the clubs (supposedly a place to meet others interested in finding a partner), these women aren’t there to meet a man. They are there to have their ego stroked. Sure, occasionally they will “binge” and go home with some random guy. But, for the most part, no guy will do. They will rationalize this in various ways that boil down to there are no good guys here (so what if they are all 6′s and 7′s and she is a 4). But the problem is her. The last thing she is interested in, is discovering if any of the guys she is attracted to (and she is attracted to a significant number) is compatible with her. Although she is attracted to a number of them (many times, you included), none of you has any more chance with her than some random chick you pass on the street. Unlike women you pass on the street, however, a huge number of the girls at the singles events are really into leading you on. What fun!
The other sad thing is that few women have interests until they get old, fat and married (which is exactly the type of woman you will meet at any interest you have). The exception to that is the gym. However, an increasing number of women are going to women’s only gyms.
In my experience, there are only two places where you meet lots of women. The first is in college classes, particularly college classes designed for people who are a waste of space… classes, acting classes, intro psychology classes, pop culture classes etc. The second is via a network of friends. You should always be on the lookout to add male and female friends to your network because they bring prospective women into your sphere of influence. However, it’s important to be selective with the type of person it is. If you have a buddy who is a drug-using criminal, guess what type of women he will bring into your sphere of influence. She has the same chance of being attracted to you as everyone else…..but you don’t want her lol.
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Bonecrcker #83 – Women Go To Clubs To Be Seen And Cause Trouble
Bonecrcker #115 – Women Go To Singles Events To Be Seen, Not To Pick Up Men
Bonecrcker #146 – No Cover Charge For The Ladies
Saturday, March 06, 2004
Bonecrcker #65 - The Repeating Patterns of Women Who Cry Rape

There are a number of repeating patterns with women who cry rape. The first is, like most liars, 5 minutes after they lie to you, they forget what they said. When you talk about it sometime later, the story is completely different. Also, there is a sense of drama and excitement about what they say….they are pleased to be the center of attention rather than being engulfed in horror, reliving the moment. They tend to tell people they don’t know very well (big tip off). Some girl you just met, going on and on about the time she was raped, smiling and embellishing and flourishing…..real believable. And the most telling sign is that they both had a sexual relationship beforehand and have a sexual relationship afterward with this person. Certainly, they have no fear of the person who supposedly raped them. Don’t be surprised when they dump you and go back to them. Rape is a lie, 99.9% of the time.
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