Maybe we should have a look at the big picture.
The first thing that we must acknowledge is that Marxism did not fail when the Berlin Wall came down and the Soviet Union collapsed. The whole idea of Marxism is to collapse all of mankind's superstructures, including the State, to enable Marx's "new kind of man" to walk on Utopia (Heaven on Earth).
"While the State exists, there can be no freedom. When there is freedom there will be no State." -- V.I. Lenin
Marxism fully intends to collapse the State. All of the States around the world! Karl Marx outlines that to collapse the State, you use the known economic failure of Socialism to collapse the State.
"The meaning of peace is the absence of opposition to Socialism." -- Karl Marx
The real failure of Marxism was that it engulfed only 1/3 of the world before the state of the Soviet Union collapsed, which was planned all along by Marx!
That was a pretty damn good first run, if you ask me!
We also make a mistake in calling the Soviet form of government "Communism." This is incorrect. What the Soviet Union had was pure Socialism. True Socialism means that the government will control every aspect of your life, from when you wake up until you go to bed, from when you are born until you die. Socialism is complete control of the individual by the State.
What Communism means, from the purely Marxist perspective, is Globalization!
"[After Communism succeeds] ...then, there will come a peace across the earth." -- Josef Stalin
Yes, the word "Globalization" is nothing more than a prettier sounding synonym for "Communism."
And, to go on a bit of a quick sidetrack here, isn't it great how we have become fully addicted to propaganda? Goebbels would be wiping the drool from his chin if he could have had access to the type of propaganda we are subjected to.
In World War II, bombers used to drop leaflets. In Vietnam, Saigon Sue was chattering on the radio at American G.I.'s in between playing their favourite songs... but today, the whole population in the West runs home after work and automatically does what?

Yes, the idiot box comes on the second we walk in the door. It holds us in a hypnotic trance, requiring that the viewer shut off all private thought and conversation and let the propaganda box fill our minds with its message. We now eat dinner in the living room rather than gathering at the dinner table where we can converse while eating... It is a great babysitter for the kids... It does not get turned off until we go to bed, and even then, many of us have
another propaganda box in the bedroom that we watch until drifting off to sleep, often with the box still on throughout the night, filling our subconscious with still more messages.
And what messages are we being told?

...Men are bad... men are rapists... men are violent... men hurt women and children... men are evil... the boogey monster beneath your bed is a typical male... the world is becoming increasingly global (communist)... globalization (communism) is happening... we have to prepare for globalization (communism)... accept globalization (communism)... globalization (COMMUNISM) is here!!!... there is no escaping globalization (COMMUNISM)...

HEY ROB! Will you SHUT UP already? I can't watch TV while you are continually yacking at me!

Sorry, I got a bit sidetracked by the
real opium of the masses for a minute there. Now let's get back to the big picture, shall we?

"We can't expect the American People to jump from Capitalism to Communism, but we can assist their elected leaders in giving them small doses of Socialism, until they awaken one day to find that they have Communism." -- Nikita Krushchev
"Gentlemen, comrades, do not be concerned about all you hear about Glasnost and Perestroika and democracy in the coming years. They are primarily for outward consumption. There will be no significant internal changes in the Soviet Union, other than for cosmetic purposes. Our purpose is to disarm the Americans and let them fall asleep." -- Mikhail Gorbachev
Now, where was I?
Oh yes. The goal of Marxism is to have Marxist ideologies engulf the people of the world, and then when you have them "suspended" in absolute equality, you use Socialism, a known economic failure, to collapse the State.
Currently, human society is/was structured like this:
Individual --> Family --> Community --> Province/State --> Nation --> Continent --> World
The ultimate longterm goal of Marxism is to create a human society that looks like this:
Individual --> World
The only thing left, aside from the individual, will be a select group of elites at the top who will govern every aspect of the individual's lives across the entire globe. This is Utopia, and mankind will be walking upon it in Communist bliss.
Now, the elites at the top need to set up shop somewhere, so perhaps they might pick a fancy shmancy building like this one, from which to decide how the insignificant peons of the world should live:

Hey, I'm just saying... it would be a good place, wouldn't it?
Remember now, the failure of Marxism was not the collapse of the Soviet Union - that was a success!
"All the other large and small nationalities and peoples are destined to perish before long in the revolutionary world storm… these residual fragments of peoples always become fanatical standard-bearers of counter-revolution and remain so until their complete extirpation or loss of their national character… [A general war will] wipe out all these petty hidebound nations, down to their very names. The next world war will result in the disappearance from the face of the earth not only of reactionary classes and dynasties, but also of entire reactionary peoples. And that, too, is a step forward." -- - Friedrich Engels, "The Magyar Struggle," Neue Rheinische Zeitung, January 13, 1849
The failure was that Marxism failed to spread across the whole world like a wildfire during/after the First World War, as Marx had predicted it would. This is why brilliant Marxist theorists such Antonio Gramsci and Georg Lukacs set about to tackle the problem of what caused the Marxist malfunction which resulted in only 1/3 of the world taking up the Marxist cause. While Marx had stopped at saying the destruction of economics/Capitalism would cause Marxism to engulf the world, Gramsci and Lukacs theorized that certain other factors, which Karl Marx had failed to identify, had stopped Marxism cold.
The following factors were present throughout Western Culture and needed to be destroyed for Marxism to succeed in engulfing the world, so said Gramsci and Lukacs, and later the Frankfurt School: Christianity, Capitalism, Authority, the Family, Patriarchy, Hierarchy, Morality, Tradition, Sexual Restraint, Loyalty, Patriotism, Nationalism, Heredity, Ethnocentrism, Convention and Conservatism.
"America is like a healthy body and its resistance is threefold: its patriotism, its morality, and its spiritual life. If we can undermine these three areas, America will collapse from within." -- Josef Stalin
Now, if we could just assume that Rob Fedders, in his infinite wisdom, is correct when he says that Feminism is Communism.
"Feminism, Socialism, and Communism are one in the same, and Socialist/Communist government is the goal of feminism." -- - Catharine A. MacKinnon, Toward a Feminist Theory of the State (First Harvard University Press, 1989), p.10
"A world where men and women would be equal is easy to visualize, for that precisely is what the Soviet Revolution promised." -- - Simone de Beauvoir, The Second Sex (New York, Random House, 1952), p.806
By such an assumption, it would also be safe to say that "feminism" is nothing more than a false front for a subversive Marxist movement. (***Note to Harpies: I am not saying that women should not have rights, but rather that the evils of Marxism has hidden behind "women's rights" to push through a master plan intent on collapsing our great civilization, all under the rubric of "equality." Sigh, keep reading.)
So, if this is true, then does it not make sense for "modern day" feminists to say that they also stand for Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual/Trans-sexual rights as well as stating that they fight racism? They are also determined to end "white privilege."
This sounds like a divergence from "women's equality," which in the sense of that aspect it certainly is, but note that they still have their eye on the ultimate goal: Globalization/Communism.
Feminism was never about "women's rights," it was always about Communism, and it still is. Just like, despite what Lenin told the people, the Russian Revolution was not about freeing the people from Tsarist Tyranny.
"Psychologically, this talk of feeding the starving is nothing but an expression of the saccharine-sweet sentimentality so characteristic of our intelligentsia." -- V. I. Lenin, "Robert Conquest," The Harvest of Sorrow, (London: Arrow Books, 1988), p.234
The reason for Gay rights support is obvious, I believe. Gay rights is being used to further undermine the family by Critical Theory - to further divide it, and then redefine the smaller "divisions" until there is nothing left of the family which makes any sense whatsoever.
Lol! Feminism has pretty much run its path of destruction through the family. It is hard for me to imagine what else feminism could possibly do to destroy the family anymore than it already has. There are few loose ends to tie up, like getting things like State Run Daycare pushed through to ensure that women are no longer given the option of being a Stay At Home Mom. Off to be a slave in the fields with you, peon-ette! But for the most part, feminism has succeeded in mortally wounding the family.
"A middle ground might be to fight for same sex marriage and its benefits, and then, once granted, redefine the institution completely, to demand the right to marry not as a way of adhering to society's moral codes but rather to debunk a myth and radically alter an archaic institution." -- -- Michelangelo Signorile, "Bridal Wave," OUT Magazine, December/January 1994, p.161

"[E]nlarging the concept to embrace same-sex couples would necessarily transform it into something new....Extending the right to marry to gay people -- that is, abolishing the traditional gender requirements of marriage -- can be one of the means, perhaps the principal one, through which the institution divests itself of the sexist trappings of the past." -- Tom Stoddard, quoted in Roberta Achtenberg, et al, "Approaching 2000: Meeting the Challenges to San Francisco's Families," The Final Report of the Mayor's Task Force on Family Policy, City and County of San Francisco, June 13, 1990, p.1.
"It [gay marriage] is also a chance to wholly transform the definition of the family in American culture. It is the final tool with which to dismantle all sodomy statutes, get education about about homosexuality and AIDS into public schools, and, in short, usher in a sea of change in how society views and treats us." -- -- Michelangelo Signorile, "I do, I do, I do, I do, I do," OUT Magazine, May 1996, p.30
And for the ultimate in supreme irony. I predict that when the family is completely demolished, the powers that be will use "Useful Idiots" from the "Men's Movement" to completely slam the door shut and take full totalitarian control of the family by granting those men who are clamoring for Male DV Shelters/Laws & "Equitable" Divorce & Custody Laws what they are asking for. I predict that some unwitting baby-boomer with a Ph D in something will be allowed to make headway with the MRM, position himself as a "leader," and will bring a "male styled feminism" into society. And that will be it! There will be full government control of every aspect of people's close relationships & family. Remember, the trick is not in who gets the biggest piece of the pie, but rather that both sides find themselves running to the government to get their piece. This is the "Totalitarian Trap."
It should be noted that with the Totalitarian Trap, the eternal drive to "equalize" is met by first pushing down one side, and then pushing down the other side until they are "equal." Equality is never reached by restoring rights. It is achieved by removing rights. Always.
The best thing that women could do to preserve their "rights," is to fully abandon feminist lies and throw their full weight at demolishing the Marxist creep. Because women are next on the Marxist destruction list. But this would require allying themselves with those icky men that they've been gleefully bashing for the past 4 decades. (Let's see if you've got the "right stuff," ladies.)
And now onto Racism & Ethnic Diversity.
Now, you're going to say, "Rob, surely you're not a racist white supremacist."
No, I am not. I couldn't give a tinker's damn about people's skin color.
What I do give a damn about is multi-culturalism.

Multi-culturalism is another thing that is "designed" to create conflict. It is a natural agent provacateur. And once the "conflict" begins, the government gets to rush in and "solve" the problem... with... guess what... here it comes... MORE LAWS!
And yet, somehow, we get Politically Corrected sunshine blown up our wazoos telling us that there is "strength in diversity." What a supreme load of bullshit! And it all evades criticism by hiding behind people's natural fears of being called a racist. Much like how people are mentally censored from speaking out against feminism by brownshirts screeching at disenters that they are misogynists.
There is no strength in cultural diversity! Open up any history textbook and look for the causes of World War One... which one jumps out at you? Could it be the one that details "Unrest in the Balkans?"

Yes, ask the people from the former Yugoslavia how great Cultural Diversity is.

Or ask the people in the Middle East.


Or tell me what the Paris Riots were about? Oh yes, the Paris Riots were about the strength of cultural diversity.

Why don't other countries around the world seek this strength? Why is it only predominently Caucasian Western World Nations that need to "seek" this strength? Why not the Japanese? Why not African countries? Why aren't they offering incentives for people from all over the world to move to their countries and encourage them to maintain a completely separate sub-culture contrary to the majority of the nation's population?
Because it's utter nonsense, that's why. It plays on the subtly propagandized message that tells white people to feel guilty for being white. Shame on you, bow down and repent of your White Privilege. Lol! Why don't they tell the Japanese to repent from their Japanese Privilege?
Multi-culturalism causes conflict. This is not news, it's been know to cause conflict for centuries. But Marxism needs conflict to work.
If you have a look throughout the history of the West, you will notice a distinct shift that occured a few decades ago... it occured around the same time as the rise of Second Wave Feminism... when all of those people, what are they called again? The bloomers... the late bloomers... the cry-baby generation... damn, it's on the tip of my tongue. It'll come to me. Anyway, I remember that they were all severely smacked up the side of their intellect by heavy Marxist indoctrination through the Peace Movement and previous Frankfurt School Marxist thinkers like Herbert Marcuse... all aided by a good spattering of illicit drugs.
Out of this age, it seems that the drift from the "melting pot" to the "cultural mosaic" began to occur.
If we have a bit of a closer look, what were some of the "pillars" which the Cultural Marxists declared needed to be destroyed, amongst others?
Patriotism, Nationalism and Ethnocentrism.
When my family immigrated to Canada after the Second World War, they spoke no English and were from a different culture. But they
assimilated themselves into being Canadians very quickly! For me, a second generation Canadian,
that is exactly what I am: CANADIAN! And damn freakin' proud of it! I am a foreigner to my parents' native country. I have no desire to be anything
but Canadian, except perhaps a
Western Canadian if Ottawa continues be a bunch of asshats.

This is how most immigrants who came to the "New World" were encouraged to behave, up until the last few decades. And we built one helluva powerhouse of a civilization out of nothing here in North America by doing it this way, didn't we? Now that is some culture we should not be ashamed of at all. Brave pioneers, seeking adventure, carving their own futures. Why are we propagandized to believe we have a trash culture in North America? We have a very brave and honourable culture! It was also strong enough to "naturally" resist the Marxist wildfire after WWI.
All throughout North American history there has been a direct effort to accept immigrants mainly from Europe, because even if the language is different, there are still many similarities like the same basic religion, the same geographic origination (European), etc. etc. This was done on purpose, not out of white supremacy, but out of the desire to take in immigrants who will easily assimilate to the Canadian Culture (or its copycat little brother, the 11th province, American Culture. Heh, heh.)
But over the past few decades, there has been a distinct shift in Canadian immigration policy, specifically since Pierre Elliot Trudeau, a Marxist admirer, took over Canada and slammed it full of Socialism,
a known economic failure.
Keep in mind that Trudeau spent the late 40's studying MARXISM!
"Trudeau was interested in Marxist ideas in the late 1940s. In the 1950s and early 1960s, he was a supporter of the social democratic Co-operative Commonwealth Federation party — which became the New Democratic Party. During the 1950s, he was blacklisted by the US and prevented from entering the country because of a visit to a conference in Moscow... ...and because he subscribed to a number of leftist publications..." .
And what did Trudeau the Traitor do as soon as he began to rise to power?
"He [Trudeau] introduced legislation permitting therapeutic abortions, legalizing adult consensual homosexual acts, allowing the dissemination of birth-control materials and contraceptive information, and authorizing judicial divorce based on a range of fault and no-fault grounds." (The Globe and Mail: Pierre Elliot Trudeau 1919-2000, by Lorraine Weinrib, Oct 2000)
Trudeau did all things Marxist, it appears. The Status of Women Canada was created by this Traitor. The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms was created by this Traitor, which got rid of the old documents which already guaranteed us the same freedoms - except the new Charter was carefully worded by Trudeau to allow for Hegelian-Marxist Dialectical Arguments - which allows minority groups to over-rule the will of the majority by technically manipulating the document itself. All things Marxist!
And what else did this Traitor bring to us? Why, he introduced multi-culturalism to Canada.
"The government will support and encourage the various cultures and ethnic groups that give structure and vitatity to our society. They will be encouraged to share their cultural expressions and values with other Canadians and so contribute to a richer life for us all.'' -- Pierre Elliot Trudeau
What a complete load of horseshit! At the time when Trudeau took office, Canada was one of the most prosperous and powerful nations on earth!
We were doing pretty good with the "melting pot." The melting pot was our "structure and vitality."
Why abandon it and replace it with the "cultural mosaic?"
Patriotism, Nationalism, Ethnocentrism. Pillars of Western Civilization which Cultural Marxists had identified as needing to be destroyed.
After 30 years of the Cultural Mosaic, the word "Canadian" has very little more meaning than a typical gerund. French-Canadian, Italian-Canadian, Indo-Canadian, Chinese-Canadian, First Nations, Lebanese-Canadian... All specifically encouraged to maintain a sub-culture which is contradictory to what was the Canadian Culture, effectively destroying any uniqueness we used to have.
Will the Canadian-Canadians please stand up to be counted? (Hey, why am I the only one standing up?)
Multi-culturalism has given Canada a globalized identity! Whatever uniqueness we once had, that which bound us together as a people, has been replaced with nothingness and everything at the same time.
And notice, as a country, we now prefer to hinder those from Western Europe, who are highly educated and skilled, from immigrating to our country while at the same time we are willing to allow thousands upon thousands of immigrants from nations where people are not highly educated or skilled - from the Third World. People who are as radically different from us in their culture as possible!
This is goes along nicely with the Marxist Utopia Masterplan, which is to equalize everone and everything and then collapse all of society's superstructures:
Individual --> Family --> Community --> Province/State --> Nation --> Continent --> World
Individual --> World
For Marxism to work, the poorer Third World Nations must also be equalized with the richer Western Nations. (This is what is so scary about the UN's relentless drive to
create world taxes - with the stated goal of using the money from the richer countries to
equalize the wealth to the Third World. And remember, people -
the power to tax is the power to govern - and we don't vote for these guys!)
In the perfect Marxist world, the West would be made to be poorer, and would be filled up with dirt cheap labour from the Third World.
Now, dear reader, I can tell I am boring you... and you are saying, "OK, Rob. But what does all this have to do with feminism?"
Well, I'm about to tell you, grasshopper.
We have a Demographic Trap looming up in the future that will force Globalization (Communism) upon us.