ABCDEF: http://no-maam.blogspot.com/2007/03/in-their-own-words.html
GHIJKL: http://no-maam.blogspot.com/2007/03/g-to-l.html
STUVWXYZ: http://no-maam.blogspot.com/2007/03/stuvwxyz.html

"Feminism, Socialism, and Communism are one in the same, and Socialist/Communist government is the goal of feminism." -- Catharine A. MacKinnon, Toward a Feminist Theory of the State, (First Harvard University Press, 1989), p. 10
“Sexuality is to feminism what work is to Marxism…” -- Catharine A. MacKinnon, Toward a Feminist Theory of the State, (First Harvard University Press, 1989), p. 3
"Differences [between men and women], including the products of social inequality, make unequal treatment not unequal at all." -- Catharine MacKinnon, "Reflection on Sex Equality Under Law," Yale Law Journal, 1991
"Compare victims' reports of rape with women's reports of sex. They look a lot alike....[T]he major distinction between intercourse (normal) and rape (abnormal) is that the normal happens so often that one cannot get anyone to see anything wrong with it." -- Catharine MacKinnon, quoted in Christina Hoff Sommers, "Hard-Line Feminists Guilty of Ms.-Representation," Wall Street Journal, November 7, 1991.
"All sex, even consensual sex between a married couple, is an act of violence perpetrated against a woman." -- Catharine MacKinnon
"Politically, I call it rape whenever a woman has sex and feels violated." -- Catharine MacKinnon
"You grow up with your father holding you down and covering your mouth so another man can make a horrible searing pain between your legs." -- Catharine MacKinnon (Prominent legal feminist scholar; University of Michigan, & Yale.)
"Look to your left, look to your right, look in front of you , and look behind you. Statistics tell us you have just laid eyes on someone guilty of sexual assault." -- Catharine MacKinnon, from her Commencement Speech given to Yale University, 1990
"Feminism is built on believing women's accounts of sexual use and abuse by men." -- Catharine MacKinnon, Feminism Unmodified, 1987

"[I]f even 10 percent of American women remain full-time homemakers, this will reinforce traditional views of what women ought to do and encourage other women to become full-time homemakers at least while their children are young.... This means that no matter how any individual feminist might feel about child care and housework, the movement as a whole [has] reasons to discourage full-time homemaking." -- Jane J. Mansbridge, Why We Lost the ERA, p.100

"Q: What if Mary had taken Plan B after the Lord filled her with his hot, white, sticky Holy Spirit? A: You’d have to justify your misogyny with another ancient mythology." -- Amanda Marcotte (Former Blogmaster for John Edwards' 2008 Presidential Campaign) Pandagon goes undercover the lazy way on a Catholic anti-contraception seminar, Pt. II. Pandagon. Retrieved on 2006-06-14.
"the Catholic church is not about to let something like compassion for girls get in the way of using the state as an instrument to force women to bear more tithing Catholics." -- Amanda Marcotte (Former Blogmaster for John Edwards' 2008 Presidential Campaign) (2006-12-26). Some reproductive rights links to consider while digesting Christmas leftovers. Pandagon. Retrieved on 2006-12-26.
.[Regarding the Duke University False Rape Allegations Case] "Can't a few white boys sexually assault a black woman anymore without people getting all wound up about it? So unfair." -- Amanda Marcotte (Former Blogmaster for John Edwards' 2008 Presidential Campaign)
MARX, ELEANOR (1855 - 1898)

"Women are the creatures of an organized tyranny of men, as the workers are the creatures of an organized tyranny of idlers." -- Eleanor Marx, The Woman Question
MARX, KARL (1818 - 1883)
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world in different ways. The point, however, is to change it." -- Karl Marx
"What is the present family based on? On capitalism, the acquisition of private property... The bourgeois sees in his wife nothing but production." -- Karl Marx, The Communist Manifesto, 1848
"My object in life is to dethrone God and destroy capitalism." -- Karl Marx
"The meaning of peace is the absence of opposition to Socialism." -- Karl Marx
"From each, according to his ability; to each, according to his need" -- Karl Marx
“The production of too many useful things results in too many useless people.” -- Karl Marx
“Democracy is the road to socialism.” -- Karl Marx
"Anyone who knows anything of history knows that great social changes are impossible without feminine upheaval. Social progress can be measured exactly by the social position of the fair sex, the ugly ones included." -- Karl Marx
"Sell a man a fish, he eats for a day, teach a man how to fish, you ruin a wonderful business opportunity." -- Karl Marx
“The oppressed are allowed once every few years to decide which particular representatives of the oppressing class are to represent and repress them.” -- Karl Marx
“Philosophy is to the real world as masturbation is to sex” -- Karl Marx
“Religion is the opium of the masses.” -- Karl Marx
“We should not say that one man's hour is worth another man's hour, but rather that one man during an hour is worth just as much as another man during an hour. Time is everything, man is nothing: he is at the most time's carcass.” -- Karl Marx
“Society does not consist of individuals but expresses the sum of interrelations, the relations within which these individuals stand.” -- Karl Marx
"For the bureaucrat, the world is a mere object to be manipulated by him." -- Karl Marx
“The ruling ideas of each age have ever been the ideas of its ruling class.” -- Karl Marx
“The first requisite for the happiness of the people is the abolition of religion” -- Karl Marx
MILLET, KATE (1934 - )
"The care of children ..is infinitely better left to the best trained practitioners of both sexes who have chosen it as a vocation...[This] would further undermine family structure while contributing to the freedom of women." -- Kate Millet, Sexual Politics, 178-179
"[C]ontemporary patriarchies...[wives'] chattel status continues in their loss of name, their obligation to adopt the husband's domicile, and the general legal assumption that marriage involves an exchange of the female's domestic service and [sexual] consortium in return for financial support." -- Kate Millett, Sexual Politics (New York: Avon Books, 1969). pp. 34-35
"Millett argued that the impetus of the sexual revolution had the potential to collapse antiquated patriarchal systems, including the institution of marriage, thereby creating "a world we can bear out of the desert we inhabit."7 -- Patrick F. Fagan, Robert E. Rector, and Lauren R. Noyes, Why Congress Should Ignore Radical Feminist Opposition to Marriage http://www.heritage.org/Research/Features/Marriage/bg1662.cfm
"In Millett's view, a dismantled patriarchy--resulting from the destruction of traditional marriage--would generate the downfall of the nuclear family, a goal she called "revolutionary or utopian."8 -- Patrick F. Fagan, Robert E. Rector, and Lauren R. Noyes, Why Congress Should Ignore Radical Feminist Opposition to Marriage http://www.heritage.org/Research/Features/Marriage/bg1662.cfm
"Millett argued that the complete destruction of marriage and the natural family is necessary to produce an ideal society."11 -- Patrick F. Fagan, Robert E. Rector, and Lauren R. Noyes, Why Congress Should Ignore Radical Feminist Opposition to Marriage http://www.heritage.org/Research/Features/Marriage/bg1662.cfm
MORGAN, ROBIN (1941 - ) Editor of Ms. Magazine
"I feel that 'man-hating' is an honorable and viable political act, that the oppressed have a right to class-hatred against the class that is oppressing them." -- Robin Morgan
"And let's put one lie to rest for all time: the lie that men are oppressed, too, by sexism--the lie that there can be such a thing as 'men's liberation groups.' Oppression is something that one group of people commits against another group, specifically because of a 'threatening' characteristic shared by the latter group--skin color, sex or age, etc. The oppressors are indeed FUCKED UP by being masters, but those masters are not OPPRESSED. Any master has the alternative of divesting himself of sexism or racism--the oppressed have no alternative--for they have no power--but to fight. In the long run, Women's Liberation will of course free men--but in the short run it's going to cost men a lot of privilege, which no one gives up willingly or easily. Sexism is NOT the fault of women--kill your fathers, not your mothers." -- Robin Morgan
"We can't destroy the inequities between men and women until we destroy marriage." -- Robin Morgan (ed), Sisterhood is Powerful, 1970, p.537
"I claim that rape exists any time sexual intercourse occurs when it has not been initiated by the woman, out of her own genuine affection and desire." -- Robin Morgan
“I haven’t the faintest notion what possible revolutionary role white hetero- sexual men could fulfill, since they are the very embodiment of reactionary- vested-interest-power. But then, I have great difficulty examining what men in general could possibly do about all this. In addition to doing the shitwork that women have been doing for generations, possibly not exist? No, I really don’t mean that. Yes, I really do.” -- Robin Morgan
"The phallic malady is epidemic and systemic... each individual male in the patriarchy is aware of his relative power in the scheme of things.... He knows that his actions are supported by the twin pillars of the State of man - the brotherhood ritual of political exigency and the brotherhood ritual of a sexual thrill in dominance. As a devotee of Thanatos, he is one with the practitioner of sado-masochistic "play" between "consenting adults," as he is one with the rapist." -- Robin Morgan, The Demon Lover, (NY: Norton & Co., 1989), p. 138-9
"My white skin disgusts me. My passport disgusts me. They are the marks of an insufferable privilege bought at the price of others' agony." -- Robin Morgan, The Demon Lover, (NY: Norton & Co., 1989), p. 224
"The Women's Caucus [endorses] marxist-leninist socialist thought." -- Robin Morgan, Sisterhood is Powerful, p.597
"The simple fact is that every woman must be willing to be identified as a lesbian to be fully feminist." -- (National NOW Times, Jan. 1988)
*N* *O* *W* Action Alert -- October 20, 1999 -- Fathers' Rights Bill Advances in the House. This Action alert explains that the Father's Rights legislation before Congress is "bad for women and children" because it will "promote marriage" and "disseminat[e] information about the advantages of marriage", "promote successful parenting" and "disseminat[e] information about good parenting practices", and "help fathers and their families ... leave ... welfare". A plain reading of the Action Alert shows that when read in full context NOW will do ANYTHING to destroy marriages, families, and even children. -- No DNC
***Read the Action Alert Here***

"Women have no sympathy... And my experience of women is almost as large as Europe. And it is so intimate too. Women crave for being loved, not for loving. They scream at you for sympathy all day long, they are incapable of giving you any in return for they cannot remember your affairs long enough to do so." -- Florence Nightingale
"Not merely about equal rights for women ... Feminism aspires to be much more than this. It bids to be a totalizing scheme resting on a grand theory, one that is as all-inclusive as Marxism, as assured of its ability to unmask hidden meanings as Freudian psychology, and as fervent in its condemnation of apostates as evangelical fundamentalism. Feminist theory provides a doctrine of original sin: The world’s evil’s originate in male supremacy." -- Daphne Patai and Noretta Koertge, Professing Feminism: Cautionary Tales from the Strange World of Women's Studies, p.183 (***Note: Patai & Koertge write from a critical perspective of where feminism has been going and use the above in the context of an example to illustrate their case. See Daphne Patai's website here: http://www.daphnepatai.com/ And read about her work here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daphne_Patai )
"Our culture, including all that we are taught in schools and universities, is so infused with patriarchal thinking that it must be torn up root and branch if genuine change is to occur. Everything must go - even the allegedly universal disciplines of logic, mathematics and science, and the intellectual values of objectivity, clarity and precision on which the former depend." -- Daphne Patai and Noretta Koertge, Professing Feminism: Cautionary Tales from the Strange World of Women's Studies, (New York Basic Books, 1994), p.116 (***Note: Patai & Koertge write from a critical perspective of the aforementioned logic and use it in the context of an example. See Daphne Patai's website here: http://www.daphnepatai.com/ And read about her work here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daphne_Patai )