Monday, June 28, 2004

Bonecrcker #183 - Ladder Theory

The problem with Ladder Theory is it assumes women make choices based on an objective evaluation of the value of a man that is commonly agreed upon. All you have to do is look around to see that isn’t true. If anything, we have a big problem in our culture with criminal status men gaining access to normal and high status women…..often ruining them in the process. Also, the idea that there is a friend ladder and a sex ladder isn’t true. People can and do “hop ladders” all the time, with little or no effort, simply by changing their behavior toward the person. If anything, women keep their so-called male friends as a “dick in reserve”. Is that really a separate ladder? No. She is just giving a guy that should be given high priority because of his traits (looks, personality etc.) low priority because he isn’t acting in the way that stimulates her neurotic personality correctly.

The problem with women is they are nuts. When you meet them and start to get “involved” with them, from your perspective, you are building a relationship……something real, that has permanence over time. That’s what people who are involved are supposed to be doing. But that’s not what she is doing. From her point of view, although she gives lip service to the relationship, she will only stick around for as long as you provoke strong feelings in her. The moment you slip, even if you are married with kids for 20 years, she is gone. The sicker ones don’t care if the feelings are positive or negative. Want to hop ladders? Learn to provoke strong feelings in her. She’ll jump your bones.

Ladder theory is the way things should be. Want a hot, high status, young, fertile woman? Then go to the gym until your body looks like a model’s, wear expensive fashionable clothes, and get a high-paying, high-status job where you are the boss. Sounds great. Those are all things a powerful, motivated man can and usually will do. There is a problem though. IT DOESN’T WORK. Women don’t give priority to men like that. They say they do, but their behavior doesn’t match up with this. You’ll get more play as a dirty, dishevelled member of a rock band that is going nowhere fast or as a drug dealer. Even the women that do go for the man with money are only looking to exploit him. They don’t want him, they want his money. Of course, they don’t want a strong man with money (because he’ll keep her on a tight leash). They want a WEAK, low status man with money.

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Sunday, June 27, 2004

Bonecrcker #182 - Women Want Strong Emotions But Don't Care If Those Emotions Are Negative

QUOTE: "In my case it wasn’t just “pussy” that kept me around, I deeply loved my girlfriend and wanted to spend the rest of my life with her. And she talked like she wanted that too. But she didn’t want to cooperate and work with me towards that goal, she just wanted to keep testing me and pushing the envelope to see what she could get away with. She would intentionally do things that she knew I would find upsetting just so she could get me upset. Stupid things, like keeping the radio or TV on loud all night."

This is a perfect example of what I am talking about. She wants the strong emotions and doesn’t care that the particular emotions she gets are negative (anger, fear, jealousy pain etc.) Worse, there really is no relationship as far as she is concerned (it doesn’t matter that you have built a relationship and think you two are in love). You could (and usually are) married for 20 years with 4 kids, and she walks away without a second thought. That’s because it was all pretend for her.  And the consequences don’t matter to her.

What this means, quite simply, is there is no way in hell you can be monogamous with her. No matter your situation. No matter what you have been to eachother, what’s REALLY going on is she has never moved past the initial stages of infatuation. Your “relationship” doesn’t exist and she will disrespect you if you think it does. She will do a hell of a lot more, if you are stupid enough to marry her and/or have kids.

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Bonecrcker #181 - Women Don’t Hate Men, But They Don’t Love Them Either

Saturday, June 26, 2004

Bonecrcker #181 - Women Don't Hate Men, But They Don't Love Them Either

Outside of the psychos, my experience has been that women don’t hate men (any woman who hates men is a pariah….and knows it). The problem is that they don’t love them either. They feel, and are often addicted to, the strong emotions and temporary states of love. But they never build the shared purpose, evolution, growth and bonding that goes along with love. That’s the part that endures and builds over time. That’s the part that is real. The moment they don’t get their “fix” of strong emotions, they’re gone. That’s a problem because you absolutely cannot have a marriage or even a monogamous relationship under those circumstances. You can never go beyond just dating without it turning into a disaster. To make matters worse, the man is usually building all those things from his point of view. When she leaves, she rips an important piece of his psyche out. Many men don’t recover. And many women die on the vine, some time after their 30′s, from lack of real love (not just the emotion) in their lives.

There are large numbers of women who are in marriages and other relationships that and are just empty shells of suffereing and don’t know why. This is why.

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Bonecrcker #47 – Living In La-La Land

Bonecrcker #182 – Women Want Strong Emotions But Don’t Care If Those Emotions Are Negative

Men Harmed By Relationships More Than Women

“Women have no sympathy… and my experience of women is almost as large as Europe. And it is so intimate too. Women crave for being loved, not for loving. They scream at you for sympathy all day long, they are incapable of giving you any in return for they cannot remember your affairs long enough to do so." – Florence Nightingale

Friday, June 25, 2004

Bonecrcker #180 - Sarcasm

Sarcasm has two meanings when a woman uses it. When she says she is sarcastic, what she means is she will be mean to you, try to cut you down and make you feel bad with humour that belittles you. But when she says she is looking for a lover who is sarcastic, what she means is she wants a guy who engages in light hearted teasing with sexual undertones (think little boys chasing little girls around the playground to tug on their hair), often busting her balls, challenging her about her beliefs etc. in a way that is best defined as cocky. In family type relationships, older siblings often do this to younger siblings as a normal way of fostering bonding and closeness. It’s natural and normal for a woman to want that from her man. It’s neither natural nor normal for a woman to want to be what she is calling “sarcastic”. Don’t fall for the double-speak. When used to describe a man, it means affectionate. When used to describe a woman, it means abusive. Very rarely, you will run into a woman who is “sarcastic” like she wants from a man. She is trying to prime the pump to get you to act the same way, and she never calls herself sarcastic. It is very easy to tell the difference. It has a benevolent quality, rather than a malevolent one (this also goes for weeding out the rare abusive man, BTW).

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Bonecrcker #1 – Abusive Behavior

Bonecrcker #87 – Abuse Is A Game You Can’t Win

Thursday, June 24, 2004

Bonecrcker #179 - Subversive Teachers

One of the things that bothered me the most was discovering (by meeting these people in my own social circles) that feminists (particularly lesbian feminists) are actively seeking careers as teachers with the specific intent of promoting feminist, anti-man, ideology. To quote one chick, we are being subversive. We want kids to have our values, not their parents’ values. The implication was that their parents’ values were sick, while theirs were good. There are two problems with this. It is completely disrespectful and in no way their place, to make such a decision for children who aren’t theirs. The other problem is the parents values are actually normal (that’s why their lives are fulfilling, stable and sane) while the lesbians’ values are totally fucked up (that’s why their lives are miserable, unstable and constantly filled with insane situations).

We need to pass strict laws on what teachers are allowed to do in the classroom. Children are sent to school to learn skills and knowledge, not (usually sick) social conditioning.

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"If the classroom situation is very heteropatriarchal -- a large beginning class of 50 to 60 students, say, with few feminist students -- I am likely to define my task as largely one of recruitment...of persuading students that women are oppressed." -- said Professor Joyce Trebilcot of Washington University in Who Stole Feminism: How Women Have Betrayed Women.


Bonecrcker #14 – Ritalin and Abusive Schools

Bonecrcker #15 – Abusive Schools II

Bonecrcker #109 – The Benefits of Boys Only Schools

Wednesday, June 23, 2004

Bonecrcker #178 - Love Is A Verb

Drama is one of the major techniques for seducing a woman. However, understand that you are dealing with extremely transitory states. Over time, her receptivity to your trying to stimulate strong emotion in her drops (the more she gets to know you, the less you can provoke a fantasy in her….even if it’s not actually a fantasy, but reality). Also, the moment you stop, your relationship vanishes. No matter how cool, rich, powerful, pretty, mysterious, passionate, or sexy you are, the value she places on you drops over time. Once it reaches zero, she is immune to your charms. This is, of course, completely insane. If you stick around too long, you can and will have the wonderful experience of her wandering off from you, after all the energy you expended toward keeping her attracted to you,  to be with a total loser. You could be going out on romantic dates, doing exciting, dangerous things together, followed by hours of mind blowing sex, only to have her leave you for some asshole who only wants to lay on the couch, and hasn’t gotten it up in a decade, because she thinks you are boring. As a matter of fact, she won’t stick around you much longer than if it was you laying around on the couch all day.

Doing stuff like this is great for getting laid. But to maintain a relationship, it just doesn’t work, because the reason relationships fizzle out is solely due to a woman’s choice to not breathe life into it.

Rather than work too hard to make a woman attracted, I prefer to make strong attraction to me the main criteria for letting a woman be a part of my life. The moment her attraction starts to wane, I start looking for a woman who IS attracted to me. Look at it this way, in the beginning (within reason) it is the man’s responsibility to foster attraction in a woman. But very quickly, it becomes the woman’s responsibility to feel attraction (and other emotions like warmth, affection and love). These emotions are actually behaviours she chooses to do. They don’t just happen and they aren’t a response to what you do (you can only just prime the pump), they are something she chooses to DO. And women do them, until they lose interest and wander off. Then it’s like you never existed.

Or, to put it another way, love is a verb.

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Tuesday, June 22, 2004

Bonecrcker #177 - Responsibility And Power Go Hand In Hand

Responsibility and power go hand in hand. Any time you become a source of solutions to people’s problems or become vital to meeting their needs, you become important to them. Often they don’t notice until there is a disagreement and your voice carries more weight than theirs because they need you more than you need them.

In the last couple of generations, most women have simply lost interest in those behaviours that meet the needs of those around them and instead, focus on behaviours that are mostly useless. For example, many women ignore the behaviours that go with marriage and family (although near 100% of women will get married and/or have a family) to spend their time and effort on a career. But they never bother to ask themselves if their “career” is important. In other words, is the work they are doing meeting the vital needs of other people. Mostly, the answer is no, and they simply can’t understand why this situation doesn’t meet their desire for importance, wealth, status and power. Worse, the lack of behaviours in the family situation completely disempowers them from being able to choose what happens with that situation. The kids become fucked up. The marriage deteriorates. It isn’t important to her and she isn’t important to it. The whole thing….job, husband, family, becomes a dissatisfying mess. The average woman (ie more women then not) simply wander off, and then the real problems start. This is a grim situation for all involved but worst of all for the woman. An older, divorced woman, tied down with kids, in a nowhere dead-end job is best described as marginalized….with no options for the future and no self-esteem. Most women are headed there and FAST. And they don’t even know it.

Any person can avoid that fate by doing the opposite. Decide what you want out of life, make goals, AND WRITE THEM DOWN, keep track of daily behaviours you take to make those goals manifest. Move your focus away from appearances and ego, and useless, time wasting behaviours and focus on specific problem solving and being of service to society. Don’t get a job unless you desperately need the money, have a legitimate career or (best of all) own a business. Whatever you do, make sure the work you are doing is important. If it is mostly busy work, make changes immediately (let the 99% of people who are directionless schlubs, do the busy work).

But, most important of all, decide early and for certain if you want marriage and a family (if you are a hardcore career girl that is actually going places instead of just fooling herself, you have a difficult choice to make) and how that will fit into your life. Ignore appearances, fantasies and bullshit and choose a man based on substance and character, whose goals match your own. Who is an asset (your spouse is usually your first, most important and most valuable asset…..or your worst, most horrible liability) Figure it out early in life (unfortunately for women, the later in life you figure it out, the worse off you will be) and go after it with iron willed determination. Then, focus the lion’s share of your effort, time and attention on your marriage and family. You MUST make your marriage permanent, loving, fulfilling and sane. You MUST socialize your children. Not doing so makes you worthless.

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Bonecrcker #46 – Feminism Turns Women Into Mere Sex Objects (advice to women)

Bonecrcker #54 – Women Should Cultivate Anything That Typically Is A Virtue… (advice to women)

Bonecrcker #151 – The Woman Who Is The Exception Phenomena (advice to women)

Bonecrcker #153 – People Can Choose Anything They Want To… But They Can’t Choose The Consequences

Bonecrkcer #154 – Women Are Bitches To Nice Girls (advice to women)

Bonecrcker #167 – Advice For Women On Inviting Men To Approach You (advice to women)

Bonecrcker #174 – The Measure Of A Person’s Worth Is Their Actions (advice to women)

Bonecrcker #176 – Women Making More Money Than Their Husbands (advice to women)

Philalethes #25 – You Can Have As Much Freedom As You Are Willing To Be Responsible For, But No More

Monday, June 21, 2004

Bonecrcker #176 - Women Making More Money Than Their Husbands

QUOTE: "I don’t mind making more than my husband. I put that as an example b/c I knew someone would say “Height cannot change, but weight can.” Income can also change, and men feel uncomfortable with that requirement. It would not matter to me."

I think most people who don’t have money have completely the wrong idea about this. A husband and wife do not compete or compare when it comes to incomes. Nor does the man bring home the bacon while any money the woman has is for play (this is the dominant attitude in couples with disposable income). People work together to make money. That’s one of the secrets rich people have. It’s how they got rich. Often, you’ll see couples with complementary skills. One spouse has the money generating skills (business person, or professional usually) and the other has the money management skills (typically lawyer, accountant or real estate broker). If you are a man or a woman and you want wealth from your marriage, THAT’S the way to get it.

This is an example of what I mean by neurosis when it comes to choosing men that most women have. It is completely appropriate for a woman to have certain reasonable standards when it comes to income. Pretty much, you have to have a job and you have to have a roof over your head. Why? Because a man who doesn’t is usually an omega male….and outcast, drug dealer, wife beater……a loser. What a woman should look for in a man are skills, goals, and focus…..particularly those that are in line with her own. For example, say you just happen to be a lawyer, you probably would want to hook up with another professional, say an accountant. Together, you live well below your means and invest your extra income in a business and use your collective skills to nurture it. You will make more money than God.

But that’s not what most women do. Having no real interest in money at all, they know that men who have a lot of money are rare and SIMPLY WANT THE STATUS OF BEING WITH A RARE MAN. Who cares if he actually sucks as a man? Or worse, she wants to steal his money. Any way you slice it, that’s a recipe for disaster.

Men should ALWAYS show a woman he has tons of skills, well developed (written) goals and a laser-like focus. But, he must be very careful to keep the fact that he has money well hidden. It attracts the wrong type of woman.

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Bonecrcker #46 – Feminism Turns Women Into Mere Sex Objects (advice to women)

Bonecrcker #54 – Women Should Cultivate Anything That Typically Is A Virtue… (advice to women)

Bonecrcker #151 – The Woman Who Is The Exception Phenomena (advice to women)

Bonecrkcer #154 – Women Are Bitches To Nice Girls (advice to women)

Bonecrcker #167 – Advice For Women On Inviting Men To Approach You (advice to women)

Bonecrcker #174 – The Measure Of A Person’s Worth Is Their Actions (advice to women)

Bonecrcker #177 – Responsibility And Power Go Hand In Hand (advice to women)

Sunday, June 20, 2004

Bonecrcker #175 - Do Women Really Choose Men, Or Do Men Choose Women?

QUOTE: "women still have yea or nay choice even with the supposed initiation power men possess."

This is not nearly as cut and dried as you might think. Yes, when it comes down to one man pursuing one woman, it’s the woman who decides. However, at least in our culture, only men do the pursuing. The woman is FORCED (mostly by her own foolish neurosis) to only be able to choose from among those who chase her. It’s a pretty limited pool most of the time. However, I can choose to chase as many women as I want…..a pool limited only by time constraints. My personal choice for handling this issue is to pursue a great many women, but only a tiny bit. Most could not care less about me. They get barely a second look. A much smaller amount are interested in me (the prime attribute I use for deciding to put any energy of any type toward a woman). A small subset of them are highly motivated to get me. They get the lions share of my attention. Constantly searching out more and more women means this pool is always relatively large and I AM THE ONE WHO GETS TO CHOOSE AMONG THEM. Who has the choice now? Out of 100 chicks, I might approach 10, follow up with 3 and choose to sleep with one of them. 90% of those girls get nothing more than the once over from me. Ten get a polite conversation. Three will want to be with me. But I will only choose one based on how motivated she is to please me and certain other factors that are just my personal taste. A woman has to take what she can get. I do not…..provided I am willing to go out and get it. How much control does a woman really have over initiation behavior when I’m the one who chooses if I want to initiate with her?

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Saturday, June 19, 2004

Bonecrcker #174 - The Measure Of A Person's Worth Is Their Actions

QUOTE: "Women only hold the value men assign to them. So, if men don’t value our vaginas or other parts, then we are probably practically useless to them."

Lol, you don’t understand women or yourself (let alone men) very well if you think that. The measure of a person’s worth, man or woman, is their actions…..what they do with their life, the virtues they cultivate and the way they impact the world. EVERY person is in full control of their worth. Further, how other people view you has virtually no bearing at all on your worth. You have the sole authority and responsibility to judge your own actions. The better you are at doing this and in choosing what you do wisely, the more empowered you become. Weak, fucked up people will try to deny what you are. But they are nothing to the person who cultivates power this way. Also, unlike the fucked up manipulator, a worthy person never lacks for friends, allies and others who will help him.

This is the difference between a whore and a woman of quality. Most American women choose to be whores (and cheap whores at that)….then they wonder why they are of low worth. Too many American women aren’t satisfied to just be a whore; they strive to be a $5 crack whore instead of a $500 a night high class whore.

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Bonecrcker #46 – Feminism Turns Women Into Mere Sex Objects (advice to women)

Bonecrcker #54 – Women Should Cultivate Anything That Typically Is A Virtue… (advice to women)

Bonecrcker #151 – The Woman Who Is The Exception Phenomena (advice to women)

Bonecrkcer #154 – Women Are Bitches To Nice Girls (advice to women)

Bonecrcker #167 – Advice For Women On Inviting Men To Approach You (advice to women)

Bonecrcker #176 – Women Making More Money Than Their Husbands (advice to women)

Bonecrcker #177 – Responsibility And Power Go Hand In Hand (advice to women)

Friday, June 18, 2004

Bonecrcker #172 - Social Proofing Has Negative Survival Value For Women

QUOTE: "Women seem to need a lot of consensual validation from other women."

This is one of the things that really pisses me off about women. NONE of the things that make me a desirable man (money, looks, body, personality etc.) that I work on, mean a damn thing to them. In fact, many of these things are a detriment, as they chase after omega male (scumbag) traits. But, social proofing….THAT matters. I got news for them. Social proofing pretty much means I can’t or simply won’t give them what they want. Social proofing means one of three things. I’m not going to commit, under typical circumstances (me). I’m taken, so you have no chance with me (typical married guy). Or, worst of all, I’m taken and I’m the type of lying, cheating, scum who will do it with someone behind my wife’s back (ie poor character). Social proofing has negative survival value for women. It’s neurotic and unnatural.

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Bonecrcker #6 – Women Choosing Extinction

Bonecrcker #24 – Social Proofing

Bonecrcker #44 – Women Have Contradictory Love

Bonecrcker #103 – Raising Your Sexual Status

Bonecrcker #104 – Sexual Status Is Similar To Employment Status

Bonecrcker #111 – Gaining Power With Women

Bonecrcker #123 – One Of The Most Important Reasons To Have More That One Woman At Once

Bonecrcker #173 - Questions For The Bonecrcker

QUOTE: I have some questions.

1. What behaviours did they exhibit?

2. If you don’t want to be soley with one woman, do the women know about each other/are they OK with this? I always wanted monogamy because I thought it was the hallmark of a serious relationship, not for power.

3. Does this example mean a person doesn’t love you? I wasn’t trying to test him, but you commute to school while dating someone. You don’t have a car at the time and the person thinks you should. But you just borrow your parents’ car because it is easier on you. One day, their car doesn’t start and you call and ask your significat other for a ride to class. The answer is “I wanted you to get your own car, therefore I ain’t taking you nowhere.” Does this mean they don’t care? Is this a test?

1. This is a tough one because there are so many and they are so varied. They range anywhere from simple flakiness and disrespect of my time (showing up late or not at all) to cutting me down in front of people in public. The first gets you a warning and a stern lecture. The second gets your number erased from my speed dial. There is a basic pattern of escalation. When I lived for 10 years with my fiancĂ© (who later abandoned me in a rather fucked up way….but that’s another story), the behaviours were incredibly extreme and downright bizarre. Then there is the other side of the coin….indifference. The person no longer seems excited to spend time together and doesn’t put any effort into anything. Eventually they wander off and stop calling. Some women have to be dumped for the former. But, most women simply do the latter. They start hot and heavy and then fizzle out. The way I do things, this is not a big deal. But, these same women often pressure me for a monogamous relationship. I’m like, if you can’t maintain interest for 6 months, what makes you think I want to be moving in with you? Also, most women will gab endlessly in narcissistic fashion about the most inane things. Rarely have I been with a woman that bothered to find out much about me in depth. My experience is most women behave themselves and are fun to be around, if you keep them on a short leash. But, if you let them cut you off from “competition” they very quickly become lazy and presumptuous. One thing I have never met any woman who does, is start working together to build a life with her man. I’d love to meet a woman like this. But, I doubt she exists. The types of behaviours I would expect from a woman like this range from the simple getting to know my personality in depth to the complex, starting money making ventures together to support the kids we plan to have. To be blunt, I rarely meet a woman who is sincere, down to earth and makes good decisions, let alone sending that my way. Most are completely involved in airy fairy nonsense, many to the point of being self-destructive and chasing after sensual pleasures. That’s great in limited quantities. But it’s hardly something to build a life together with.

2. This may come as some surprise to you but most women are more attracted to a man who won’t be monogamous with them than to one who will (and they wonder why I choose the former). If you ask a woman, hey, would you date a man who was seeing other women? Most would say, "Of course not." But, that’s not true. my value as a man goes up, not down, if I “date around”. There are a few things though. You can’t lie….and you can’t burst their bubble. When a woman directly asks, "Are you dating other people?", the answer is yes. When she asks where were you Saturday night, the answer is, "None of your business." But, you don’t leave other women’s underwear hanging around your bedroom either. When a woman asks, "Are you single?", the answer is yes (unless you are married and that’s a whole other thing) Also, most women “date around”. They are seeing more than one man (none tell you this, BTW) and they don’t respect a man who isn’t seeing more than one woman. What they want to do though, is separate you from the other women. Not a problem, except once they have you, they don’t want you anymore! Every time I let a woman become “serious”, she wanders off. Not right away mind you. Instead she leads me on and suddenly changes her mind at a later date. My point here is, the whole thing of a woman looking for a decent man to have a monogamous relationship with, is just a big myth. Either they want to bag you, but have no intention of doing their part in the relationship and, quite frankly, disrespect you for being willing to be bagged….or they WANT you to be the type of man who dates around. Even the women whose self-esteem is so low that they are rarely with a man do this. This is the way things are. I didn’t choose it (quite frankly, I don’t like it). And the way things are is very different than the way they say things are.

3. That’s a person who is being an asshole. The hallmark of the asshole is unreasonableness. They expect you to rearrange your life and deal with a huge imposition so that you can indulge a minor whim of theirs. Or (as in this case) they are very controlling. They want you to solve a problem you have, their way, rather than your way. If you refuse and do what any assertive, self-determined person would do (choosing your own way to deal with something) and it doesn’t work, they dump a hefty amount of blame on you and even try to punish you in an aggressive or passive-aggressive fashion. The point of what they do is NOT to make things come out right (mostly what they want you to do doesn’t work anyway, lol), but that you do what THEY want. I would say that, no, the way that person is behaving is not what you would see in someone who loves you. There are two things you see in the behavior of someone who loves you. The first is their behavior encourages you to grow and become self-sufficient. The second is they are willing to give up things that don’t really matter to them, so that you can have something that really matters or is important to you. If you have an emergency, they turn off the tube, get their ass off the couch and help you. They also don’t try to make you feel stupid for having the emergency. However they also don’t let you make it a habit of manufacturing emergencies on a regular basis.

Someone who loves you would SUGGEST getting your own car. When you chose to do something else, they would support your right to make that decision. If it didn’t work, they would help you. They neither carry you through life nor let you fall off the cliff from a single bad decision. Someone who did that to me wouldn’t even get the benefit of a phone call to let them know they’ve been dumped.

There is one exception to that. When a person consistently makes decisions that are deviant and way outside the realm of reasonableness….you confront them about it. For example, drug use. Another example, I had an old girlfriend of mine who was whoring around behind her fiancĂ©’s back with guys who had been in jail. I told her that was inappropriate and likely to result in ruining her life. She told me to fuck off… I did. I haven’t spoken to her since.

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Thursday, June 17, 2004

Bonecrcker #171 - The Problem Isn't the Body, It's the Mind

The problem isn’t the body, it’s the mind. Although the body is important for various reasons, including status, it’s not a deal breaker. What is a deal breaker is the reason WHY her body may look like that; particularly if she has good genetics (i.e. look at her when she was younger and look at her mother and siblings). Deterioration of one’s body in the face of favourable factors is a huge warning sign of a pattern of obnoxious, self-destructive behavior (if it goes so far as to manifest as drug use or an eating disorder, run, don’t walk in the other direction). It’s a package deal. Where you see one behavior, you see tons of others. And the person wants to extend that crap to YOUR life….and will be very tenacious in doing so. This is unacceptable.

Also, I’d like to point out that the attitude of not discriminating against a woman based on her body is brain-washing on their part. It is one of the key elements of a greater pattern where they try to convince men to accept less, and provide more. Don’t fall for that. Instead, always insist on full value for everything you provide her, particularly in the same area. If you are good in bed, she needs to become good in bed. If you are smart, educated and interesting to talk to, so must she be. And if you spend 5 days a week in the gym, developing that “ripped” look, guess what she needs to be doing? Why? Well, not only do you deserve it, but, if you let her slack off, she will try to slack off in all other areas. But, most important of all……she will disrespect you for it. You have the ridiculous situation that  a fat/ugly chick will consider you a loser (no matter what other qualities you possess), simply because you were willing to look past her “packaging” to see if the person inside was of value. This is that social proofing issue coming up again. Those things I do that add value to myself don’t matter. What matters is the associations I have. If I’m screwing a hot chick, I must be hot. If a lot of people are listening to me, I must be interesting. But, if I screw a homely chick, there must be something wrong with me…..even to the homely chick.

Women are sick.

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Bonecrcker #39 – Fat Bottom Girls

Bonecrcker #161 – The Old “Fat But Working On It” Line

Zenpriest #19 – How Women Keep Score

Wednesday, June 16, 2004

Bonecrcker #170 - Normal Looking Girls Get Hit On More Than Hot Looking Women

QUOTE: "Haven’t you ever seen like 200 men go after the same blonde bimbo?"

Want to know a few secrets? The first is that normal looking girls get hit on WAY more than hot looking women. Why? Because men care about sex, not about challenge. We’re really not interested in competing with other men over a woman. No, what we want is sex. And to most men, the normal looking girl seems more in the realm of getting some with little effort. And, quite frankly, women are something of a commodity with men. Without the depth of a relationship, one woman is pretty much as good as another. This is the very harsh price women pay for making relationships built on bullshit fantasy, exploitation and appearances rather than on depth, loyalty and commitment. Quite literally, there is no reason for a man to commit or put more than a minor amount of energy into any one woman. The second is that hot looking women are deeply, DEEPLY insecure. They KNOW that although the packaging looks nice (something they are not at all sure of), what’s inside is of dubious value. When bored or anxious, they will do almost anything to alleviate the problem. Lastly, there are major constraints over men’s behavior in society. Even though the instinct is for tons of men to go after every woman at every opportunity, we rarely do. What I mean by that is you only see that behavior in certain specific situations…..for example, online dating, or at the club. The rest of the time, men are all around but none are on the hunt. Much of the time, a man who approaches women in normal, everyday situations, has the tremendous advantage that the woman he is chasing has gone an extended period of time with nobody showing interest, even (maybe especially) if she is some hot blonde. This is the harsh price women pay for not doing their part of the mating dance. However, a lot of women specifically seek out situations where men hunt them en masse, so this can skew their perception. They never notice that any man of worth stays away from those situations.

So the answer to your question is no. That only happens at the sex club or when trolling AOL. The truth is that women are much more highly motivated to get men than men are to get women. They just suck at it, on almost all levels. To put it another way, how many girls are satisfied with their love lives? Damn few.

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Tuesday, June 15, 2004

Bonecrcker #169 - America Is Not A Socialist Country?

QUOTE: "America is not a Socialist country. In fact we are the LEAST socialist country on earth. We have the lowest taxes of any developed country so I don’t know where you guys keep getting this socialist crap from.

Feminist is one thing, Socialist is another."

You guys are right, I really should be more careful in what I mean, but there is no specific term for it. For example, communism is a dirty word. But not because there is anything wrong with that model (even though it is a bit unrealistic). What makes communism a dirty word are the specific PEOPLE who identify themselves with communism, give lip service to that system but are involved in all sorts of crazy shit that isn’t too related to the values they supposedly hold. Socialism has a very similar thing going on in a great many countries but hasn’t yet been revealed as being quite as bad. Here in the US, although the same people are involved with the same pattern of behavior, they don’t call themselves socialists. They call themselves liberals. Part of the problem is these malevolent shadow players adopt a name with a well defined set of goals and values to hide what they are doing. Their goals, values and behaviours are way out of line with what the name implies. The biggest example of this I can think of is feminism.

The specific part of the “socialist” agenda I’m talking about is the forced redistribution of wealth by centralized violence via alimony/child support and the attempt to dilute/remove the family as the prime source of socialization and values for children and replace them with the government (conveniently replacing good values with ones the socialists need to manipulate people with that are quite frankly immoral). Also, through various means they have set up a system where a person can be a very low quality human being and still survive, even thrive and multiply. They have removed many of the perks a person gets for being a good person. The biggest one of these is being treated with preference and respect by women. That prize now goes to men who are scum….thanks to direct manipulation and brain washing by these people.

Although centralization is a key element of what these people are about, that isn’t their defining characteristic. And you are right, the US is much less socialistic (in the real sense of the word) than many other countries. The defining characteristic is the ABUSE of that centralization….turning it away from its intended purpose (usually leaving that purpose unfulfilled) to serve a fucked up purpose. They hijack our institutions and twist them to evil ends.

Although removing all elements of socialism from our society would solve the problem, it would also bring about other problems. Perhaps it would be better to say that we need to regain control of those institutions from these evil bastards and reform them. However, certain socialistic institutions are highly inappropriate and have always been abused harshly and their reason for being was mostly a lie. Child support and alimony are right at the top of the list for that.

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Monday, June 14, 2004

Bonecrcker #168 - You Can't Assume You Are Dealing With Nice, Normal, Rational, Loving People

You can't assume you are dealing with nice, normal, rational, loving people when you deal with women. Since that isn’t even close to being true, making a situation come out right is much more a function of enforcing your will on them, than convincing them with rational arguments. First, cultivate power, and then use that power to force the other person to do what you want, then choose what you want them to do wisely. Yes, men and women should both come to the table with the idea that acting in a good and loving manner will result in a relationship with almost unlimited potential and fulfillment. The problem is, I can pretty much guarantee that the woman will not be coming from this position and, instead will be looking to do as little as possible, be as little invested as possible, and be as sick as possible. In order to prevent that, you must be the one who calls the shots in all things. The words benevolent dictator comes to mind. Problem is, our society and legal system are completely dedicated to wiping out your power, even punishing you, if you dare to marry or get her pregnant. They will even cooperate with the sicker ones to bust your balls outside that arrangement if you aren’t careful.

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Sunday, June 13, 2004

Bonecrcker #167 - Advice For Women On Inviting Guys To Approach You

You need to understand that women in this country are completely socially inept and have stopped all relationship starting behavior. That leaves the field wide open for you (a woman who knows what she is doing) with little to no competition. See a guy you like? Look at him and smile as an invitation to approach. Likely, it is quite rare for him to get signals from women, no matter who he is, what he looks like or anything else about him. He may be surrounded by women who want him but NONE of them will invite him to approach. You can swoop right in and pluck him out of the crowd easy. The downside to this is he has gone so long without this happening that he might not recognize your invitation. Just be firm and repeat it several times. Eventually, he’ll come on over. Talk lightly and steer the conversation to mutual interests and then mention you might want to do one of those together. Give him your phone number and bam; you have a date with a guy you are highly attracted to. This is easy for women to do and tough as hell for a man to do. Why? Because women get an idea in their head about the type of man they want (usually a random one at that) and are not open at all to anyone else, plus they try to keep any attraction a big secret until Mr. Right just decides to aggressively pursue them as some random encounter (yah, that works well…..not). Usually what happens is a woman gets lonely and bored and then grabs whoever just happens to be hitting on her aggressively, as a stop-gap measure. Men, on the other hand, are open to any woman of reasonable quality that seems interested in him.

What really burns my nut about the whole thing is the exception to this situation……the scumbag. Women will chase and do all sorts of freaky things for a scumbag, including competing over his sorry ass. That sort of behavior is quite natural to do for alpha males. It is decidedly unnatural and sick to do with fucked up losers.

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Bonecrcker #46 – Feminism Turns Women Into Mere Sex Objects (advice to women)

Bonecrcker #48 – Sexes Approaching Eachother
Bonecrcker #54 – Women Should Cultivate Anything That Typically Is A Virtue (advice to women)
Bonecrcker #151 – The Woman Who Is The Exception (advice to women)
Bonecrcker #154 – Women Are Bitches To Nice Girls (advice to women)

Bonecrcker #174 – The Measure Of A Person’s Worth Is Their Actions (advice to women)

Bonecrcker #176 – Women Making More Money Than Their Husbands (advice to women)

Bonecrcker #177 – Responsibility And Power Go Hand In Hand (advice to women)

Saturday, June 12, 2004

Bonecrcker #166 - Seeking After Money Is Not An Effective Means Of Getting Women

My whole point in posting this research is to show that, no, seeking after money is NOT an effective means of getting women and sex. What’s going on here is two-fold. First, women are women are choosing most sexual partners at random with a small percentage of women (gold diggers) choosing a man based on money (only lots of money will do) but as a means of exploitation and have having no intention of doing anything but burning the relationship to get their hands on that money. Second, most women are lying about the randomness thing. They list a whole bunch of attributes (including income) that they want in a man. When they randomly reject you, they bring up lack in any of these attributes as the reason, and the very next day are with someone who has none of the attributes on that list. Hypocrisy. Income (height is another one) is a favourite because women list qualifications that only a tiny fraction of men meet. It’s a handy way to reject you. However, it’s total bullshit. The truth is, if she won’t her sister will or her friends will. That is the truth. Men can (and do) make themselves crazy trying to meet the qualifications of women. They work out obsessively, work 80 hour weeks, dress in insanely expensive clothes, get all manner of plastic surgery, and a lot of other goofy stuff to try and “measure up”. It just doesn’t work. It doesn’t work because the idea of objective measures of a man is just a scam. Women are lying.

If you redid this study with other objective measures…..things like lean muscle mass, height, education, dominance, whatever, you would find the exact same thing. The only exceptions would be fame (if you are on TV, you are going to get laid) and deviance (criminal history, drugs, violence etc.)

This has implications for a man’s strategies for dealing with women. Work on THEM, work on the situation, don’t waste time working on yourself.

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Friday, June 11, 2004

Bonecrcker #165 - "The Problem" Is So Pervasive That It Is Difficult To Avoid

 The problem is so pervasive in women that it is difficult to avoid. Realistically, you will not meet a woman who is not like this, even if you spend an extended amount of time searching. A man can and should be as assertive as possible with any woman he is with. That being said, women are an aggressive pain in the ass and it takes a large amount of energy to do this….it’s a battle of wills. The closer a woman gets to you, the more intense that battle becomes. But, that’s not the worst part….nonono. The worst part is the woman will decompensate, no matter what you do. Eventually, she will abandon you or force you to eject her from your life. That is unavoidable if you want to prevent becoming her abused pet dog. The situation is made much worse because of state interference. Quite literally, you no longer have this right if you dare to get married or if she gets pregnant. If you or her decides to leave, the state will punish you severely. All women use this situation to really ramp up the abuse.  Most eventually leave so that the state can whip their dog even more.

This is a very difficult situation to deal with, women en masse deciding to be so toxic. If you play your cards right, you can get many of your needs met while at the same time forcing women to accept the consequences of their inappropriate behavior. However, you cannot have what is most important in life…..a permanent monogamous relationship and family with a good woman. That is simply unavailable here, no matter what you do.

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Thursday, June 10, 2004

Bonecrcker #164 - The Media Is Being Used Against Us

Haven’t you guys seen enough evidence that media, in a pretty blanket fashion, is being used against us? I mean, turn on the TV at any time of the day and you will see something, a show, a commercial, a news item that portrays men in a very negative light. How can this be anything but a concerted campaign against us? Why can’t you see how the news media is a big part of this and how the feminist agenda is just part of a larger agenda to disempower you in some weird social experiment. It doesn’t get any plainer than showing who voted for what or showing specific, extreme examples of the bias (no…the manipulation of the news to serve a cause against our best interest). Who do you think is passing the laws that make marriage a very bad idea (hence, cutting men off from one of the prime determinants of a happy life), grossly perverting other laws on the bench, and presenting the feminist lies in every print, TV, movie and other media that exists. They aren’t exactly subtle about it either.

I’m making a very specific point about this. That point is that feminism and the ass-raping laws that they have been responsible for are only one head of a hydra. You can’t deal with the feminists without dealing with their allies and the agenda that ties them all together.

Do I care about the stupid liberal bias trying to paint the Iraq war as a disaster? Hell no, I don’t. Except for all my tax money flowing into that cesspool, I don’t really care about Iraq. What I care about is the blatant attempt to manipulate the next presidential election and shift the political balance of power. Why do I care about this? Because once in, they want to pass even more ass-raping laws (hey, how would you like to become financially responsible for kids your girlfriend has from some other man, 3 years after you dumped her or other fun stuff like that). They want to put even more women-only agenda judges on the bench. And they will really ramp up the media showing men in an even worse light, promoting lesbianism as an alternative, and sick lifestyles like being a drug whore or gangbanger in an even more positive light.

I prefer to say NO, to that nonsense.

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Bonecrcker #13 – DV Myths = Cold War

Bonecrcker #17 – Movies Desensitize Social Problems

Bonecrcker #117 – Feminism is a Purposefully Destructive Ideology Within a Larger Destructive Group

Bonecrcker #142 – Buffy & Xena

Roots of American Culture and Community in Disarray – by Bill Woods

Who Stole Our Culture? – By William S. Lind

The Fine Art of TV Repair

Wednesday, June 09, 2004

Bonecrcker #163 - A "Real Man" Wouldn't Shun A Woman With Kids

Any time you hear a term like “real man” you should automatically assume someone is trying to manipulate you. What they are trying to do is convince you that cleaning up the mess they made of their own lives is your responsibility. That you don’t have the right to choose the women and the situation that is best for you. That you are somehow less if you do what you want instead of what they want. The correct response to this is to laugh in their face. Feel free to meet her, seduce her, fuck her and then dump her because she has a kid. Sorry toots, you’re great, but there is just no future in a relationship with you because of all the bad decisions you made in the past……and it’s your responsibility to deal with it, not mine.

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Bonecrcker #3 – Shaming Language
Bonecrcker #36 – Just Say No To Divorced Women
Bonecrcker #77 – Just Say No to Women with Kids
Bonecrcker #119 – Sleeping with Single Moms and Cohabitating

Tuesday, June 08, 2004

Bonecrcker #162 - Women's "Requirements" in a Man

QUOTE: I’ve been turned down for a date because the girl only wanted to date a guy with blue eyes. Mine are brown. So I didn’t get a date. And yes, as you can tell, I’m all broken up over it. Yeah.

The correct response to something like this is to laugh in the woman’s face, roll your eyes in that “I can’t believe what a fucking loser you are” manner and walk away. When a woman has a weird attitude like this, she is telling you quite clearly, and in no uncertain terms, that something is wrong with her. She doesn’t know how to play the game and will likely end up failing at it. Either she will end up with nobody or she will end up with an obese, ugly, smelly, unemployed guy…..with blue eyes.

This is a lot different than a woman saying, "I want a guy I’m heavily attracted to physically." Or "I want a guy who I find interesting to talk to." Or one of lots of different criteria that fall under personal taste. Those things speak directly to the enjoyment of her being with the guy. Blue eyes don’t fit the bill with that. It shows she is clueless about how her choices affect the quality of her life. One day, she will look back at her crappy as hell life and go, “How the hell did I end up here?”

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Bonecrcker #166 – Seeking After Money Is Not An Effective Means Of Getting Women

Monday, June 07, 2004

Bonecrcker #161 - The old "Fat But Working On It" Line

You need to be leery of the old "fat but working on it" line. When a man says this, what he means is he has carefully researched what works, has set goals and a method of monitoring his progress, and is in the process of implementing his plan. Six months to a year later, he will be fit.

What a WOMAN means when she says this, is she is eating disordered, spends most of the year binging as part of a destructive shame spiral, and is engaging in various extreme, bizarre, mostly ineffective behaviours (vomiting, diuretics, fasting, laxatives, fad diets etc.) out of desperation. Six months to a year later, she will be fatter than ever. Often she will lose a few pounds, snag a man, and then balloon way up again (a lot of the time this is on purpose with the point of being disrespectful). But none of this is the REAL problem. The real problem is the woman is a neurotic mess. Her behavior in all areas of her life is insane, self-defeating and self-destructive (especially with regard to relationships). If you give her the chance, she will try and include you in the pattern. One of the first things she will do is sabotage your own fitness, in a calculated campaign to make you fat. If you have other bad habits you have conquered (for example, smoking), she will try to bring those back too. Now, most women do this to a certain extent, but not nearly to the degree that a “fat chick” does.

Just say no.

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Bonecrcker #39 – Fat Bottom Girls

Bonecrcker #57 – Approaching Fat/Ugly Chicks Is Harmful To Your Self-Esteem

Bonecrcker #157 – Eating Disorders

Bonecrcker #171 – The Problem Isn’t the Body, It’s the Mind

Zenpriest #19 – How Women Keep Score

Sunday, June 06, 2004

Bonecrcker #160 - Good Job On The Stats!

QUOTE: JUSTICE SYSTEM BIAS: Even though the amount of the average “child support payment” due from women is half the amount due from men, and even though women are twice as likely as men to default on those payments, fathers are 97% of “child support” collections prosecutions [Census Bureau]

I had no idea of that stat. It’s an important one, IMHO and illustrates quite nicely how the whole “deadbeat dad” issue is a total lie.

QUOTE: HIGHER EDUCATION: There are more than 200 all-female colleges for women and now not one single all-male college for men. 5.8% fewer men than women are enrolled in 4 year colleges, even though two thirds of those who score higher than 550 in SAT Math are males. In 1993 only 44.5% of college enrolments were men, and that figure has declined since then. Only 45.8% of of bachelor’s degrees were conferred to men in 1992, even though 98.2% of the top fiftieth percentile of the GRE are men, and ZERO PERCENT of American high school girls correctly answered 28 out of 67 TIMSS advanced math questions. Only 38.4% of private 4 year college students were men as of 1990, and this figure has declined since then.

I personally have run into this bit of discrimination. There was a time when I approached the Chicago School of Professional Psychology about their PsyD. Program. Even though I had GRE scores in the 99 percentile, high grades, published research and good references, they passed me over. Almost all of students there are women. More importantly, all of the women I knew who went to that school (including my own fiancé, at the time) had below average scores, grades and were missing research achievements (supposedly very important) like mine. I approached the head of the board that screens applicants (a woman) and was very rudely rebuffed. Perhaps I should have sued them. Of course, knowing what I know now, I would NEVER choose to enter the field of Clinical Psychology.

QUOTE: CHILD VIOLENCE: Even though mothers commit 55% of child murders and biological fathers commit 6%, even though NIS-3 shows that Mother-only households are 3 times more fatal to children than Father-only households, children are systematically removed from the natural fathers who are their most effective protectors and men are imprisoned at rate 20 times that of women.

This reminds me of that TV commercial showing a father and a little girl holding hands and acting in a loving manner, while the word Abuser is printed on his back, to be seen by a woman, with a caption urging people to report men even if they just mildly suspect abuse. The commercial is an obvious attempt to cause harm to normal families without abuse and a strong father role model. It conveniently ignores the fact that most abuse (and by far, the worst abuse) comes from women, not men. Of men and women, women are the ones who no longer feel the strong bond that makes harming a child, taboo….not men. That is sad and disturbing. And I can think of no stronger argument for the fact that women are the problem in society….not men. Further, of the men who DO abuse, almost all of them are omega males. The commercial shows the nice, white, middle class, respectable dad as the abuser. But the truth is, it’s the drug using, lower income, criminal record scumbag that is the abuser. Unfortunately, minorities are over represented in this population.

Good job on the stats.

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Saturday, June 05, 2004

Bonecrcker #159 - Men Who Sleep On The Couch

This topic is one of the many problems that happens when you allow a woman to weasel her way into living with you (which is part of the point as to why she wanted to). You can’t easily leave. You definitely can’t leave without destroying the relationship. Contrast this with what you could do if you weren’t living together. "Look babe, I’m just not satisfied with your behavior. I’ll be back when you decide to behave. If it happens too many times, I won’t come back."

Not sleeping with her (especially if you are sleeping with someone else) becomes empowering, rather than disempowering. Of course, she can do the same thing, but while your your desirability goes up when you do this, hers goes down. Plus, don’t kid yourself; she is going to do it anyway. Why should you accept the problems inherent in monogamy when she won’t?

My point here is, you lost the fight waaaaay back when you allowed her to move in with you, not when it comes down to her trying to get you to sleep on the couch. Also, if she is doing this, it means your relationship is over. She may hang on (sometimes for quite a bit) but the good times are done and she is looking for your replacement. This is a harsh, complicated thing when living together. But when not living together, it is as simple as erasing her number off your speed dial.

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Friday, June 04, 2004

Bonecrcker #158 - Part of Breaking-Up Is About The Drama

Women are neurotic freaks and very insecure. Part of the dumping process, for them, is the drama. They want you to crawl, to try to get them to stay. If you just don’t care, it’s devastating to them. Even worse is if you beat her to the punch and dump her first.

Understand this, if nothing else. They all leave eventually. Either they walk out, or they do something so bad that you had better throw them out. When you get involved with one, you need to keep this in mind. Since it is going to happen anyway, it really is no big deal. Also, you have absolutely no reason to limit yourself to only them. When the time comes, they will present it as one of the several variations of the dramatic breakup. Your response should be: So? Preferably, it should only mean that you spend more time with a girl or two you see on the side while you shop around for a replacement.

It is absolutely right to think that you cannot control the sickness in women. But, I would like to point out that you do not have to let it affect you either. There are certain situations that force you to do so (mostly due to government sticking its nose in where it doesn’t belong) but they can be avoided (ie don’t breed, and don’t get married.)

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Bonecrcker #178 – Love Is A Verb

Bonecrcker #157 - Eating Disorders

Tolerance of deviance has allowed behaviors like eating disorders to become common place. The solution, both on the societal and personal levels is to not tolerate it. This pays off big time in many ways, and not doing it has a very high cost. Eating disorders are a very good example. If you don't dump a chick upon learning she has an eating disorder, I can absolutely guarantee that you will regret it. Sooner or later (usually sooner), something fucked up will happen to you because the chick is a psycho. She simply won’t act like a normal person. Although it is very difficult to find a woman who IS normal, there are degrees. If you do less, and expect more (especially in the character department), your love life will be MUCH better.

Most relationship experts tell you the exact opposite…..just do more for her and be tolerant of her foilables. That is a deadly mistake.

The very definition of insanity is doing what is counter to survival……refusing to eat is right up there at the top, just under refusing to breath.

That’s the point I repeatedly make over and over again with women. Their behavior is NOT explainable in any MEANINGFUL way as a derivation of survival of the fittest. What they are doing is directly counter to both our biological imperatives and the specific patterns in which humans, meet, mate, and relate. The fucked up results are predictable. When you act in a manner contrary to survival……you don’t. But, you usually don’t croak right away. You spend a certain amount of time, sick, before you go. Usually, you don’t pass on your genes. And that is EXACTLY what is happening in our society today.

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Bonecrcker #39 – Fat Bottom Girls

Bonecrcker #57 - Approaching Fat/Ugly Chicks Is Harmful To Your Self-Esteem

Bonecrcker #161 – The Old “Fat But Working On It” Line

Bonecrcker #171 – The Problem Isn’t the Body, It’s the Mind

Zenpriest #19 – How Women Keep Score

Thursday, June 03, 2004

Bonecrcker #156 - Friends With Benefits

I’ve done the "friends with benefits" thing too. Basically, what happened was a woman I was in a relationship with demoted me to the status of sex object (I don’t want to be your boyfriend anymore, but I still want to have sex). The point of this situation is their respect for you has dropped to a very low point, but they still need you for something (in my case, it was for sex, but many times, it is something more utilitarian). Their behavior towards you gets more and more uncaring and disrespectful. Just say no.

This doesn’t mean you should commit to a woman….no, no, no. What this does mean is the relationship only lasts as long as she is still willing to work hard and compete in order to “get” you. When that behavior ends, she usually leaves (note that actually “getting” you tends to end the behavior made). Sometimes though, they want to hang on for various reasons. Don’t let them.

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Bonecrcker #35 – You Mean Nothing To A Woman Until You Have Sex

Bonecrcker #38 – You Mean Nothing Until You Have Sex II

Bonecrcker #127 – Timing Is Important

Bonecrcker #128 – Women as “Friends”

Bonecrcker #130 – Never Allow A Woman To Call You A Friend Unless You’ve Had Sex At Least Once

Wednesday, June 02, 2004

Bonecrcker #155 - Types of Bad Advice

There is a big problem with well meaning but ignorant people, and some not so well-meaning types with a woman-only agenda spreading bad advice about how to handle the problem. They fall into three general categories:

1. Do more – The problem is that you aren’t doing enough for your woman, working hard enough at the relationship, aren’t good enough somehow or have to change in some other way.

2. Expect less – The problem is what you want from women is unreasonable and no person could meet up to your standard.

3. That’s just the way things are – Usually some dreck that attempts to explain what women are doing as a function of some leftover instincts from our evolution. Since it’s hardwired, you can’t do anything about it and just have to accept your lot in life.

There is one thing all of these theories have in common…..they don’t work. Strategies based on them have absolutely no effect whatsoever on the situation. I would say they were untrue (mostly because bad people are intentionally lying to cause you some harm) but there is little point in that because there is no way to prove or disprove them. Instead, I have different criteria to judge them by. Does the theory suggest behaviours that make things better? The answers for these three categories is a very strong no.

So what does? Pretty much assuming the opposite. You should do less, demand more, and assume that you can (and should) choose your behaviours with some goal in mind. Instead of worrying about if you have enough money or some other nebulous criteria by which you are judged, you should instead be judging women as to if they are good enough to spend any of your valuable time on.

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Tuesday, June 01, 2004

Bonecrcker #154 - Women Are Bitches To Nice Girls

QUOTE "Women are bitches to nice girls they perceive as losers precisely b/c they are nice." -- (a female commenter)

Hahaha…..want to know why they are doing that? Because you are ruining the scam for them. If they are a bitch, but you act nice, men will lose all interest in them and transfer it to you, forcing them to compete. They hate that. And want to trick you into giving up that behaviour.

Since you are most certainly in competition with the bitch, under no circumstances should you give that up, or anything else that makes you in demand. At this point in time, a great many women are stuck in a very negative vibe…..leaving the field wide open, for an ambitious girl who knows what she is doing.

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Bonecrcker #54 – Women Should Cultivate Anything That Typically Is A Virtue… (advice to women)

Bonecrcker #151 – The Woman Who Is The Exception Phenomena (advice to women)

Bonecrcker #167 – Advice For Women On Inviting Guys To Approach You (advice to women)

Bonecrcker #174 – The Measure Of A Person’s Worth Is Their Actions (advice to women)

Bonecrcker #176 – Women Making More Money Than Their Husbands (advice to women)

Bonecrcker #177 – Responsibility And Power Go Hand In Hand (advice to women)