Feral isn’t a good term. It implies that people have returned to a wild, natural state, much like a pet will if you abandon it. Savage is a better term. A good portion of what a human is (which is different from every other creature on the planet), is a matter of choice. When we raise children, we can choose to put good things or bad things into them. When they get older, they can choose what they bring into themselves. It’s been this way since homo-sapiens first swung down out of the trees and chose to live like men, not animals. We can choose to live like good men or bad men. Unlike animals, that choice isn’t made for us already by our biology. It’s the source of our power and also the source of our folly……depending on the natural consequences of the choices we make.
Increasingly, women are choosing to bring bad things into themselves and to pass on those bad things to their children. They look for men WHO WILL ASSIST THEM IN THIS TASK. At the very least, they shirk their responsibility to bring good things into themselves and put good things into children. Instead, they let random people influence themselves and their children. A lot of evil people know about this and seek to exploit this situation for various ends (for example, gangs, pimps, drug dealers, and other miscellaneous scum).
One thing that REALLY pisses women off is when you point out the specific consequences of things they do. They get highly offended, thinking you are trying to manipulate them (being huge manipulators, they think everyone else is too). There is a grain of truth to this. Often, when someone is trying to manipulate you, they will punish you with shame and anger, anything to attach a negative emotion onto whatever it is they want to change for their benefit. They are a bit vague and ambiguous on the connection. You should/should not do that thing. Why? Because it’s right/wrong. What they mean by right is what they want. What they mean by wrong is what they don’t want. But this isn’t what I’m talking about.
People can choose to do anything they want to. But they can’t choose the consequences. That’s what I’m talking about. Women constantly get these two things confused. They want to be free to do whatever thing they want AND to choose the consequences. This isn’t possible. It’s like someone jumping off a building and expecting not to fall.
The ingenuity of men is one long history of using superior understanding to seem to break the laws of nature for some benefit. But it’s only an illusion. What’s actually happening is men learn more laws of nature and combine them to get a different outcome. For example, if you jumped off a building with a parachute, you might get a completely different consequence. That’s great. It’s why MEN have been the ones to build everything of consequence for the last several thousand years.
But women see this and are fooled. They see the man jumping off the building in a parachute and landing safely. So, they insist, it’s OK to just jump off. After a few have fallen to their death, they start screaming at men to do something. They get royally pissed when you hand them a parachute, and they throw it away, usually screaming about how worthless you are the whole time. A few more fall to their deaths. Finally, the men throw their hands up in frustration and walk away.
Some get so fed up, they leave and cross the mountain range to the next tribe over. They strike up a conversation with a local girl and mention the parachute they invented. The girl smiles and says…..oooooh, a parachute, how does it work, can I try it?
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"Every day for the past thirty years, you high-heeled pit-bulls have blamed us for everything; from not being able to get into Harvard, to not being able to get into stretch-pants." -- Al Bundy
Bonecrcker #177 – Responsibility And Power Go Hand In Hand
Philalethes #25 – You Can Have As Much Freedom As You Are Willing To Be Responsible For, But No More
Monday, May 31, 2004
Sunday, May 30, 2004
Bonecrcker #152 - The Predatory Female
I’d like to share a section from the book, The Predatory Female, by Rev. Lawrence Shannon, that might explain better what’s going on. This sort of thing with women is extremely common (it happened to me, only much worse, lol)
Love Gap
Q. I lived with a girl for over a year, but when I refused to marry her, she broke off our affair and moved out. Within two weeks she was married to another man. I saw her recently and she behaved like a stranger, despite having professed undying love only three months previously. How do you explain such radical changes?
A. There were no changes. She never cared about you in the first place, but you have been blind to it by failing to grasp the nature of the predatory female. You loved her but she didn’t love you. She is incapable of loving anyone, including her new husband. A predatory female never loves anyone but herself [note: my personal belief is she never loves anyone, ever, especially herself.....that's the real source of the problem.] Using sex to lure men into loving her, she can only pretend at loving them back. This is natural, involuntary behaviour for the predatory female. She feeds them sex, fusses over them, makes them feel loved, but it’s only an act. It’s the chameleon syndrome in full bloom. [Note: chameleon syndrome is described elsewhere in the book.....women are able to take on whatever character traits and behaviours make them seem the most attractive to an pending victim] She uses their love, or infatuation, to manipulate and control, stinging them like the wasp on a spider’s back, until they are incapable of rational thought where she is concerned. The predatory female never becomes emotionally involved in the same way a male does. Her emotional involvement is strictly contingent upon her degree of success in bringing the male crashing to earth. It is not a conscious deceit, but an unconscious one. When, as in your case, she fails to trap him permanently [or chooses not to], she can easily leave because her involvement was only temporal. This is one of the toughest axioms for men to accept: Predatory females flatly don’t care. The person deserving the sympathy is the poor unfortunate who married her. He has volunteered to become the host body for this parasite, and serves as another proof that slavery is the natural state of man.
Q. I just can’t believe that women don’t really ever love men, at least in the same way men love them.
A. The predatory female herself is sometimes fooled in this regard. She can be victimized by her own predatory nature, especially if she’s young. But the experienced ones know better. They’re counting on your inability to understand or accept it. They know your male ego will side with them. If your girlfriend sincerely believes she loves you, be sympathetic, be understanding. She doesn’t know herself yet. But don’t let her immaturity bring havoc into your life.
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Bonecrcker #85 – It’s Very Difficult To Come To Terms With How Fast An Important Relationship Evaporates
Bonecrcker #91 – Could She Just Walk Out Of Your Life?
Love is for Suckers… Blood Suckers
Love Gap
Q. I lived with a girl for over a year, but when I refused to marry her, she broke off our affair and moved out. Within two weeks she was married to another man. I saw her recently and she behaved like a stranger, despite having professed undying love only three months previously. How do you explain such radical changes?
A. There were no changes. She never cared about you in the first place, but you have been blind to it by failing to grasp the nature of the predatory female. You loved her but she didn’t love you. She is incapable of loving anyone, including her new husband. A predatory female never loves anyone but herself [note: my personal belief is she never loves anyone, ever, especially herself.....that's the real source of the problem.] Using sex to lure men into loving her, she can only pretend at loving them back. This is natural, involuntary behaviour for the predatory female. She feeds them sex, fusses over them, makes them feel loved, but it’s only an act. It’s the chameleon syndrome in full bloom. [Note: chameleon syndrome is described elsewhere in the book.....women are able to take on whatever character traits and behaviours make them seem the most attractive to an pending victim] She uses their love, or infatuation, to manipulate and control, stinging them like the wasp on a spider’s back, until they are incapable of rational thought where she is concerned. The predatory female never becomes emotionally involved in the same way a male does. Her emotional involvement is strictly contingent upon her degree of success in bringing the male crashing to earth. It is not a conscious deceit, but an unconscious one. When, as in your case, she fails to trap him permanently [or chooses not to], she can easily leave because her involvement was only temporal. This is one of the toughest axioms for men to accept: Predatory females flatly don’t care. The person deserving the sympathy is the poor unfortunate who married her. He has volunteered to become the host body for this parasite, and serves as another proof that slavery is the natural state of man.
Q. I just can’t believe that women don’t really ever love men, at least in the same way men love them.
A. The predatory female herself is sometimes fooled in this regard. She can be victimized by her own predatory nature, especially if she’s young. But the experienced ones know better. They’re counting on your inability to understand or accept it. They know your male ego will side with them. If your girlfriend sincerely believes she loves you, be sympathetic, be understanding. She doesn’t know herself yet. But don’t let her immaturity bring havoc into your life.
Previous Bonecrcker Index Next
Bonecrcker #85 – It’s Very Difficult To Come To Terms With How Fast An Important Relationship Evaporates
Bonecrcker #91 – Could She Just Walk Out Of Your Life?
Love is for Suckers… Blood Suckers
Saturday, May 29, 2004
Bonecrcker #151 - The Woman Who Is The Exception Phenomena
The woman who is the “exception” phenomena is very dangerous. Because there is always the chance that they actually are the exception, it practically demands that you respect that and value them. However, I have never actually met a woman like this, but I HAVE met tons of women who pretended to be this way. They give incredible lip service to virtues, love and good values. But their behaviour gives them away. How a woman acts, both now and in the past, is the true measure of her character. It’s a good idea to ignore what they say and watch what they do.
As for the, finding good women to be female friends thing, BEWARE, women spend a great deal of time trying to harm their friends, especially their female friends. You can expect hateful rumours, attempts to sleep with your boyfriend, outright stealing from you, and attempts to get you hooked on drugs and other charming behaviours. Just like I said for men, ignore what they say and watch what they do. And don’t turn your back on them for a second.
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Bonecrcker #46 – Feminism Turns Women Into Mere Sex Objects (advice to women)
Bonecrcker #54 – Women Should Cultivate Anything That Typically Is A Virtue… (advice to women)
Bonecrcker #71 – Not All Women Are Like That (NAWALT)
Bonecrcker #154 – Women Are Bitches To Nice Girls (advice to women)
Bonecrcker #167 – Advice For Women On Inviting Guys To Approach You (advice to women)
Bonecrcker #174 – The Measure Of A Person’s Worth Is Their Actions (advice to women)
Bonecrcker #176 – Women Making More Money Than Their Husbands (advice to women)
Bonecrcker #177 – Responsibility And Power Go Hand In Hand (advice to women)
Not All Women Are Like That (Arguments From History)
As for the, finding good women to be female friends thing, BEWARE, women spend a great deal of time trying to harm their friends, especially their female friends. You can expect hateful rumours, attempts to sleep with your boyfriend, outright stealing from you, and attempts to get you hooked on drugs and other charming behaviours. Just like I said for men, ignore what they say and watch what they do. And don’t turn your back on them for a second.
Previous Bonecrcker Index Next
Bonecrcker #46 – Feminism Turns Women Into Mere Sex Objects (advice to women)
Bonecrcker #54 – Women Should Cultivate Anything That Typically Is A Virtue… (advice to women)
Bonecrcker #71 – Not All Women Are Like That (NAWALT)
Bonecrcker #154 – Women Are Bitches To Nice Girls (advice to women)
Bonecrcker #167 – Advice For Women On Inviting Guys To Approach You (advice to women)
Bonecrcker #174 – The Measure Of A Person’s Worth Is Their Actions (advice to women)
Bonecrcker #176 – Women Making More Money Than Their Husbands (advice to women)
Bonecrcker #177 – Responsibility And Power Go Hand In Hand (advice to women)
Not All Women Are Like That (Arguments From History)
Friday, May 28, 2004
Bonecrcker #150 - Women With Past Abusive Partners
One thing this woman will never do is respect a man that doesn’t use violence against her. She’ll repeatedly seek out sick, dangerous men. Because she is sick herself, she won’t see them as sick (actually weak) and dangerous. She’ll see them as sexy and desirable. One day, she will “settle” for some guy who isn’t like this. She will treat him as disrespectful as possible. She’ll also engage in an escalating campaign to get him to abuse her and to self-destruct her entire life. Eventually, she’ll leave. One thing is certain, she will blame everything on men (mostly on the men who aren’t violent, because they are safe to hate) and will steadfastly refuse to do even the most basic behaviours necessary to get a good man and maintain a relationship with him.
No one can do a damn thing to help her. When a woman tells you about dangerously psychotic behaviours from previous men in her life, run the other way as fast as you can. They are emotionally unstable…..and like it.
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No one can do a damn thing to help her. When a woman tells you about dangerously psychotic behaviours from previous men in her life, run the other way as fast as you can. They are emotionally unstable…..and like it.
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Thursday, May 27, 2004
Bonecrcker #149 - Women Don't Actually Have Personality Disorders, They Have Asshole-ism
Women don’t actually have personality disorders (except the ones that have eating disorders…..the two go hand in hand). They have asshole-ism. There is a very big difference between mental disorders and fucked-upness. Mental disorders are diseases. They can be treated with varying degrees of expectation that the treatment will work. When under stress, the disease remains or even gets worse. Fucked-upness is an affectation caused by someone’s self-willed behavior. When under stress (for example, a life threatening situation), it vanishes. Since it is not a disease, it cannot be treated. It only ends when the person doing it decides to improve their behavior. Once that happens, it instantly goes away.
When I say women are sick, I’m being facetious. There is nothing “wrong” with them and certainly nothing is going on that they don’t have control over. They are being assholes in a way that looks like personality disorders. Actually, the whole idea of personality disorders is controversial. Because they are resistant to treatment and not well understood, some people don’t think they are actual disease.
Personally, I DO think they are actual mental illness because a person with such a diagnosis does not have strong, immediate control over the behavior (i.e., they can decide they’ve had enough but be unable to change). Women don’t fall into this category (mostly). Any woman, at any time, can accept the awareness of what the problem is and immediately correct it….gaining a happy and fulfilling life in the process. Most will NEVER accept that responsibility. The only way to affect this situation is to surround them with evidence of what the problem is (them). If everywhere they look there are happy, successful couples (American men married to foreign women), they might decide they want some of that. But probably not. What will happen is, their daughters will see it and won’t grow up the same way their mothers did.
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When I say women are sick, I’m being facetious. There is nothing “wrong” with them and certainly nothing is going on that they don’t have control over. They are being assholes in a way that looks like personality disorders. Actually, the whole idea of personality disorders is controversial. Because they are resistant to treatment and not well understood, some people don’t think they are actual disease.
Personally, I DO think they are actual mental illness because a person with such a diagnosis does not have strong, immediate control over the behavior (i.e., they can decide they’ve had enough but be unable to change). Women don’t fall into this category (mostly). Any woman, at any time, can accept the awareness of what the problem is and immediately correct it….gaining a happy and fulfilling life in the process. Most will NEVER accept that responsibility. The only way to affect this situation is to surround them with evidence of what the problem is (them). If everywhere they look there are happy, successful couples (American men married to foreign women), they might decide they want some of that. But probably not. What will happen is, their daughters will see it and won’t grow up the same way their mothers did.
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Wednesday, May 26, 2004
Bonecrcker #148 - Women Who Want To Cheat With You
(In response to a man who slept with a woman who had a boyfriend)
There is a basic understanding about the nature of American women that you are missing. And that basic misunderstanding is (unlike what is normal for men and women in every culture), love just isn’t real for women here. Quite frankly, they just don’t give a shit about you or anyone else they are involved with. They form no lasting attachments and tend to flitter randomly from one situation to another. Manipulation, lying and self-deception is what it is all about. What’s going on with this woman is she is looking to replace her current boyfriend, or at the very least, has hit the point where she has no respect for him at all. The behavior this translates into is her cheating with every man she can get her hands on, and you just happened to be available. But does she act like some slut who is on the make? Nooooooo, that would be wrong. Instead, she acts like a young woman in love. It’s a total lie. What she wanted was for you to fuck her in the car and then get the hell out when you were done. Her behavior toward you afterward is to deny responsibility for what she has done. After she was done with you, she ran over to her boyfriend and reduced his sperm count to zero, out of guilt. A lot of women will do this, ESPECIALLY women you have been involved with in the past or who were friends with you and are now married. It’s one of the sick, reliable repeating patterns of women. Sad, but true.
Previous Bonecrcker Index Next
Bonecrcker #74 – All Married Women Are Available
Bonecrcker #116 – Can I Ask You A Quick Question? You Married?
There is a basic understanding about the nature of American women that you are missing. And that basic misunderstanding is (unlike what is normal for men and women in every culture), love just isn’t real for women here. Quite frankly, they just don’t give a shit about you or anyone else they are involved with. They form no lasting attachments and tend to flitter randomly from one situation to another. Manipulation, lying and self-deception is what it is all about. What’s going on with this woman is she is looking to replace her current boyfriend, or at the very least, has hit the point where she has no respect for him at all. The behavior this translates into is her cheating with every man she can get her hands on, and you just happened to be available. But does she act like some slut who is on the make? Nooooooo, that would be wrong. Instead, she acts like a young woman in love. It’s a total lie. What she wanted was for you to fuck her in the car and then get the hell out when you were done. Her behavior toward you afterward is to deny responsibility for what she has done. After she was done with you, she ran over to her boyfriend and reduced his sperm count to zero, out of guilt. A lot of women will do this, ESPECIALLY women you have been involved with in the past or who were friends with you and are now married. It’s one of the sick, reliable repeating patterns of women. Sad, but true.
Previous Bonecrcker Index Next
Bonecrcker #74 – All Married Women Are Available
Bonecrcker #116 – Can I Ask You A Quick Question? You Married?
Tuesday, May 25, 2004
Bonecrcker #147 - The Dishonesty At N.O.W
The term dishonest implies that NOW has a legitimate agenda and is just willing to fight dirty to promote it. More and more it’s becoming clear that this isn’t true. These are deeply evil people doing everything in their power to hurt everyone they can, ESPECIALLY women. Every single issue they promote, they take the position most likely to hurt people, no matter how bizarre or unlikely, going to incredible lengths to make their wacko position seem reasonable. They are almost satanic in their promotion of abortion (as in, they want women to have as many abortions as possible and celebrate it) .While legitimate issues of women’s rights go unchampioned, they spend all their time trying to strip rights away from men.
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Monday, May 24, 2004
Bonecrcker #146 - No Cover Charge For The Ladies
The very fact that women get in free in a particular place, makes that place worthless for getting laid. This is the difference between neighborhood bars and a nightclub. Women get way, waaaaayyyy too many points in a nightclub. They don’t need to fuck any of the guys there because they’ve already gotten what they came there to get (the adoration and feeling of being attractive and valuable ). A woman in a nightclub is there to be seen, to dance and maybe to be felt up on the dance floor. She’s going home alone at the end of the night, especially if they are in packs (90% of the time). Also, the club is where all the competition is and unless you look like Fabio, this is not a situation you want. However, a woman in a bar is a different story. She’s either there to socialize with people she knows or to be picked up. It’s easy to tell because she will be alone. At most, she will have one (and only one) girlfriend with her.
Never, never, NEVER go to a nightclub and never pay a cover (ie, never go to a place where they want to charge men for access to women….because that access is a deception). Instead, go to a neighborhood pub with no cover. Either hang out there because you just feel like it or go to a place where there are a lot of free bars. Stay only long enough to make sure there are viable prospects. Walk around. Try to make eye contact with each woman you are possibly interested in. The ones you have a shot with will make extended eye contact (if they smile, you’re in…..mwahaha). The other 99% will avoid your gaze or even be hostile. Don’t even order a beer if there are no prospects. Fuck em and move on. Why waste your money, but more importantly your time?
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Never, never, NEVER go to a nightclub and never pay a cover (ie, never go to a place where they want to charge men for access to women….because that access is a deception). Instead, go to a neighborhood pub with no cover. Either hang out there because you just feel like it or go to a place where there are a lot of free bars. Stay only long enough to make sure there are viable prospects. Walk around. Try to make eye contact with each woman you are possibly interested in. The ones you have a shot with will make extended eye contact (if they smile, you’re in…..mwahaha). The other 99% will avoid your gaze or even be hostile. Don’t even order a beer if there are no prospects. Fuck em and move on. Why waste your money, but more importantly your time?
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Sunday, May 23, 2004
Bonecrcker #145 - Feminism Causes Rape
Fun things like rape come from two, related sources, both linked strongly to feminism. The first is a society being unable/unwilling to deal with scum. Strong, healthy patriarchal societies protect women and string rapists up under the nearest tree. They also take a dim view of false rape allegations. When a society is sick, good men are unable/unwilling to dispense justice, and evil men are free to do bad things. But that pales in comparison to what happens in a society like ours where women actively select evil men, giving them preference above all others, especially rapists. Under these conditions, the number of evil men multiplies and are empowered.
However, sick patriarchal societies also have this problem. Just look at Afghanistan and Iraq.
Previous Bonecrcker Index Next
Bonecrcker #5 – Women Choosing Losers
Bonecrcker #6 – Women Choosing Extinction
Bonecrcker #10 – Women Choosing Scum
Bonecrcker #20 – Rape Fantasies
Bonecrcker #65 – The Repeating Patterns of Women Who Cry Rape
Bonecrcker #84 – Women Going For Evil Losers
Bonecrcker #94 - Evil, Not Power, Is The Defining Attribute Of Women’s Attraction To Evile Men
Bonecrcker #118 – Women Who Marry Scumbags
Bonecrcker #144 – Why Women Are Attracted To Bad Men & Thugs
However, sick patriarchal societies also have this problem. Just look at Afghanistan and Iraq.
Previous Bonecrcker Index Next
Bonecrcker #5 – Women Choosing Losers
Bonecrcker #6 – Women Choosing Extinction
Bonecrcker #10 – Women Choosing Scum
Bonecrcker #20 – Rape Fantasies
Bonecrcker #65 – The Repeating Patterns of Women Who Cry Rape
Bonecrcker #84 – Women Going For Evil Losers
Bonecrcker #94 - Evil, Not Power, Is The Defining Attribute Of Women’s Attraction To Evile Men
Bonecrcker #118 – Women Who Marry Scumbags
Bonecrcker #144 – Why Women Are Attracted To Bad Men & Thugs
Saturday, May 22, 2004
Bonecrcker #144 - Why Women Are Attracted To Bad Men & Thugs
What I’m talking about is how a bad person ASSUMES other people (actually ALL people) are bad without seeing their behavior. They rationalize exploiting them, harming them etc. because they know they deserve it anyway. Either that or they reverse the meaning of right and wrong. As in, it’s a good thing to harm others if you can get away with it. It means you are strong and they are weak. This is at the core of why women are attracted to bad men (criminals, drug-users etc.) They see their doing bad things as evidence of them being powerful. They do those things because they can. This is probably the most dangerous lie involved in this situation. Bad people do bad things out of weakness, not strength. Women, being weak themselves, have no experience with this. Plus, they are self-deluded. They want to think of themselves as strong so they alter their perception to see being a bad person (ie, seeing someone who is just like them) as being strong, not weak. So, they look like someone who is exactly like themselves, only more so.
Previous Bonecrcker Index Next
Bonecrcker #5 – Women Choosing Losers
Bonecrcker #6 – Women Choosing Extinction
Bonecrcker #10 – Women Choosing Scum
Bonecrcker #16 – Women Love Assholes
Bonecrcker #84 – Women Going For Evil Losers
Bonecrcker #118 – Women Who Marry Scumbags
Previous Bonecrcker Index Next
Bonecrcker #5 – Women Choosing Losers
Bonecrcker #6 – Women Choosing Extinction
Bonecrcker #10 – Women Choosing Scum
Bonecrcker #16 – Women Love Assholes
Bonecrcker #84 – Women Going For Evil Losers
Bonecrcker #118 – Women Who Marry Scumbags
Friday, May 21, 2004
Bonecrcker #143 - Hold Out The Lure Of Validation... But Don't Give It To Them
One of the big differences between men and women is men want sex with a woman who cares about them and women want to have sex (only) with a man who could care less about them. But, both men and women want to have sex.
Part of the reason is women are soooooooo insecure about themselves. They desperately need validation that they aren’t worthless worms (which of course, they are, unfortunately). They know the truth of this, deep down and the very minute you give them that validation, they assume the reason must be because you are even more of a worthless worm than they are. It’s sick. Of course, it’s also exploitable. Hold out the lure of validation but don’t actually give it to them.
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Bonecrcker #144 – Why Women Are Attracted To Bad Men & Thugs
Part of the reason is women are soooooooo insecure about themselves. They desperately need validation that they aren’t worthless worms (which of course, they are, unfortunately). They know the truth of this, deep down and the very minute you give them that validation, they assume the reason must be because you are even more of a worthless worm than they are. It’s sick. Of course, it’s also exploitable. Hold out the lure of validation but don’t actually give it to them.
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Bonecrcker #144 – Why Women Are Attracted To Bad Men & Thugs
Thursday, May 20, 2004
Bonecrcker #142 - Buffy & Xena
One interesting thing about both of these shows is they started out OK. The female heroine is a legitimate human archetype. You see this very clearly, it being present in various myths, legends and other stories in every culture, including our own. Buffy and Xena were good shows with good plot. But, somewhere along the way, they were hijacked. The message became more and more anti-men, anti-family, pro-lesbian, and pro-evil. Ironically enough, the quality of the plots took a rapid nosedive soon after. Let’s face it, women do NOT drive the demographic for TV except the most vapid shows, specifically targeting them (i.e. soaps). Its men these shows were popular with…..probably because men are attracted to alpha females and the archetype of the rare heroine falls in that category.
What’s scary is I think this was intentional. Get men hooked on an attractive archtypal character…..then subtly manipulate that character to introduce negative qualities that aren’t really there, to manipulate men into finding those negative qualities (ie hatred of men, etc) to be desirable. Somebody with an agenda and a pop psych degree is behind this.
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Bonecrcker #17 – Movies Desensitize Social Problems
Bonecrcker #164 – The Media Is Being Used Against Us
The Fine Art of TV Repair
What’s scary is I think this was intentional. Get men hooked on an attractive archtypal character…..then subtly manipulate that character to introduce negative qualities that aren’t really there, to manipulate men into finding those negative qualities (ie hatred of men, etc) to be desirable. Somebody with an agenda and a pop psych degree is behind this.
Previous Bonecrcker Index Next
Bonecrcker #17 – Movies Desensitize Social Problems
Bonecrcker #164 – The Media Is Being Used Against Us
The Fine Art of TV Repair
Wednesday, May 19, 2004
Bonecrcker #141 - If You Don't Have Sex On The First Date, Your Chances Of Having Sex With Her At All Are Slim
If you don’t have sex with a woman on the first date, your chances of having sex with her at all are slim. The other side of that coin is, if you have sex with a woman you almost always can have sex with her multiple times in the future. Your goal on a “date” is not to impress a woman with endless blather but to make an excuse for her to come back to your place where you can seduce her. MOST of the time, if you aren’t totally wasting your time with a girl, she will come back to your place under the slimmest of excuses. She is going back there for sex. If she balks, makes a weird excuse etc., you might as well get rid of her (your not getting any, probably ever). The excuse needs to be reputable (so she can pretend she didn’t actually go back to your place for sex…..women are ummmm, nuts). "Hey, come back to my place so we can watch this chick flick on my DVD," is good. "Come and see the A-frame I built next to my bed," is not.
This is one of the many lies women tell. They SAY, they want to get to know a man and generate a certain amount of closeness, before engaging in a physical relationship. But what they DO is is decide within seconds of seeing you if they will have sex with you. The invitation lasts from seconds to several hours, and often has absolutely nothing to do with you (ie, she feels like a slut at that moment in time, and you are acceptable). That’s not normal. It’s not a good thing. But, it’s the way things are.
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This is one of the many lies women tell. They SAY, they want to get to know a man and generate a certain amount of closeness, before engaging in a physical relationship. But what they DO is is decide within seconds of seeing you if they will have sex with you. The invitation lasts from seconds to several hours, and often has absolutely nothing to do with you (ie, she feels like a slut at that moment in time, and you are acceptable). That’s not normal. It’s not a good thing. But, it’s the way things are.
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Tuesday, May 18, 2004
Bonecrcker #140 - Lesbian Women
I’ve had the unpleasant experience of getting close to several lesbian women and then finding out that they are bad people. One was actively working to subvert (her words) young children away from their parent's ideals and mores, as a teacher. Another was an employee of a phone sex line (like ALL women in the sex for money industry, she had 80% of her screws loose). Still another, who lived with her ex-husband (no sex), had “discovered” she was a lesbian at age 50 and shut off all intimacy with her husband but wouldn’t leave. Later, I find out she went on some “retreat” to have sex with dead bodies (you heard me correctly) as part of some voodoo rite. Another was a total mooching loser. And the last one never told me she was gay, had an intensely sexual relationship with me for several years and dressed more and more like a diesel dyke and then stopped seeing me for no apparent reason (cough, cough, new girlfriend, cough, cough).
Previous Bonecrcker Index Next
Bonecrcker #42 – Lesbians & Gay Men
Bonecrcker #52 – Man-Hating Dykes
Bonecrcker #179 – Subversive Teachers
Previous Bonecrcker Index Next
Bonecrcker #42 – Lesbians & Gay Men
Bonecrcker #52 – Man-Hating Dykes
Bonecrcker #179 – Subversive Teachers
Monday, May 17, 2004
Bonecrcker #139 - Religious Women & Projection
Women become devoted to religion for reasons unrelated to piety. Usually, they do it because they are nuts. That’s as in FUCKING nuts! What’s going in here is one of the most primitive defence mechanisms. They did and continue to do (it’s important to understand that almost all of them CONTINUE to do) sinful acts. In order to protect themselves from the guilt, they need to project (as in the defence mechanism of projection) that onto someone else. One excellent way to do that is to join one of the more strict religions. Now, they can spend all their time pointing at other people and saying how bad they are.
Want to have some fun? Find one of these and start confronting them about their own bad behavior. They FREAK out.
An example. One friend of mine is divorced and soon afterward got himself a new girlfriend that had recently become born again (hehehe). She is always talking about men who cheat on their wives, girls who sleep around, blah, blah, blah. He and I play various online games and one day while we were doing stuff, I casually remarked, “So, how’s your new slut?” She happened to be reading over his shoulder and went ballistic…..screaming, jumping up and down, shattering dishes against the wall etc. Later on, I find out why her reaction was so strong. Turns out that she had been a swinger for many years. She started cheating on my friend. She was going out with her married friend and they were picking up grunts at a bar near the base and going to a motel room and having orgies (them two plus several guys). My friend found out and kicked her ass out. But, not before napping hundreds of photos taken with a digicam and stored on her computer. He had an X-rated Yahoo group about Asians (she was Thai) and he had those posted there for the longest time. Hilarious.
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Want to have some fun? Find one of these and start confronting them about their own bad behavior. They FREAK out.
An example. One friend of mine is divorced and soon afterward got himself a new girlfriend that had recently become born again (hehehe). She is always talking about men who cheat on their wives, girls who sleep around, blah, blah, blah. He and I play various online games and one day while we were doing stuff, I casually remarked, “So, how’s your new slut?” She happened to be reading over his shoulder and went ballistic…..screaming, jumping up and down, shattering dishes against the wall etc. Later on, I find out why her reaction was so strong. Turns out that she had been a swinger for many years. She started cheating on my friend. She was going out with her married friend and they were picking up grunts at a bar near the base and going to a motel room and having orgies (them two plus several guys). My friend found out and kicked her ass out. But, not before napping hundreds of photos taken with a digicam and stored on her computer. He had an X-rated Yahoo group about Asians (she was Thai) and he had those posted there for the longest time. Hilarious.
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Sunday, May 16, 2004
Bonecrcker #138 - Sexist! Offensive!
The whole PC, feminist nonsense is only a half truth, as far as they are concerned. When a good (read, safe) man does anything even the slightest bit non-grovelling, it’s sexist and offensive. But if a man who treats them like dirt does it, it’s sexy.
The same woman who is highly offended because some 100K a year educated professional glances at her ankle, will happily spread her legs for homeless guy with missing teeth who tells her she is a ‘ho.
And we wonder why young men are dressing with their pants down around their ankles, going yo’ yo’ yo’ all the time, emulating this crap. They do it because being a normal person doesn’t work.
Women are supposed to go after dominant men. Men who take what they want and pay for it…..intelligent, successful, and charismatic. But, they treat these guys like losers. Instead, they go after DEVIANT men…..rude, ignorant, weak, bad habits, but most of all…..treats them with a single ounce of respect. In other words, someone who reinforces the way they see themselves and is a match for how they REALLY are.
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The same woman who is highly offended because some 100K a year educated professional glances at her ankle, will happily spread her legs for homeless guy with missing teeth who tells her she is a ‘ho.
And we wonder why young men are dressing with their pants down around their ankles, going yo’ yo’ yo’ all the time, emulating this crap. They do it because being a normal person doesn’t work.
Women are supposed to go after dominant men. Men who take what they want and pay for it…..intelligent, successful, and charismatic. But, they treat these guys like losers. Instead, they go after DEVIANT men…..rude, ignorant, weak, bad habits, but most of all…..treats them with a single ounce of respect. In other words, someone who reinforces the way they see themselves and is a match for how they REALLY are.
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Saturday, May 15, 2004
Bonecrcker #137 - Be a Lover, Not a Provider
I’m sorry to have to tell you this but things aren’t the way they should be. ALL women are flakes. And ALL women have sex with men right away (even the extremely religious and prudish ones). A woman SHOULD spend time getting to know you and evaluating your decency as a person……but they don’t. NONE of them do. Instead, they decide within a few seconds if they will sleep with you or not. If they decide no, you have zero chance with them but they will pretend like you do if you are aggressive enough or if you start giving them things. This always turns out badly. Even if they decide yes, they will make you wait if you start giving them stuff or if you act too interested (they want to see if you will give them stuff). If you hook up with them but don’t seem that interested, then they will go after you. Most don’t want to look like a slut and so will only do sexual things if you give them some form of rationalization. For example: We are going back to my place to watch a movie, not to have sex. The really insane ones act sexual and don’t care if they are sluts out in the open. Usually they are substance abusers/high risk sexual partners. So look out!
Your best bet as a man is to immediately try to sexualize any relationship. If a woman doesn’t cooperate, immediately dump her. The reason is simple. She either has decided no, and you will NEVER have a chance with her, so what is the point? Or, she has decided to exploit you first. And that sets a bad precedent. If a woman sees you as a provider, she will make you wait. If she sees you as a lover, she won’t. Normally, this should not be a problem. But women don’t respect providers. They abuse them and then dispose of them.
Be a lover, not a provider.
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Bonecrcker #21 – Who Pays?
Your best bet as a man is to immediately try to sexualize any relationship. If a woman doesn’t cooperate, immediately dump her. The reason is simple. She either has decided no, and you will NEVER have a chance with her, so what is the point? Or, she has decided to exploit you first. And that sets a bad precedent. If a woman sees you as a provider, she will make you wait. If she sees you as a lover, she won’t. Normally, this should not be a problem. But women don’t respect providers. They abuse them and then dispose of them.
Be a lover, not a provider.
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Bonecrcker #21 – Who Pays?
Friday, May 14, 2004
Bonecrcker #136 - Not All That Opposed To Gay Marriage
Actually, I’m not all that against gay marriage. I think it is a bad thing. The reason I think it is a bad thing is because every gay person I meet seems to be a total wacko. I’m sure there are legitimately gay people out there (homosexuality is a present in most species so it can’t be a quirk of human failings) but I haven’t met them. Not only that, but all gay relationships I’ve seen have been disposable, with little to no real love or intimacy between the partners. This is not a situation that should be honoured within the religious institution of marriage. It’s disrespectful and cheapens the meaning of others marriages. Worse, it makes marriage a joke. This situation could change if gay people got their act together. Be gay, not crazy. Have REAL relationships based on love and intimacy. Then, marriage might be a good thing. That being said, a huge number of heterosexual marriages aren’t legitimate anyway and it is more and more becoming a simple contract between two people and the state. So, what difference does it make? Marriage has been severely degraded anyway. Gay marriage just doesn’t even pretend it’s a sacred institution anymore.
Previous Bonecrcker Index Next
Bonecrcker #42 – Lesbians and Gay Men
Bonecrcker #52 – Man-Hating Dykes
Bonecrcker #60 – A Man Must Strive to Prevent Women From Having the Smallest Shred of Power Over Him
Bonecrcker #135 – With Gay Marriage Legal, Gays Might Stop Getting Into Marriages That Are a Lie
A New Kind of Bigotry
Previous Bonecrcker Index Next
Bonecrcker #42 – Lesbians and Gay Men
Bonecrcker #52 – Man-Hating Dykes
Bonecrcker #60 – A Man Must Strive to Prevent Women From Having the Smallest Shred of Power Over Him
Bonecrcker #135 – With Gay Marriage Legal, Gays Might Stop Getting Into Marriages That Are a Lie
A New Kind of Bigotry
Thursday, May 13, 2004
Bonecrcker #135 - With Gay Marriage Legal, Gays Might Stop Getting Into Marriages That Are a Lie
Well, at least with gay marriage legal, they might stop getting into heterosexual marriages that are a lie, living a secret double life and then abandoning their partner.
Then again, since most homosexual behavior has almost nothing to do with being gay but is, instead, a manifestation of an crazy person starting to deteriorate, maybe not.
It works something like this. A crazy person gets married. Having a long history of deviant behavior, particularly drug use and promiscuity (particularly promiscuity involving deviant partners, multiple partners and degrading situations), they decide to settle down and lead a normal life. What this means is they usually find a relatively normal partner, marry them and proceed to make their life a living hell with one out of control behavior after another. One day, they decide they are gay and abandon their family.
You can always tell what’s going on by the behavior of the person. They don’t just do this in a vacuum but virtually all their behaviour revolves around pathology and boy, do they make their spouse suffer during the marriage.
My friend, who decided at the age of 55 that she was a lesbian, comes to mind. The last I allowed her to talk to me, she had decided to go off on a retreat (she’s a witch, which is a major clue) where people had sex with dead bodies. She’s not gay. She’s a freak. And I’m well rid of her. So is her husband.
Previous Bonecrcker Index Next
Bonecrcker #42 – Lesbians and Gay Men
Bonecrcker #52 – Man-Hating Dykes
Bonecrcker #60 – A Man Must Strive to Prevent Women From Having the Smallest Shred of Power Over Him
Bonecrcker #136 – Not All That Opposed To Gay Marriage
A New Kind of Bigotry
Then again, since most homosexual behavior has almost nothing to do with being gay but is, instead, a manifestation of an crazy person starting to deteriorate, maybe not.
It works something like this. A crazy person gets married. Having a long history of deviant behavior, particularly drug use and promiscuity (particularly promiscuity involving deviant partners, multiple partners and degrading situations), they decide to settle down and lead a normal life. What this means is they usually find a relatively normal partner, marry them and proceed to make their life a living hell with one out of control behavior after another. One day, they decide they are gay and abandon their family.
You can always tell what’s going on by the behavior of the person. They don’t just do this in a vacuum but virtually all their behaviour revolves around pathology and boy, do they make their spouse suffer during the marriage.
My friend, who decided at the age of 55 that she was a lesbian, comes to mind. The last I allowed her to talk to me, she had decided to go off on a retreat (she’s a witch, which is a major clue) where people had sex with dead bodies. She’s not gay. She’s a freak. And I’m well rid of her. So is her husband.
Previous Bonecrcker Index Next
Bonecrcker #42 – Lesbians and Gay Men
Bonecrcker #52 – Man-Hating Dykes
Bonecrcker #60 – A Man Must Strive to Prevent Women From Having the Smallest Shred of Power Over Him
Bonecrcker #136 – Not All That Opposed To Gay Marriage
A New Kind of Bigotry
Wednesday, May 12, 2004
Bonecrcker #134 - Choosing Not To Marry is Much More Involved Than Just Saying "Hey, I Don't Want To Be Married"
Choosing not to marry is much more involved than just saying, “Hey, I don’t want to be married”. Perhaps, the number one rule involved is you must never allow a woman to live with you for any reason. You WILL constantly run into various reasons why your current woman “needs” to move in with you “temporarily”. I use the quotes because near 100% of the time, the reason is contrived and the temporary will somehow become permanent. Understand that a master is trying to manipulate you. Whatever reason pops up will look natural, innocuous and important enough for you to consider breaking the rule. Your biggest enemy will be not having access to sex and affection from other sources, making that particular woman too important to you. If you care too much, she will use this against you 100% of the time and you won’t suspect a thing because you will think she is better than that (right up until the time she screws you over).
The best defence against this is to simply date multiple people. You never tell them about eachother except to let them know in no uncertain terms that you see other people on a regular schedule that is absolutely none of their business. You must constantly be looking to add new women to this list because the old one will cycle out at a rate anywhere from a few dates (by date, I mean you have sex with them and do something fun you want to do with them) to a couple of years. The relationship is time limited (it’s ALWAYS time limited, no matter what you do….date, get serious, get married, whatever…..no exceptions). The idea here is you and she ain’t close enough for her to ask for a major favor (like a place to live for awhile). And, you certainly aren’t moving toward any type of relationship. This directly contradicts what most women SAY they want with a man. Luckily, they are completely full of shit and will screw a man on a regular basis when they barely know him. All women do this (well, all women would do this but some are just too inexperienced or too scared or too nuts to do this)…..they just do it only while going through certain ”phases”. In other words, when looking for women to add to your harem, nothing about you really matters and how you relate to a woman is of minor importance. What matters is timing. Is that particular woman in “whore” mode or not (about 50/50). Next, has she decided she would sleep with you (about 10%) which is almost entirely random but different women limit themselves to a specific social class (determined by how you dress and act) at any particular time. What really matters is, would she sleep with you, right now. This also is entirely random, but a good rule of thumb is, for any man, a random 1% of all women you come into contact with, will sleep with you.
The trick is to recognize her and then add her to your list of women you screw. With three or four pearls on a string, you become almost immune to manipulation. Certainly, you won’t hesitate to tell a woman to fucking get lost; especially if you are hot to add someone new.
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Bonecrcker #18 – Three Rules To Follow
Bonecrcker #40 – Relationship Phases
Tuesday, May 11, 2004
Bonecrcker #133 - Don't Date Women
The problem with "dating" is that you are spending time and effort to impress and keep them. Firstly, that’s a pain in the ass. It yields meagre rewards for lots of effort. Second, it doesn’t work. They WILL leave. Also, the rewards will be great in the beginning and get crappier as time goes on. Why not get rid of her? Seriously, you shouldn’t be seeing any one woman more than once every couple of weeks or once a month. She will ask for more. Your answer to this (and almost everything any woman, except your mom, asks of you) is no. If she wanders off, oh well. She was going to do that anyway. Ironically, she stays LONGER if you are unavailable. Don’t talk to her on the phone (30 secs = whoops, gotta run, I’m busy). Don’t call her until it is time for her to come over. Hell, don’t talk to her much at all except to tell her to do things. If she says no, dump her. Women only start to say no when they are ready to leave and nothing changes their mind.
The point here is you should be spending almost no energy on any one woman and instead should be focussed on screening the general population for new ones. Women are not sincere and they don’t care even a little bit about you, no matter what you do (although they will pretend otherwise to get something from you). Plus, they are near random in whether they will suck your cock or not 5 minutes after you meet them. The implications for this are immense. You should expend nearly no effort on any woman. Testing for who you will approach is, will she suck your cock….now! Everything else is a lie.……because they have gone out of their way to make it a lie. Of course, don’t tell them that. NEVER tell them that. They will constantly ask you why about different things. The reason you give them should always be some version of, I’m busy or I don’t want to or just NO! They will inevitably give you the ultimatum (spend more time with me or I’m gone). Realize that she already IS gone and is just trying to find out if you will let her torture you or not during her last days. Your answer must always be…..bye bye.
As incredible as it may sound, if you are an emotionally (often physically) unavailable bastard out solely for your own benefit without even a casual regard for her wants and needs, all of her friends will want to fuck you too.
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The point here is you should be spending almost no energy on any one woman and instead should be focussed on screening the general population for new ones. Women are not sincere and they don’t care even a little bit about you, no matter what you do (although they will pretend otherwise to get something from you). Plus, they are near random in whether they will suck your cock or not 5 minutes after you meet them. The implications for this are immense. You should expend nearly no effort on any woman. Testing for who you will approach is, will she suck your cock….now! Everything else is a lie.……because they have gone out of their way to make it a lie. Of course, don’t tell them that. NEVER tell them that. They will constantly ask you why about different things. The reason you give them should always be some version of, I’m busy or I don’t want to or just NO! They will inevitably give you the ultimatum (spend more time with me or I’m gone). Realize that she already IS gone and is just trying to find out if you will let her torture you or not during her last days. Your answer must always be…..bye bye.
As incredible as it may sound, if you are an emotionally (often physically) unavailable bastard out solely for your own benefit without even a casual regard for her wants and needs, all of her friends will want to fuck you too.
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Monday, May 10, 2004
Bonecrcker #132 - Finding and Approaching Women
You can’t ask a woman for anything because it gives her too many points. You need to use body language and only approach the ones that matter. And you can’t be direct about it.
The basic behavior goes like this. Go places where you are likely to meet women (either go where women go or go where women go to get picked up). Make eye contact with every woman that crosses your path. Most women will not meet your gaze. Some of them will. After holding their gaze for just a second or two more than is socially appropriate, look away (not down, away). She might look down and away too, which is OK. After a few seconds, try to catch her gaze again and see if she locks gazes with you. Smile and nod to her if she does. If you feel aggressive, wink. If she holds your gaze this second time for an extended period of time and/or starts clustering body language signals of interest (read the book, Body Language by R Don Steele), that is one of the 1% of random women that will have sex with you right now, if you approach her correctly. It’s extremely reliable.
Approaching correctly means that you come near her tangentially. You seem like you are actually doing something else. For example: You see one of these women in the mall. Don’t go right up to her. Go near her and pretend to shop or look at something interesting. You strike up a conversation by noticing something about her and commenting on it and then asking a question. For example: "That’s a very nice sweater you are wearing. What’s the story behind it? Blah, blah, blah." Understand that women are completely self-involved. So shut your yap and look like you are paying attention and listen for cues for other getting to know you type questions. Tell her almost nothing about yourself other than your name and give her every opportunity to tell you even the most inane blather about herself. She’ll think you are the most brilliant, interesting man on the planet. When you can’t take this anymore, interupt her with some version of, "I have to go, want to come with me?" Whoops, I have to go home now and cook dinner and feed my cat. Hey, you know I making this great rice dish called Arroz con Pollo. I learned how to make it from this sweet old lady while I was vacationing in Puerto Rico. Come have dinner with me. We’ll watch this video I’ve been meaning to see……The English Patient; I think it’s called (hehehe).
The point here is she has already decided she wants to come home with you to have sex. But she doesn’t know that you know that. And, she absolutely cannot face this fact without a convenient excuse that she is actually going over there for something else and the sex is just spontaneous. Make no mistake, once you get her home, she’s the one who will likely be the aggressor, or will need very little prompting. If you get any resistance at all, it’s time to cut and run because you screwed something up, probably misjudging if she was a one percenter. A lot of women will show casual interest. But it’s the one percenter that will show focussed, intense interest. They are practically drooling.
There really is no work involved in finding her, other than in going to those places you are likely to find her. Don’t stay; don’t waste your time with pointless crap while there. Whatever you do don’t pay a cover or anything (if you go for the band or something, that’s me time and you should ignore women). Just recon the place looking for one percenters. Leave and move on to the next place if you don’t immediately find a hit. Get in the habit of scoping out chicks all the time, but set aside a specific time each week where you zoom through several hot spots every week. Don’t stay and waste your time. Show up, look, and if nothing is there…..leave.
After the first few times, it’s easy. The first few times are hard because you screw things up and it’s hard to initiate things because you don’t really think things work this way. Instead, you think all women are judging you and rejecting you (and 99% of them are). Until you sleep with a few, you don’t know that 1% is there for easy taking. I say the same thing to all my guy friends. Try it out a little at a time. The easiest part is scoping these women out. Go places and try the eye contact bit. Don’t follow up on it. Just try it out and see for yourself what I am talking about. After you are comfortable doing this for a few weeks, try occasionally saying Hi to one of them. Nothing complicated. Just Hi. You’ll be shocked at the result and soon, you’ll be doing the rest.
And for God’s sake, don’t give the time of day or anything else, not the slightest bit of respect, not a shred of time or effort, to any woman who isn’t one of these. A woman who isn’t sexually interested in you should be totally beneath notice. No staring at her tits. No talking to her. She’s invisible. Women are sweet as pie when they are in acquisition mode (you being what they wish to acquire) but they are evil incarnate every time else. Only extremely high probability babes deserve even an ounce of your time. Everyone else is wasting it.
Screw em.
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Bonecrcker #41 – Finding the Small Pool of Interested Women
The basic behavior goes like this. Go places where you are likely to meet women (either go where women go or go where women go to get picked up). Make eye contact with every woman that crosses your path. Most women will not meet your gaze. Some of them will. After holding their gaze for just a second or two more than is socially appropriate, look away (not down, away). She might look down and away too, which is OK. After a few seconds, try to catch her gaze again and see if she locks gazes with you. Smile and nod to her if she does. If you feel aggressive, wink. If she holds your gaze this second time for an extended period of time and/or starts clustering body language signals of interest (read the book, Body Language by R Don Steele), that is one of the 1% of random women that will have sex with you right now, if you approach her correctly. It’s extremely reliable.
Approaching correctly means that you come near her tangentially. You seem like you are actually doing something else. For example: You see one of these women in the mall. Don’t go right up to her. Go near her and pretend to shop or look at something interesting. You strike up a conversation by noticing something about her and commenting on it and then asking a question. For example: "That’s a very nice sweater you are wearing. What’s the story behind it? Blah, blah, blah." Understand that women are completely self-involved. So shut your yap and look like you are paying attention and listen for cues for other getting to know you type questions. Tell her almost nothing about yourself other than your name and give her every opportunity to tell you even the most inane blather about herself. She’ll think you are the most brilliant, interesting man on the planet. When you can’t take this anymore, interupt her with some version of, "I have to go, want to come with me?" Whoops, I have to go home now and cook dinner and feed my cat. Hey, you know I making this great rice dish called Arroz con Pollo. I learned how to make it from this sweet old lady while I was vacationing in Puerto Rico. Come have dinner with me. We’ll watch this video I’ve been meaning to see……The English Patient; I think it’s called (hehehe).
The point here is she has already decided she wants to come home with you to have sex. But she doesn’t know that you know that. And, she absolutely cannot face this fact without a convenient excuse that she is actually going over there for something else and the sex is just spontaneous. Make no mistake, once you get her home, she’s the one who will likely be the aggressor, or will need very little prompting. If you get any resistance at all, it’s time to cut and run because you screwed something up, probably misjudging if she was a one percenter. A lot of women will show casual interest. But it’s the one percenter that will show focussed, intense interest. They are practically drooling.
There really is no work involved in finding her, other than in going to those places you are likely to find her. Don’t stay; don’t waste your time with pointless crap while there. Whatever you do don’t pay a cover or anything (if you go for the band or something, that’s me time and you should ignore women). Just recon the place looking for one percenters. Leave and move on to the next place if you don’t immediately find a hit. Get in the habit of scoping out chicks all the time, but set aside a specific time each week where you zoom through several hot spots every week. Don’t stay and waste your time. Show up, look, and if nothing is there…..leave.
After the first few times, it’s easy. The first few times are hard because you screw things up and it’s hard to initiate things because you don’t really think things work this way. Instead, you think all women are judging you and rejecting you (and 99% of them are). Until you sleep with a few, you don’t know that 1% is there for easy taking. I say the same thing to all my guy friends. Try it out a little at a time. The easiest part is scoping these women out. Go places and try the eye contact bit. Don’t follow up on it. Just try it out and see for yourself what I am talking about. After you are comfortable doing this for a few weeks, try occasionally saying Hi to one of them. Nothing complicated. Just Hi. You’ll be shocked at the result and soon, you’ll be doing the rest.
And for God’s sake, don’t give the time of day or anything else, not the slightest bit of respect, not a shred of time or effort, to any woman who isn’t one of these. A woman who isn’t sexually interested in you should be totally beneath notice. No staring at her tits. No talking to her. She’s invisible. Women are sweet as pie when they are in acquisition mode (you being what they wish to acquire) but they are evil incarnate every time else. Only extremely high probability babes deserve even an ounce of your time. Everyone else is wasting it.
Screw em.
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Bonecrcker #41 – Finding the Small Pool of Interested Women
Sunday, May 09, 2004
Bonecrcker #131 - You Might As Well Be An Unemployed Loser Living In A Van Down By The River
You haven’t lived until you’ve given a woman hours and hours of continuous orgasmic joy, with the body you’ve spent hours and hours, making hard in the gym, only to have her dump you for some unemployed, drug addict loser who can’t get it up because crack has made him impotent.
There is no point. You would think that being virile, studly and dominant would get you respect and preference from a woman. It doesn’t. You might as well be a fat lump on the couch that burps. You’ll get the same amount of women (sad, but true) who will be just as loyal and attentive (i.e. not at all) as they would if you expended effort. Same thing with money. Sure, a lot of women are looking for a rich man to feed off of. But success doesn’t garner you respect or preference from women. You might as well be an unemployed loser living in a van down by the river. It just doesn’t matter.
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There is no point. You would think that being virile, studly and dominant would get you respect and preference from a woman. It doesn’t. You might as well be a fat lump on the couch that burps. You’ll get the same amount of women (sad, but true) who will be just as loyal and attentive (i.e. not at all) as they would if you expended effort. Same thing with money. Sure, a lot of women are looking for a rich man to feed off of. But success doesn’t garner you respect or preference from women. You might as well be an unemployed loser living in a van down by the river. It just doesn’t matter.
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Saturday, May 08, 2004
Bonecrcker #130 - Never Allow a Woman to Call You a Friend Until You've Had Sex at Least Once
I’ve been friends with many women and had sex with them. If anything, my sexual desire for them has made me a better friend because the level of intimacy and their importance to me is greater. The problem is, they won’t be friends back. Totally self-absorbed and obsessed with self-destructive and manipulative behavior, women aren’t capable of being anyone’s friend.
However, that’s not what we are really talking about here. We’re talking about a woman who actually rejects you as a man but wants to use you for something. To keep you in her life, she makes you a “friend”. But what does that mean? It means you are a second class love interest. You are expected to do things for her but are unworthy of her doing things for you. There are a great many things a woman COULD do for you as a real friend (for example, actually give a shit about you, lol). However, the only thing women actually do for men, is give them sex. At least, that’s the only thing my female friends ever gave me, despite what I wanted from them. Never allow a woman to call you a friend until you’ve had sex with her at least once. And for God’s sake, don’t believe her when she says it. You may be her friend. But she isn’t yours. She may be your lover but you are nothing but disposable to her. In the beginning, you have some respect from her that rapidly diminishes. When it’s gone, so is she. But if you start out as “friends”, there will never be even a shred of respect for you. You are NEVER a friend to her. You are that guy she keeps around that isn’t good enough to be her lover.
Previous Bonecrcker Index Next
Bonecrcker #35 – You Mean Nothing To A Woman Until You Have Sex
Bonecrcker #38 – You Mean Nothing Until You Have Sex II
Bonecrcker #127 – Timing Is Important
Bonecrcker #128 – Women as “Friends”
Bonecrcker #156 – Friends With Benefits
However, that’s not what we are really talking about here. We’re talking about a woman who actually rejects you as a man but wants to use you for something. To keep you in her life, she makes you a “friend”. But what does that mean? It means you are a second class love interest. You are expected to do things for her but are unworthy of her doing things for you. There are a great many things a woman COULD do for you as a real friend (for example, actually give a shit about you, lol). However, the only thing women actually do for men, is give them sex. At least, that’s the only thing my female friends ever gave me, despite what I wanted from them. Never allow a woman to call you a friend until you’ve had sex with her at least once. And for God’s sake, don’t believe her when she says it. You may be her friend. But she isn’t yours. She may be your lover but you are nothing but disposable to her. In the beginning, you have some respect from her that rapidly diminishes. When it’s gone, so is she. But if you start out as “friends”, there will never be even a shred of respect for you. You are NEVER a friend to her. You are that guy she keeps around that isn’t good enough to be her lover.
Previous Bonecrcker Index Next
Bonecrcker #35 – You Mean Nothing To A Woman Until You Have Sex
Bonecrcker #38 – You Mean Nothing Until You Have Sex II
Bonecrcker #127 – Timing Is Important
Bonecrcker #128 – Women as “Friends”
Bonecrcker #156 – Friends With Benefits
Friday, May 07, 2004
Bonecrcker #129 - Eye Contact
People don’t make eye contact with strangers. Especially women, who know this is an invitation of sexual interest. It’s also not an ambiguous thing. She isn’t just looking back….she’s LOCKING gazes with you. Often, she is running her eyes up and down your body before returning her gaze to you and doing all sorts of other body language signals. If you talk to her, her response isn’t all business but she’ll probably try to engage you in further small talk or even flirt with you. Without the gaze, she probably just walks up and goes, hmm, he’s cute, and then goes on her merry way. But, with the gaze, especially if you nod, smile or even wink, that changes things. It elicits behavior from her. An uninterested woman will actually be quite terse with you (lol, 99% of them), break eye contact with you, snap her at you (wench), and rapidly leave. Truthfully, though, you won’t know it until you see it. But once you see it, you’ll always be able to see it.
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Cary (1976) discovered that the woman, through eye contact, controlled the course of interaction with a male stranger, both in the laboratory and in singles' bars. Perper (1985) gave a detailed description of courtship, stressing an escalation-response process in which women play a key role in escalation or deescalation. The steps in this process are approach, turn, first touch, and steady development of body synchronization.
Although these reports are clearly valuable, most researchers addressed courtship very generally, and some failed to recognize the importance of the female role in the courtship process .What was needed was a more complete ethogram of women's nonverbal courtship signals. To compile such a catalog of flirting behavior exhibited by women involved in initial heterosexual interaction, more than 200 adults were observed (Moore, 1985) in field settings such as singles' bars, restaurants, and parties.
Research has shown, therefore, that the cultural myth that the man is always the sexual aggressor, pressing himself on a reluctant woman, is incorrect. -- Courtship Signaling and Adolescents: "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun"? Monica M. Moore, Ph.D.Department of behavioral and Social Sciences, Webster University
Bonecrcker #48 – Sexes Approaching Eachother
Bonecrcker #122 – The Advantage The Big City Has Over the Small Town
Pook #26 - On Embracing Sexuality
Zenpriest #18 – The Designated Initiator
Eye Contact Game - Chateau Heartiste
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Cary (1976) discovered that the woman, through eye contact, controlled the course of interaction with a male stranger, both in the laboratory and in singles' bars. Perper (1985) gave a detailed description of courtship, stressing an escalation-response process in which women play a key role in escalation or deescalation. The steps in this process are approach, turn, first touch, and steady development of body synchronization.
Although these reports are clearly valuable, most researchers addressed courtship very generally, and some failed to recognize the importance of the female role in the courtship process .What was needed was a more complete ethogram of women's nonverbal courtship signals. To compile such a catalog of flirting behavior exhibited by women involved in initial heterosexual interaction, more than 200 adults were observed (Moore, 1985) in field settings such as singles' bars, restaurants, and parties.
Research has shown, therefore, that the cultural myth that the man is always the sexual aggressor, pressing himself on a reluctant woman, is incorrect. -- Courtship Signaling and Adolescents: "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun"? Monica M. Moore, Ph.D.Department of behavioral and Social Sciences, Webster University
Bonecrcker #48 – Sexes Approaching Eachother
Bonecrcker #122 – The Advantage The Big City Has Over the Small Town
Pook #26 - On Embracing Sexuality
Zenpriest #18 – The Designated Initiator
Eye Contact Game - Chateau Heartiste
Thursday, May 06, 2004
Bonecrcker #128 - Women as "Friends"
Women “friends” will ACTIVELY sabotage any attempt you make to pursue any other woman, friend of theirs or not. If they do find out you are with a woman, they will act all pissed off and jealous and may even get rid of you.
An example: I had this “friend” of mine from college. Occasionally I’d visit her and we’d hang out or something. Several times female friends of hers would be around and I’d ask about them. One time she told me this girl was a lesbian and that she absolutely hated men (I had sex with that one, hehehe). Another, she told me she was married (a lie). A third, she told me that the girl thought I was unattractive (I slept with that one too). The point here is my “friend” would continually try to cock-block me. The reason is simple: she wanted me for herself…..just not today (or any other time she had access to a man….I was her reserve).
I’d also like to point out that my “friend” thought it was just okay fine to let me drive 1000 miles to go see her and then not be there. I haven’t seen her since.
Women “friends” don’t care about you. What they care about is keeping a man (or several) in reserve, in case they want them later.
Previous Bonecrcker Index Next
Bonecrcker #35 – You Mean Nothing To A Woman Until You Have Sex
Bonecrcker #38 – You Mean Nothing Until You Have Sex II
Bonecrcker #127 – Timing is Important
Bonecrcker #130 – Never Allow a Woman to Call You a Friend Until You Have Had Sex at Least Once
Bonecrcker #156 – Friends With Benefits
Pook #5 – Lesson Two: Friendship – Abandon All Hope Ye Who Enter
An example: I had this “friend” of mine from college. Occasionally I’d visit her and we’d hang out or something. Several times female friends of hers would be around and I’d ask about them. One time she told me this girl was a lesbian and that she absolutely hated men (I had sex with that one, hehehe). Another, she told me she was married (a lie). A third, she told me that the girl thought I was unattractive (I slept with that one too). The point here is my “friend” would continually try to cock-block me. The reason is simple: she wanted me for herself…..just not today (or any other time she had access to a man….I was her reserve).
I’d also like to point out that my “friend” thought it was just okay fine to let me drive 1000 miles to go see her and then not be there. I haven’t seen her since.
Women “friends” don’t care about you. What they care about is keeping a man (or several) in reserve, in case they want them later.
Previous Bonecrcker Index Next
Bonecrcker #35 – You Mean Nothing To A Woman Until You Have Sex
Bonecrcker #38 – You Mean Nothing Until You Have Sex II
Bonecrcker #127 – Timing is Important
Bonecrcker #130 – Never Allow a Woman to Call You a Friend Until You Have Had Sex at Least Once
Bonecrcker #156 – Friends With Benefits
Pook #5 – Lesson Two: Friendship – Abandon All Hope Ye Who Enter
Wednesday, May 05, 2004
Bonecrcker #127 - Timing is Important
Timing is so important. So is understanding the nature of “friends” as a non-sexual boyfriend/girlfriend relationship that can’t be sexualized (usually). It’s dangerous to spend time with a woman or to spend time talking with a woman without expressing a sexual interest in her. Every second you do that makes it more and more likely that the relationship will slip into the friends’ zone. It’s one of the key ways in which women are sick because in order to have a satisfying, loving relationship with someone, you need to spend time bonding with them. They go out of their way to prevent this important aspect of human existence. Instead, they size you up for manipulation. During this key time they constantly test to see if you will be the one to decide what happens or if you will be led around by the nose to do things that aren’t appropriate. One important thing they are looking for is if you will waste time on someone who isn’t your lover. If they find out the answer to that is yes, it’s all over. The best way to handle that is to be terse with any woman that you aren’t sleeping with. Don’t give the time of day to a woman unless she is showing strong signs of sexual interest. If she is, immediately try to sexualize the relationship. The problem is you can never ask for sex. Asking a woman for anything means she has something you want and she will use that to try and get you to do inappropriate things. Instead, you need to be seductive and suggestive (obviously, this only works on a woman who is interested anyway). You aren’t asking a woman for what you want. You are giving her what she wants. Key skills to develop are the ability to say no to everything a woman asks for, no matter how small. Later, give it to her, but on your own terms. Example: Can we go out to dinner tonight? No, I prefer to eat in. A couple of days later, surprise her with a night out at a restaurant. Delayed gratification. Perhaps the most important area to do this with is sex. Kiss me! Don’t be in such a rush.
Previous Bonecrcker Index Next
Bonecrcker #35 – You Mean Nothing To A Woman Until You Have Sex
Bonecrcker #38 – You Mean Nothing Until You Have Sex II
Bonecrcker #128 – Women as “Friends”
Bonecrcker #130 – Never Allow a Woman to Call You a Friend Until You Have Had Sex at Least Once
Bonecrcker #156 – Friends With Benefits
Previous Bonecrcker Index Next
Bonecrcker #35 – You Mean Nothing To A Woman Until You Have Sex
Bonecrcker #38 – You Mean Nothing Until You Have Sex II
Bonecrcker #128 – Women as “Friends”
Bonecrcker #130 – Never Allow a Woman to Call You a Friend Until You Have Had Sex at Least Once
Bonecrcker #156 – Friends With Benefits
Tuesday, May 04, 2004
Bonecrcker #126 - A Woman's Need To Talk Is One Of The Key Methods Of Manipulating Them
A woman’s need to talk is one of the key methods of manipulating them. If you can act like you are actually interested in what they are saying, they will think you are a brilliant, interesting individual. Ironically, talking yourself lowers your worth. It’s best if they know as little about you as possible, so that their own mind fills in the blanks with something they find romantic. Your goal here is to sleep with them once. Because, if you sleep with them once, you can sleep with them multiple times, for as long as it lasts (usually, not long).
Previous Bonecrcker Index Next
Bonecrcker #58 – Women Are Narcissistic and Self Absorbed
Bonecrcker #73 – There Really Are Only Two Safe Subjects To Talk About With Women
Previous Bonecrcker Index Next
Bonecrcker #58 – Women Are Narcissistic and Self Absorbed
Bonecrcker #73 – There Really Are Only Two Safe Subjects To Talk About With Women
Monday, May 03, 2004
Bonecrcker #125 - The Four Problems With Serial Monagamy
There are four problems with serial monogamy.
1) The woman won’t really be monogamous. Unless you are with her every moment of every day, she will sleep around behind your back, usually with high risk partners. If you ARE with her every moment of every day, she will hit on men in front of your face. This is really an issue of respect. A monogamous lover gets no respect.
2) Monogamy to a woman means she is setting you up for exploitation. Her ability to do that is very limited unless you are married. The pressure to get married will go up exponentially, the longer you are together. It tends to be covert, rather than overt. Very quickly, she will manufacture a reason that she HAS to move in with you. It will be very convincing (ie she will become homeless if you don’t help her). Worse, she will get pregnant on purpose. As far as condoms go, I’m sorry to say you have no choice but to use them 100% of the time and hide them so she can’t poke holes in them. You’ve been warned.
3) Despite the universal push for marriage, the relationship is time limited….several months to a couple of years….WHETHER YOU MARRY HER OR NOT! Being married and/or having children won’t change her sleeping around behind your back, one bit.
4) And most insidious….monogamy is a tool women use to make you dependent on them. As time passes, your seduction skills atrophy. Often, she tries to fatten you up, to make you less attractive…..anything to eliminate your ability to get another woman. She will then ration love, affection and sex, to get what she wants….and use the threat of abandonment to make you give in to the most unreasonable (unreasonable as in, having a boyfriend on the side, unreasonable). Eventually, she will abandon you. The point is, she doesn’t make you dependent because she wants to keep you (indeed, she will soon dispose of you). She does this because she is preparing to abuse you and wants to make it so that if you left, you would never get another woman.
It is a very bad idea to allow any one woman to become too important. Self-sufficiency, ability to choose among partners, and extremely low tolerance for bullshit should be your goals.
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Bonecrcker #40 – Relationship Phases
When She Asks You To Be Exclusive... Play This Song
(It also works to just say, "I don't think anyone should be exclusive for the first six months." -- But the above song is hilarious!) -- R.F.
1) The woman won’t really be monogamous. Unless you are with her every moment of every day, she will sleep around behind your back, usually with high risk partners. If you ARE with her every moment of every day, she will hit on men in front of your face. This is really an issue of respect. A monogamous lover gets no respect.
2) Monogamy to a woman means she is setting you up for exploitation. Her ability to do that is very limited unless you are married. The pressure to get married will go up exponentially, the longer you are together. It tends to be covert, rather than overt. Very quickly, she will manufacture a reason that she HAS to move in with you. It will be very convincing (ie she will become homeless if you don’t help her). Worse, she will get pregnant on purpose. As far as condoms go, I’m sorry to say you have no choice but to use them 100% of the time and hide them so she can’t poke holes in them. You’ve been warned.

3) Despite the universal push for marriage, the relationship is time limited….several months to a couple of years….WHETHER YOU MARRY HER OR NOT! Being married and/or having children won’t change her sleeping around behind your back, one bit.
4) And most insidious….monogamy is a tool women use to make you dependent on them. As time passes, your seduction skills atrophy. Often, she tries to fatten you up, to make you less attractive…..anything to eliminate your ability to get another woman. She will then ration love, affection and sex, to get what she wants….and use the threat of abandonment to make you give in to the most unreasonable (unreasonable as in, having a boyfriend on the side, unreasonable). Eventually, she will abandon you. The point is, she doesn’t make you dependent because she wants to keep you (indeed, she will soon dispose of you). She does this because she is preparing to abuse you and wants to make it so that if you left, you would never get another woman.
It is a very bad idea to allow any one woman to become too important. Self-sufficiency, ability to choose among partners, and extremely low tolerance for bullshit should be your goals.
Previous Bonecrcker Index Next
Bonecrcker #40 – Relationship Phases
When She Asks You To Be Exclusive... Play This Song
(It also works to just say, "I don't think anyone should be exclusive for the first six months." -- But the above song is hilarious!) -- R.F.
Sunday, May 02, 2004
Bonecrcker #124 - Women on Online Personals Are Just Wasting Your Time
Almost all of the women on online personals are only there to waste your time and they have no intention of meeting anyone. If a woman isn’t interested in meeting you for coffee, sooner, rather than later, it means one of two things: She is either only interested in wasting men’s time and not going to be meeting anyone, no matter what…..or, she has decided that you aren’t worth meeting, although she will happily string you along. In neither of these cases should you waste more than a smidgen of your valuable time. Online dating is a good deal for women but a lousy deal for men because of the simple fact that most men doing it are serious and most women doing it are not. The goal here should be to quickly screen out the potentials from everyone else, not to waste hours and hours with women who have no intention of doing anything ever with you or anyone else. The potentials want to write a few emails back and forth and then meet you….not on a date, but in a casual, relaxed atmosphere they can leave easily. And most of those will never see you again after that. You’ll have to approach a hell of alot of women to get one bite. Either that or find a way to get the high probability women to answer your own ad. That’s tough to do because most of the idiot men email every woman on the system, filling her mailbox with a hundred emails a day (mostly losers).
That’s the big problem with online personals. Just like going to the nightclub, the women there have too many options and too many men trying to get their attention. Their goal isn’t the same as your goal. Your goal is to meet someone. Their goal is to have their worth validated. Their goal is met right away so why should they do anything more? A fraction of them have the same goal as you. But the ratio of men to available women who want to meet them is like 100 to a 1000 to one. Of course, that one is screwing a dozen or so men a month. You see this very clearly in a lot of their profiles….saying something to the effect of, oh, I’m just here because I am curious, but if I happen to meet someone who is a cross between Bill Gates and Fabio, I might go on a date with them if I feel like it. It’s a bad scene for a man.
Previous Bonecrcker Index Next
Bonecrcker #34 – Online Dating – Not!
Bonecrcker #53 – Online Dating is a Scam
Bonecrcker #89 – Identifying Women Who Are Wasting Your Time
Bonecrcker #90 - There Is No Point In Approaching Any Woman Who Doesn’t Look At You and Go “Yum”
That’s the big problem with online personals. Just like going to the nightclub, the women there have too many options and too many men trying to get their attention. Their goal isn’t the same as your goal. Your goal is to meet someone. Their goal is to have their worth validated. Their goal is met right away so why should they do anything more? A fraction of them have the same goal as you. But the ratio of men to available women who want to meet them is like 100 to a 1000 to one. Of course, that one is screwing a dozen or so men a month. You see this very clearly in a lot of their profiles….saying something to the effect of, oh, I’m just here because I am curious, but if I happen to meet someone who is a cross between Bill Gates and Fabio, I might go on a date with them if I feel like it. It’s a bad scene for a man.
Previous Bonecrcker Index Next
Bonecrcker #34 – Online Dating – Not!
Bonecrcker #53 – Online Dating is a Scam
Bonecrcker #89 – Identifying Women Who Are Wasting Your Time
Bonecrcker #90 - There Is No Point In Approaching Any Woman Who Doesn’t Look At You and Go “Yum”
Saturday, May 01, 2004
Bonecrcker #123 - One of the Most Important Reasons to Have More Than One Woman At Once
One of the most important reasons to have more than one woman at once.
Because this phenomenon also works in reverse. If a woman sees you with another woman, it does two things. It provides "social proof" that you are attractive. Amazingly, for many, if not most women, it doesn’t matter if you meet THEIR standard for attractiveness, at all. What matters is that other women want you…..that makes you attractive. The other thing is does is it makes women compete over you. They look at dating as a zero sum game. If another woman has you, then there are less men for her.
The end result is that, if you are sleeping around with a lot of women and the women around you know this, they will want to sleep with you too. This issue is FAR stronger than what you look like, how you act, or what you have.
Have I mentioned lately that women are insane?
Previous Bonecrcker Index Next
Bonecrcker #44 – Women Have Contradictory Love
Bonecrcker #103 – Raising Your Sexual Status
Bonecrcker #104 – Sexual Status is Similar to Employment Status
Bonecrcker #111 – Gaining Power With Women
Bonecrcker #172 – Social Proofing Has Negative Survival Value For Women
Because this phenomenon also works in reverse. If a woman sees you with another woman, it does two things. It provides "social proof" that you are attractive. Amazingly, for many, if not most women, it doesn’t matter if you meet THEIR standard for attractiveness, at all. What matters is that other women want you…..that makes you attractive. The other thing is does is it makes women compete over you. They look at dating as a zero sum game. If another woman has you, then there are less men for her.
The end result is that, if you are sleeping around with a lot of women and the women around you know this, they will want to sleep with you too. This issue is FAR stronger than what you look like, how you act, or what you have.
Have I mentioned lately that women are insane?
Previous Bonecrcker Index Next
Bonecrcker #44 – Women Have Contradictory Love
Bonecrcker #103 – Raising Your Sexual Status
Bonecrcker #104 – Sexual Status is Similar to Employment Status
Bonecrcker #111 – Gaining Power With Women
Bonecrcker #172 – Social Proofing Has Negative Survival Value For Women
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