A Ghost for German Toilet Seats http://www.dw-world.de/dw/article/0,1564,1378083,00.html
Boys Told No Standing To Urinate http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=52189
I encourage all men to stand up and pee directly into the garbage can next to the toilet, so as not to offend the ladies.
No Garbage Can?
Try the bathroom sink (If you're standing, you can make it).
"Consider urinals and the Army. They were never a problem, because men regard the entire earth as a urinal in waiting. The side of the road, the middle of the road, a tree, the ocean--they don't discriminate. The way feminists see oppression everywhere, men see urinals. It's a design feature." -- Fred On Everything http://www.fredoneverything.net/index.html
Fembots STILL don't get it. We aim for the toilet just to be polite!
A Ghost for German Toilet Seats http://www.dw-world.de/dw/article/0,1564,1378083,00.html
Boys Told No Standing To Urinate http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=52189
I encourage all men to stand up and pee directly into the garbage can next to the toilet, so as not to offend the ladies.
No Garbage Can?
Try the bathroom sink (If you're standing, you can make it).
"Consider urinals and the Army. They were never a problem, because men regard the entire earth as a urinal in waiting. The side of the road, the middle of the road, a tree, the ocean--they don't discriminate. The way feminists see oppression everywhere, men see urinals. It's a design feature." -- Fred On Everything http://www.fredoneverything.net/index.html
Fembots STILL don't get it. We aim for the toilet just to be polite!