It seems the only cliche that artful left out quoting is that the guys here must have small penises. These types certainly know how to punch the buttons of a lot of men, and the biggest challenge for us is to overcome our reflexes and examine what is being played upon us before we react.
This mind game is a great example of being able to play all ends against the middle. Already having an overinflated sense of their value, women naturally assume that men are going to get angry over being deprived of access to their gold-lined panties. The truth comes out when one of them offers a man access and he turns them down, as predictable as the sun coming up will come the comment "What is wrong with you, are you gay?"
To me, there is nothing in the world more annoying than the stereotype that every man is always dying to fuck any available pussy. The truth is that the vast majority of women consider their part of sex done when they show up, and sex with them is about as much fun as masturbating with a cheap cut of round steak wrapped around your schlong.
It is important to keep in mind that women define themselves and their self-worth by the amount of male attention they can attract and hold onto - along with the material resources which go with it. Otherwise, makeup would just be seen as foul-smelling paint. Having men ignore them or be indifferent toward them literally induces a loss of sense of self - they cease to have any identity because they define themselves entirely by the male attention they attract, in much the same way that some men define themselves by their material success.
The most important thing to keep in mind is that if you bite, then the feminidiots and the manginas have won - you have allowed them to define you and reacted to their infantile games.
QUOTE: "The most important thing to keep in mind is that if you bite, then the feminidiots and the manginas have won - you have allowed them to define you and reacted to their infantile games."
Yes, true enough.
But, what solution for basic human desire ("if you bite...") are you offering?
Everything you have stated is true.
Everything you have stated is irrelevant to a man infatuated (re: in "love') with a woman.
Everything you have implied is irrelevant to any politician who just voted for VAWA 2005.
If you bite ... you are prey.
If you don't bite ....
Sounds of one hand clapping, yes?
(Recall that great koan about the monk hanging off the cliff holding onto a tenuous vine while fearlessly gazing up into the eyes of the tiger about to devour him if he decides to climb up the vine, and not let go and fall to his certain death on the rocks?
That's exactly where men live now, IMHO...) :lol:
There are several vague concepts floating around in this discussion which I believe it will be to men's benefit to clarify.
When I said "if you bite, they win" I was referring to the manipulative tactic of insulting and offending you in order to get a reflexive reaction of trying to disprove the accusation, not to the issues of desire or infatuation. Take a meaningless phrase like "self-loathing closet (or basket) case" or "misogynist" or "homophobe" and apply the solution "if you were not _______, you would eat dog shit" and I think you can see the irrelevancy of the manipulation.
The largest essential energy of feminidiocy is "the whole rest of the world has to change, so I don't have to." I don't want men to fall into the same trap of helplessness. All real power begins with mastery of self. If jedmunds or another mangina or feminidiot tries to insult and offend me, I can choose between changing their actions or my reactions. It is the outward focus and insistence on changing other people instead of changing themselves which makes the feminidiots so offensive and destructive. Let's not fall into the same trap ourselves.
Who the hell is jedmunds, or Amynda, or Hugo, or any of the other femnag/maginas, and, really, why in the world would I give a flying fuck what they think of me?
The first thing a man has to do when he starts to go his own way is to claim the power to define himself and take that power away from people he has absolutely no reason to respect or care about their judgment.
To illustrate a major but subtle drift in cultural values - the attempted putdown/dismissal "you're just angry because you can't get laid" could not have existed in the world I inhabited up until I was about 21. Sex was something which happened only within marriage, or at least that was the way it was supposed to work and if it was otherwise people did not make it the subject of daily conversation.
When the social roles of breadwinner versus homemaker began to blur, and the great social reconstruction experiment of unisex was being forced on a population who really didn't want it, identity for both sexes became shallow and superficial. Women began acting and dressing like sluts so they could prove to the world and themselves that they were still female. That definition of femininity began to blur over into the definition of masculinity and men were also defined purely by their sexual appeal - ie. how often they could "get laid". The paradox in the values operating in our culture is perfectly illustrated by the fact that "getting laid" is also referred to as "getting lucky."
Female sexuality is way overvalued in western culture. It has become the unsatisfying substitute for deeper emotional connections. It has become just another commodity to brainwash people into chasing, and spending money on so that they get trapped into the work-earn-spend-work more-earn more-spend more trap of wage slavery.
It is far easier to get laid than it is to get loved, which is what I think most of the guys here really are looking for. When such men allow the jedmunds and Hugos and Amyndas of the world to dehumanize them by defining them by only one supeficial aspect, they allow those other people to do violence to them - in the literal sense that "violence" means "to violate." Most guys here would understand the principle that if someone attempts physical violence against them, they have both the right and responsibility to stop that other person if they can.
The same is true of mental and emotional violence. When someone attempts to redefine me in bullshit terms, I can choose either to go along with it and follow the rest of the lemmings off the cliff of insanity, or I can reject those values. It reminds me of old kids' jingle "sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me." Words can hurt us, but only if we allow them to. The emperor has no clothes and if we allow fools to make us feel badly for saying so, then we are participating in the very problem we are bitching about.
The secret of power is the willingness to act, and to ignore all those who try to demand that we become as helpless and powerless as they are.
QUOTE: "(Recall that great koan about the monk hanging off the cliff holding onto a tenuous vine while fearlessly gazing up into the eyes of the tiger about to devour him if he decides to climb up the vine, and not let go and fall to his certain death on the rocks?
That's exactly where men live now, IMHO...) :lol:"
But, you left out the punch line. While he is hanging there, the monk notices a strawberry growing out of the side of the cliff - a big, ripe, juicy strawberry. He plucks it and eats it and says "ah, it is so sweet."
"That" is where men have always lived. "That" is part and parcel of what being a man has always been. Anyone who thinks men in the past had it better has fallen for the feminidiot bullshit.
In the words of a man who was once clued in, before he caught the creeping necrotic groupthink fungus:
I grew up down in the valley
where, brother, when you're young,
they bring you up to do
like your daddy done.
Then I got Mary pregnant
and, man, that was all they wrote.
For my 19th birthday,
I got a union card and a wedding coat."
He "got laid" and the consequences of that "getting lucky" was that he was trapped in wage slavery for the rest of his life. Doesn't sound all that fuckin "lucky" to me.
Since we are talking about eastern principles of thought and action, let's take one from the practice of ju jitsu - use your opponents' weight against them.
Once someone has found and knows how to keep their psychological/emotional center, just like their physical center in martial arts, it becomes easier to keep your own balance while using your opponents' moves against them.
A great counter-move to the "you're just angry because you can't get laid" feint is to reply "Nah, I've gotten 'laid' plenty. What I'm so pissed off about is how useless and awful American (or whatever group the woman or mangina represents) are when you get them into bed."
I guarantee that you will put the would-be gamer on the defensive and that you will start getting some variation of the old saw "but, not all women are like that!!! You have just been meeting the wrong kind of women."
The response to this needs to be "yeah, whatever. Gotta go. C'ya, bye."
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